Graced By Jin's Presence

I'm Home

Both you and Yoongi realized that your relationship was beginning to get serious when Jin requested to meet you. It was only about five months into your relationship at the time when, you supposed, Yoongi rambled on and on about your upcoming birthday to the boys and Jin finally cracked, saying that it was about time that he met this specific woman that Yoongi constantly thought about. Jin was actually the first of the BTS members to actually meet you.


Jin put his secret plans into action quickly, so when Yoongi called you frantically saying, “Hey! Uh, Jin hyung might be at your door in a few minutes. Please get dressed. You don’t really need makeup but for the love of God, please put some pants on,” all you could do was blink blankly.


“Yoongi, what’s going on?” you asked, glancing down at your bare legs. He knew you kind of hated wearing pants to sleep. Even if you did wear pants to bed, you ended up getting way too hot in them. It was approximately ten in the morning and Yoongi woke you up with his call. Your head snapped up in suspicion. “And how does he know my address?”


There was a pregnant pause from his side and finally, he admitted, “He asked, I told. I didn’t think he would just decide to show up.


“What’s the occasion?” You put your phone on speaker and began to pull on a pair of dark wash jeans.


“Jagiya, your birthday is tomorrow.”


“Yeah! Tomorrow!” You quickly ran over to the bathroom mirror and filled in your eyebrows. They were essential to your look and you couldn’t bear to meet someone for the first time without your eyebrows, especially if it was your boyfriend’s handsome older friend and eldest groupmate Jin. You paused to stare at yourself in the mirror and thought about all of Yoongi’s stories of how Jin always claimed that he was the most beautiful of all. Would you look like a peasant compared to him? What if he thought you weren’t pretty enough for Yoongi? You chuckled darkly at the thought.


“Yeah, but I have you to myself tomorrow,” Yoongi’s smooth voice drawled out. You bit your bottom lip and made a small hum in agreement. Right at that moment, your doorbell rang.


“Oh my god, that’s him, isn’t it? I’ll be there soon, okay? Hold tight.” With that, Yoongi hung up the line. You stood in your brightly lit bedroom, staring at your phone. Yoongi’s ears are so excellent, he managed to hear the doorbell over the phone. You rushed downstairs and after you confirmed through the peephole that it was indeed Jin at the door, you swung the door wide open. He was juggling some grocery bags in his arms and he glanced upward at him, giving you a warm, close lipped smile.


“Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” You opened your mouth to speak, but he continued, “We can do the formal greetings later, but I should put this food in your kitchen or something.” He flicked his head back in an attempt to keep his brown bangs out of his eyes.


“Food?” you asked incredulously as he brushed past you to go directly into your kitchen; you trailed behind him all the way, trying to peek into the bags like an overexcited puppy. He slammed down around four bags of groceries onto your counter and twirled around to pull you into a tight hug. “HIIIIII!!!” he shouted, squeezing you so hard with his muscular arms that you could barely breathe.


When he finally let go of you, you flashed him a beaming smile and turned to look at the food. “Is this all for me?”


“No, I just brought all of this stuff over to you so that I could eat it while you watched.” When you feigned shock and clutched at your chest, he cackled and grasped your bicep. “I’m going to cook a birthday meal for you, sweetheart.”


You raised an eyebrow at the nickname, but since Yoongi always explained that Jin was sort of the Mom of the group, you let it slide. It was kind of nice since you rarely had time to see your own family. While you stared at Jin’s form, lost in your own world, he pulled out a pink apron from one of the bags and tied it securely around his waist.


“I’m going to make some seaweed soup and bake you a cake, alright?” Jin explained as he laid out the ingredients on the counter. You constantly circled around him, asking if he needed help with anything. “I don’t need help. Please sit down. Oh my god,” he laughed. You pouted, but you decided to take a seat on the counter, your legs dangling, as you watched him maneuver around your kitchen as if he actually cooked here every day. Once in awhile, he asked where a specific utensil was and you gleefully pointed him to it.


“How’s Yoongi? Is he treating you well?” Jin asked, his deft hands made precise chops while he maintained eye contact with you. His cutting board was to your right and you glanced down to speak to him. You nodded excitedly, brushing your hair to the side away from the food.


“He makes me really happy,” you admitted, chewing on the inside of your cheek, your mouth beginning to salivate at the sight of food. You blushed mildly at the cliche of your words. Jin smiled warmly and replied, “And you make him really happy too, which is why I’m here basically in his behalf treating you like this.” He placed the knife down and leaned on the counter to watch you your head to the side.


