Blanket Kick

I'm Home

“What time should we wake up tomorrow?” You and Yoongi were laying in bed, both on your phones. You pursed your lips, for there were two options: wake up early and “be productive” or sleep in. You liked to think that you’d do something useful with the few extra hours, but it generally equated with you grumpily standing in your kitchen complaining about what to eat.


“Hmm, eleven sounds good, right? Not too early, not too late.” You turned your head to look at him and he smiled at you, nodding.


“Many might consider that to be quite late, but I like what you’re thinking,” he commented, giving you a quick wink and a pinch on the cheek. His black hair was pushed back, away from his face, showing off his perfectly clear forehead. He was adorable. Tapping a few times on his phone,  he set up an alarm for 11 am the next day. Jin had claimed that he wanted to eat delicious home made food, which meant that he had to make it himself, so instead of making enough for only one person, he decided to devote tomorrow for making multiple servings of food and feeding all of BTS and you. Since you lived by yourself, you were especially thankful for Mama Jin. “What time are we supposed to be there, though?” you pondered.


Staring at the ceiling, Yoongi claimed that it never really mattered what time. After all, Jin wasn’t going to leave the dorm. No one was going to leave the dorm that day, which was how he managed to spend the night at your place. “You know, if I didn’t have a girlfriend, I probably wouldn’t go anywhere besides the dorm and the studio on my own accord.” Yoongi flipped over onto his stomach to look at you. His white t-shirt exposed his collar bones that you reached out to trace with your fingertips, fingers tapping up the side of his neck to eventually cup the side of his face.


“I’d say that’s sad, but to be honest, I’m a homebody, too,” you replied. He chuckled, nuzzled his face into your hand and placed a single kiss into the center of your palm. He already knew that; you two spent most of your days together cuddling at your house.


“It’s getting late. Time for shut eye. Put your phone away, little missy.” You twisted your body to place your phone on the bedside table, plugged it in to charge, and returned your gaze back to Yoongi, who was still resting on his elbows.


“You’re in charge of the alarm,” you reminded, “so you have to wake me up. No excuses.” He nodded quickly and reached over to turn the lamp beside him off. In the dark, he placed a warm kiss on your cheek and draped the gray, fluffy comforter over both of your bodies


Mornings during autumn and winter were always too chilly for your liking; the hardwood floor always felt like ice, regardless of all of the fuzzy rugs you meticulously placed around the house. This was only one of the reasons for why you hated waking up early. Slightly opening one eye, you stretched your neck upward to glance at your wall clock. It read 8am. You sighed and sank back into your pillow since you still had a few more hours to sleep.


At promptly 11am, Yoongi’s phone alarm rang. The obnoxious, blaring sound shocked you out of your sleep, leaving you mildly confused, eyes wide. After realizing where the noise was coming from, you groaned, pressing your face into Yoongi’s chest. Somehow, he was still sleeping soundly. You furrowed your brow. His phone was so far away and you couldn't muster up the energy to climb over Yoongi to turn it off. You poked his abdomen a few times and he began to stir.


Mmm, jagiya, what’s wrong?” His eyes, squinted, were on you. He immediately reached out to his phone, snoozed it, and turned over to hug you tighter.


You mumbled into his chest, “It’s time to wake up,” resulting in him grunting loudly and squeezing you even tighter.


“I say it's time for us to go back to sleep,” he breathed onto your neck, sending shivers down your spine. However, you shook your head and used your arms to push yourself into a sitting position. Yoongi’s arms were still wrapped around your waist. His head was now in your lap and you mindlessly began to his hair.


“Hey, remember what you said last night?” you asked, the corners of your lips tugging up. He groaned in response; of course he remembered, but technically, he didn’t actually promise anything, so was he really in the wrong? You continued, “You said you’d wake me up and here you are, refusing to get up yourself. I’m wide awake now, so you should be, too.” You pulled on his ears lightly.


His behavior deserved some drastic measures and you thought of how your dad used to wake you up as a kid, so you began to climb out of bed. Yoongi was still tightly grasping onto your body and you struggled to pry his fingers off of you, one finger at a time. As you walked into the bathroom, you saw him completely face planted into the mattress, still slightly and groaning about how he hates mornings, never gets enough sleep, and that the bed was so cold without you in it.


You giggled to yourself as you drenched a face towel with the coldest water that your faucet would allow. You spent some time freshening up, brushing your teeth and washing your face, and then came back into the bedroom with the wet towel in a fist behind your back. “Yoongi~” you called out. He was now laying on his back in his original spot, his head on the pillow. He opened an eye to look at you. Your legs were completely bare since you were wearing a t-shirt dress and you noticed him his lips slightly.


“Yes, jagi,” he answered, his low voice rumbling. You slowly crawled onto the bed and he closed his eyes, smiling.


“What am I going to do with you this morning, hm?” you demanded, straddling him, sprinkling kisses on his face. You placed the towel above his head silently. “Do you deserve to be punished, Yoongi? I was depending on you…” Kiss on the forehead. Kiss on the jawline. Kiss on the neck. All the while, his breath hitched and his hands raised to rest on your hips.


“Do whatever you wish, jagi,” he let out. His pink lips puckered but his eyes refused to open, this time due to bliss. You smirked and immediately, with his permission, smacked the wet towel on his face. He yelped from the surprise and cold as you proceeded to wipe his face down. A slew of expletives escaped his mouth at a rapid fire pace. His body wriggled around, legs kicking the comforter to the ground, but you held him down with the strength of your thighs. “I did NOT mean this,” he argued through the towel, wrenching it out of your hands, and throwing it down onto the bed with a loud thwack. You stared into his eyes, unwavering.


“You said whatever I wished,” you replied, blinking innocently. He sighed exasperated and tapped your side to let you know to get off. Standing by the side of the bed, he sighed, and pulled his wet shirt off of himself. As he searched through your drawers to find a new shirt, you came from behind and hugged him, whispering into his ear, “You’re not mad, right?” Your fingers ghosted up his sides causing his body to twitch and he chuckled lightly, grabbing your hands. He gently brought them down. You turned away to rummage through your drawers to get ready as well.


“Of course not,” he claimed, pulling a black sweater over his head. “Only you can wake me up without me wanting to hit you. But I can definitely guarantee you're going to get it when we get home.” He laughed while he adjusted his hair in your full length mirror, catching your eye and wagging his finger jokingly, causing you to quirk up an eyebrow. Yoongi always had his way in the dorm, unless Jin had something to say about it. Everyone else was fair game.


“You hungry?” From across the room, you pulled on your skinny jeans, doing a tiny dance.


“I’m starving!"


“Yet, that wasn’t enough to get your out of bed, now was it?” Yoongi shot you a glare. He swaggered over to you and pulled you closer by your belt loops.


“Should I call Jin and tell him we’ll be there in a few hours then?”

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eechangel #1
Chapter 10: oh my gosh..this is so sweet~~ i cant stop smiling~~XD
Chapter 9: Awwww this is so sweet. Min yoongi feels~~~
eechangel #3
Chapter 6: omg!! this is just freaking cuteee!! i love it!
Chapter 2: Awwwww, so cute ^-^ Thank you so so much for writing this:) I needed more of him in my life :*