Chapter Two - Well that did it.

Hang on, this isn't right. [Short Story]


Mum and I stepped out of the airport, greeted by a rush of warm air. It felt nice. I took in my surroundings. Wow, this place is interesting. And wow, I'm finally in Korea. 


"I haven't seen this place in ages..." Mum breathed. She had a small smile on her face. I'm glad she's happy. We took a taxi to the hotel and unloaded our things there, ready to go out on a new adventure.




My alarm woke me up. Yelling at me to get up and get ready because today was the day of the DBSK fan sign event. I was so excited. I found my nicest dress and a pretty necklace to go with it, put on a pair of sandals and set out to find a taxi to get there. Mum actually decided to come with me because she felt she should get over her past and move on. Plus she felt it wasn't safe for me to go alone.


When we arrived at the venue, it was swarming with fans. Beautifully decorated signs and banners were scattered amongst the crowd as they fought for the best view. I couldn't believe I was actually going to meet my idols today. And one of them was actually my father. It felt weird to say. But it was nice to know that I was finally meeting my dad, who is a much loved famous celebrity. Well this kind of stuff doesn't happen everyday. 


My mum stood towards the back were it was less crowded while I weaved my way through the many fans. I somehow managed to get quite close to the stage. Probably just under five or so meters from it. When DBSK finally made their entrance, the crowd erupted with screams and cheers, I followed suit. They briefly introduced themselves and settled at the tables to start the fan sign. 


The security had formed a line earlier and I quickly jumped into the queue not wanting to wait in line any longer than a couple of hours. I stood their fanning myself under the heat from the sun for at least an hour now and I'm almost at the stage. Just a few more fans to go and it'll be my turn to meet them. I was getting so hyped because I was so close to them. I had my camera ready and a photograph of them in my hand. When it was time, I stepped onto the stage and paced towards the boys. 


Heart racing at 1000 times per second, they each took their hand out and I gladly shook it. I got so excited, I suddenly blurted out some words I never intended to say.


"OMG, Jaejoong, daddy! Remember me?! I'm your daughter!" I said aloud. And those few words caused the five members to stare at me with shocked expressions. Including the hundreds of fangirls who were within hearing range. But it didn't matter to those who didn't hear, because word spread anyway. Fast. I earned glares from the fangirls but I didn't care. I just said the most stupid thing ever and now, I might as well get this straight and tell him.


"Do I know you?" Jaejoong asked, bewildered. "I very sure that I don't have a daughter..."


"No! You do! I'm your daughter! Don't you remember? You probably haven't seen my face before since you left before I was born, but you have to remember! You and mum were together!" I told him. He froze. Did he remember? He probably did because it's such a big event in your life, finding out that you're expecting a child.


"I'm sorry I don't. And I think you've got the wrong person." He simply replied, expression the same. It appeared that he was trying to remember something. Then his face fell.


"You do remember! I knew it! Daddy please come home with me! DBSK can come too! You can start a music career in London!" I suggested.


"I'm sorry. I don't have a daughter. You've got the wrong person. Please leave."


"But I'm your daughter! You can't disown me! My blood is your blood! You can't change the fact that we're related!"


And that did it. He gestured to the security and they escorted me off the stage. I couldn't fight against them because they were too strong. I walked off stage and the thousands of piercing fangirl eyes stared at me as I made my way to my mother. When I got to her, she stood there motionless. 


"I can not believe you just did that. Why?" She asked.


"Mum! Don't you want daddy to come back to us? Don't you think it was wrong for him to leave you to look after me on your own?" I explained.


"Yes, but it was his choice. We're better off on our own anyway if he doesn't want us anymore. We're just a burden to him now."


"Yes but I want to be like everyone else in my school. They all have fathers who help them fix their iPod. They all have fathers who give them piggy back rides after school in the yard. They all have fathers to stand with in the nice family pictures they take. They all have fathers but I don't." Tears filled my eyes. I always felt left out because the kids at school all had fathers. My mother pulled me into a hug.


"Okay sweetie, I'm with you on this. I'll do all that I can to get him back into our family. We'll make him regret his choice with leaving us."




The following days in Korea were hectic. And when I say hectic, I mean it. Mum and I buzzed around the city keeping track of DBSK and their schedules. Whenever they were free or were traveling in between schedules, we would approach them. Of course they looked annoyed but they couldn't do much about it since they didn't really have time to "report" us due to their packed schedule. Their manager wouldn't use physical force on us because we were women and we weren't actually causing them any harm. And during their schedules, mum would go out to shop for things while I stayed outside the building and waited until they were done. I didn't want to shop with her because I never felt like it so I might as well wait for the guys to finish their recording, photo shoot or whatever. I'm amazed how their fans don't do such things to see their idols. I'm just doing this to get my dad back and I'm willing to go to the limits to achieve my goal. Why can't they? I'm sure there are heaps of fans out there that are more extreme than I am so I'm pretty sure they could track them down like what I'm doing now.




The same things repeated today. Except it was slightly different. They were scheduled to a meeting, not a fan meeting, at 2PM sharp and it was noted "important". As usual, I waited outside the building as mum went off to a shopping centre which was about 25 minutes away. I sat on the hard concrete floor by the entrance and waited. A few minutes later, DBSK's manager walked out of the building and looked at me.


"Excuse me, miss. Can you please come with me?" He asked. 


Reluctantly, I stood up and followed him into the building. I didn't know what was going on, but I chose to go because I felt that there was probably something important if he wanted me to go with him. Maybe Jaejoong, or dad, decided to admit to his fault? I don't know, but I was going to find out very soon.






Well that's the second update :)


Just please remember that this is fiction, so things may sound different to what really happens in real life. And of course you guys know I don't own anyone so yeah you get the jiff. 


Oh and also remember that she's still only young so her thoughts aren't as mature as some of the other characters in other fan fictions. 


But I hope you enjoyed it and I'll update as soon as I can.

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great story!
This story is really nice (:
leedictator #3
I liked the ending ~! It`s really sweet, and her mother, or, so called mother is such a >.< Was this inspired from one of Jae`s past love life, the one with that noona who was a ? Because I`m imagining her to be that girl .. Anyways, I like this ~~! Sad it`s finished, but it`s better than nothing ^^
leedictator #4
OMGOSH! I JUST SAW THAT THIS IS FINISHED! ALREADYY?! Well, I`m gonna go read it now, so yeah ..
kevinwooismine #5
OMG!! what a brilliant Idea :D<br />
they're engaged!! :D<br />
such a happy ever after story!!<br />
leedictator #6
Nawww, this is so sad! But yeah, I agree with Jae, it`s better that she knows now then later on, it will hurt her more later. Anyways, I won`t be able to comment much from now to next week, I have exams D: Anywhooo, do update soon! I really like this story ~!
siwon- #7
THIS .<br />
SO .<br />
GOOD .<br />
OMG.<br />
WOMAN :)<br />
even when you were writing...i feel cut T_T
_euphoria #9
Only one comment for the last chapter? :(<br />
I'm disappointed, even though I don't have many readers. I'd love to hear from everyone, even the silent readers. I love comments so please do so!