“In his behalf? What do you mean? Do you think he’s not being good enough of a boyfriend or something?” you giggled. Jin shrugged and pursed his lips.


“I’m saying, why isn’t he doing this instead, cooking for you and treating you like a princess?”


“Because we’re celebrating tomorrow on my actual birthday. I don’t know what he has planned yet,” you defended. Jin raised an eyebrow. You continued, “And you’re way better at cooking than him, so I would prefer your cooking to his anyway.” Yoongi always praised Jin’s cooking and admitted how thankful he was for the fact that Jin managed to cook for BTS regularly.


“How would you even know what his cooking tastes like?” Jin chuckled, piling the minced garlic in his hand to dump it in the saucepan behind him. “Does he cook for you?"


“Only kimchi fried rice,” you said, bursting into a bright smile. “He’s rarely here, so it’s okay. It feels special every time.” You kicked your legs back and forth while Jin began to chop up the meat. He instructed you on how to “handle Yoongi” as he seasoned the meat and cooked it in the saucepan.


“You can’t let him walk all over you.”


“He doesn’t.”


“Put him in his place.”


“Jin..” you chuckled at the sight of his frown.


“I’m just trying to look out for you, you know? Here, try this.” He held up a spoonful of the seasoned meat up to your mouth. “Blow. It could still be hot.”


Between chews, you asked, “Shouldn’t you be looking after Yoongi instead? You hardly know me. He’s practically your brother.” You swallowed the last bit of meat and sighed happily. “This is delicious, by the way.” Jin smiled and his eyes crinkled.


Waving the wooden spoon in the air, he stated, “Men are pigs, except for me of course. You need to be careful!!” With flair, he turned around, spoon still in the air, and began to stir the seaweed in. You supervised him intently when your ears perked up to the sound of the front door creaking opening. Suga’s head popped into the kitchen and he quickly put a finger to his lips. You simply shrugged and continued to flex your feet from your spot on the counter as he tip toed into the kitchen to sneak up on Jin. His hand creeped to Jin’s waist, prepared to tickle him, when Jin calmly threatened, “Don’t you dare, Min Yoongi.” Yoongi swung his arms down to his side and pursed his lips. “He always knows,” he complained, pointing at Jin’s back with his thumb. You smiled brightly at him and Yoongi swooped in to hug you, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist. “How are you, jagi?” he whispered into your ear. You pulled back to look at him and replied, “I’m good. Even better now that you’re here.” He grinned, flashing his small teeth and pink gums, and jumped up to sit beside you.


“Yoongi, come down. You’re going to help me bake the cake.” Yoongi jokingly rolled his eyes at you and hopped down without voicing a single complaint. Jin pointed him to his phone to where the recipe was while he continued to stir the soup. Yoongi picked up Jin’s phone and scrolled through all of his notifications: an indication that Jin didn’t bother to look at his phone since he came to your house. Once Yoongi found the recipe, he rummaged through your cupboards to find big bowls. He diligently cracked eggs, although a bit clumsily, and you stifled laughs into your fist when you saw him swear under his breath, his once careful hands trying to avoid Jin’s criticism by picking egg shells out of the bowl at lightning speed.


Jin allowed the soup to simmer and patted Yoongi on the back. “Actually, buddy, can you let us be alone for a little bit? You kind of just butted into our bonding time.” Yoongi’s eyes widened and his hands dripped of egg whites. He nodded slowly, took his time to wash his hands carefully with soap, and reluctantly left the kitchen after catching your gaze. Jin watched him leave and when he was certain that Yoongi wouldn’t sneak back in, he casually removed the remaining egg shells from the bowl of eggs. You waited curiously, lowering yourself back onto the ground, and leaned on the counter with your chin in your hands.


“I just wanted to tell you that you are welcome in our home any time,” Jin informed, raising his head to look at you. “It would be nice to have a girl around the house from time to time. I was starting to wonder if the other guys still know what a girl is. It’s a miracle that Yoongi found you. And I’m sorry I barged into your house without permission or prior notice. ” He laughed heartily and his eyes twinkled; how could you not forgive him? You bit your bottom lip and smiled, your insides feeling incredibly warm and bubbly. You approached him and hugged him from behind on your tiptoes since you tried to place your chin on his shoulder.


“Thank you so much, Jin. Your acceptance means a lot to me.” With a final tiny squeeze, you let go and Jin commented, “You should join Yoongi. He’s probably feeling lonely and I’ll just finish up around here. He made such a mess...” He began to mumble to himself while he wiped down the counter with a small hand towel. “Okay, Jin!” you sang.


You skipped into your living room to find Yoongi sitting on your sofa, fiddling with his phone. Plopping down next to him and partially on him, you greeted happily, “Hi hi hi hi~” You wrapped your arms around his torso tightly and he began to chuckle. He tossed his phone to the neighboring sofa chair and hugged you back, pressing a kiss onto your temple.


“How was it,” he pressed his lips together until they turned white, “meeting Jin, I mean. Was he nice? Do you think he likes you? I promise even if he claims that he’s the most good looking person in the room at all times, you are ten times more beautiful.” He seemed to hold his breath as he waited for you to reply, but while he was talking, you began to grin widely. He must’ve been so worried during the drive here, so you rubbed him on the chest reassuringly, smoothing out all of the creases on his sweatshirt. With the other arm, you his black hair that was growing out, sweeping it away from his forehead, and you gazed into his eyes lovingly. In return, he ran his hand up and down your covered leg that was swung over his. “Everything went swimmingly and he said I am welcome around the house any time. Would I have to ask the other guys for permission, too, or do Jin’s words trump all?” Yoongi let out an audible sigh and kissed you on the cheek. Breathily, he said, “Jin’s words are final and I am definitely open to you coming over more often.”


The two of you relaxed in your spots on the sofa watching videos on YouTube such as the Blood, Sweat, and Tears performances. “This is when Jimin slipped and fell, but you can’t tell, right?” Yoongi pointed at the phone screen and a split second later, you noticed Jimin begin to fall, immediately pick himself up, and continue to dance. “What a pro,” you complimented in awe. Yoongi chuckled, rumbling both of your bodies. He adjusted his body underneath you and you sat up a little bit to give him leeway. A small groan slipped from his lips as he sunk into a comfortable position, causing you to focus more intently on the video, and you laughed heartily at the sight of Yoongi’s intense stare into the camera right before Jin’s part.


“Not you, too?” Yoongi gasped exasperatedly. “It’s hilarious, Yoongi. You look amazing though!” You patted him on the thigh and turned back to smile at him. He pouted jokingly and leaned in to give you a quick peck on the nose. The video soon ended and before you could ask him if  he wanted to view another one, the smell of chocolate cake wafted into the living room, immediately making your mouth salivate. “I love chocolate cake,” you mainly said to yourself, invoking a quiet laugh from Yoongi who whispered into your ear, “He probably knew that.”


“You told him.” It wasn’t a question and Yoongi nodded confidently. He shouted into the expanse of the house, “Hyung, do you need help?”


“No, I’ll just finish decorating this and then I’ll leave it in the fridge! You can eat it tomorrow at the birthday dinner, lunch, whatever...” Jin replied. Both of your bodies slackened at his words and eventually, Jin found you jokingly laying like a starfish on top of Yoongi who didn’t seem to mind at all.


“Hi,” you said, grinning ear to ear, still holding up your phone to watch a video.


“I’m going to get going. Namjoon’s calling me back to the dorm because things are getting crazy over there. The soup is still on the stove, so eat it while it’s still hot,” he informed, rotating his torso slightly so that you could note the remaining cloth grocery bags on his shoulder. “I’m taking these home.” You reached out a hand to say goodbye and he held it in both of his. “Have a fun time tomorrow, okay? Remember everything I told you.” He patted your hand firmly. You nodded in understanding and he let go of your hand to wave goodbye to Yoongi. He squeezed Yoongi’s shoulder and walked toward the door, stopping in the doorway. “Bye motionless Min. Bye sweetheart!” With a final wave, he shut the door behind him.


“Did he just call you sweetheart?”




“You’re never going to be alone with him again.”

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eechangel #1
Chapter 10: oh my gosh..this is so sweet~~ i cant stop smiling~~XD
Chapter 9: Awwww this is so sweet. Min yoongi feels~~~
eechangel #3
Chapter 6: omg!! this is just freaking cuteee!! i love it!
Chapter 2: Awwwww, so cute ^-^ Thank you so so much for writing this:) I needed more of him in my life :*