A Bangtan Halloween Pt. 2

I'm Home

The double doors of the house, really a mansion, were opened and the inside of the house was pitch black. Another employee stood inside and caught Hoseok’s eye, causing him to shriek. “I just wanted to let you guys know that the rooms downstairs are for free roaming and the maze is upstairs!” The girl’s eyes bulged. It seemed that Hoseok scared her as much as she scared him. He visibly shrunk but after Taehyung massaged his shoulders to hype him back up, he apologized cheerfully, further confusing the girl. His quick reversal of emotions was quite the sight to see. Taehyung held up a hand to her.


“Thank you so much for telling us.” He pushed Hoseok past her and everyone else followed close behind.


Hoseok looked over his shoulder to inform the group, “If things get too scary, I’m going to have to wear my horse mask for the whole maze.” He laughed loudly.


“Yeah, well, if you’re feeling brave enough, you can lead the group then,” Namjoon replied, smacking his back. Hoseok’s mouth twitched. Since the employee stated that you guys were allowed to explore the whole entire ground floor, Yoongi tugged your hand and led you into the kitchen. The wooden floor creaked with every single step and the ragged, white curtains danced from the wind blowing into the house.


“This is so creepy,” he whispered to you. With the help of the moonlight shining into the room, you could see tiny dust particles floating around and it explained the scent of the house as a whole. It was obvious that the people in charge of this haunted house didn’t have to do anything about the eeriness; the building took care of it itself. You nodded at him in agreement, swallowing harshly. You squeezed his hand to tell him to keep moving around. Moving on to the dining room, the glass chandelier -- what remained of it-- hung above the torn apart wooden table. Jin stood near the head of the table, asking Namjoon whether or not he thought all of the furniture was real. They were in deep conversation, so Yoongi and you left the room to search through the living room. The mantle above the fireplace was riddled with picture frames. All of the pictures were in black and white, but you only took quick peeks at them because you didn’t want to get too creeped out. You constantly persuaded yourself that everything inside was a prop, even though the employees said that this used to a house that real people lived in.


Taking advantage of the silence, Yoongi softly said, “Hey. Thanks for coming out with us today. I'm honestly relieved that you're getting along with them, even if they start making inside jokes with you and start making fun of me.” He observed the picture frames one by one. He sighed at the thought of Jin. Usually, he could manage the younger guys with the use of fear tactics, but Jin definitely wasn't afraid of him. Jin also had large shoulders since he worked out regularly, but Yoongi didn't want to think about that.


“Of course, Yoongi,” you replied. Your hand his arm up and down reassuringly. He looked at you and gave you a warm smile. “I'm glad I'm getting along with them, too. They’ve been treating me like family. You should know that they love and respect you enough to treat me well. You know, I think we’re all going to get to know each other very well after tonight.”


He tilted his head. “Why’s that?”


“Because I might piss myself if someone jumps on me in the dark.” Yoongi’s laugh echoed throughout the house and he squeezed your hand with two pulses. Kissing your temple, he mumbled against it, “You’ll be just fine, jagi. Just stay by my side.”


Within fifteen minutes, the eight of you gathered at the base of the stairs where another employee was stationed. “As soon as you go up there, the maze begins. Watch out for the scares, be careful, and remember to have fun at the end of this!” They motioned toward the stairs with both of their arms and all of the boys smiled awkwardly at the employee as they ascended. Upstairs, many areas were blocked off with black cloth walls to assure that all of the guests would follow the path. Typical eery music seeped out from hidden speakers: OOOoooOOO, so stereotypical that you burst laughing, covering your mouth with your free hand, causing the others to erupt into chuckles too. Jungkook shook his shoulders to loosen up his muscles and waved his hands around, stretching out his fingers. Jimin rubbed his left arm with his hand. Shivers ran up his spine. Your vision was slightly obscured with fog, so you waved at the air before you, hoping to clear it up. It turned out that Hoseok kept up Namjoon’s form of a dare by leading the group, because his cries of fear rang out from in front of the group.


“AUUUGH!! WHAT IS THAT? SOMETHING’S TOUCHING ME. WHAT IS THAT? OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD!” He began to run backward, solidly bumping into Jin whose frown pressed deeply into his handsome face. Jin forced Hoseok to continue walking forward. His hands firmly pressed between Hoseok’s shoulder blades, his face scrunching together, trying to avoid Hoseok’s horse muzzle that was rapidly turning from side to side, as if he was saying “NO”.


Jimin mumbled, “No, but really? Was something touching you or are you just being paranoid?” A hand shot out from between the walls to graze against his elbow. “NOOOOO!!!” Jimin ran past half of the group and began to push Hoseok to run faster. When Hoseok refused to move, his body frozen in fear, Jimin pushed past him, too, leaving everyone else behind. Jungkook ran after him, screaming, “HYUNG, I’M SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU!!”


Yoongi managed to stay calm through all of the chaos, but began to walk more quickly, holding your hand the whole time. You glanced down at your hands and saw that his knuckles were turning white from his tight grip. The group was officially broken up; Jungkook and Jimin were probably screaming together in the front, Hoseok galloped wildly in his horse mask as Taehyung ran after him to calm him down, Namjoon and Jin walking slowly and cautiously, and Yoongi and you held up the rear. Luckily, Namjoon gave away some of the scares ahead of time, shouting profanities in English. Yoongi checked if the coast was clear at every corner, his ears the first thing that peeked out. You ran through twists and turns around the house, sometimes not even seeing what your surroundings were. Lights flashed before your eyes,  shining red, green, and orange before dissipating back into darkness. Your breathing hastened and eventually, Yoongi slowed down. The two of you stood at the beginning of a long hallway with a few doors along the walls.


“Oh hell no,” Yoongi gasped. He was hunched over, hands on his knees, catching his breath. The rest of the house was silent. You tried to remain calm. You breathed through your nose heavily. When he finally did catch his breath, he straightened out his back and held out his hand. You grasped it and the two of you began to walk slowly through the hallway.


“Do you think this allows us to relax?” you asked, focusing your eyes on him in the dim light. “I feel like this is supposed to keep us on edge, but really, nothing is going to happen.” You bit the inside of your bottom lip.


“I’d hope so,” Yoongi shrugged. “I just want to calm down, go home, and take a nice long bath. And then I can go to bed, happy with my life. Halloween . Why do I do this to myself?” He was babbling, the anxiety sinking in. He paused to see if you’d reply, but then a door behind you slammed. Your head spun around to see a woman with long, black hair wearing a white nightgown. Though you’ve seen such an image on television plenty of times, seeing her in front of you caused your heart to beat rapidly. You began to sweat and thumped Yoongi on the chest, signalling him to run. The woman wasted no time; she sprinted full speed after you.


“Nononononononono.” Each “no” was emphasized by your quick footsteps as you sprinted hand in hand with Yoongi. You thought to yourself that Yoongi could probably outrun you in situations like these and easily leave you behind, so you were very thankful that your boyfriend insisted to run alongside you. A white, skeletal hand grasped your shoulder causing you to shriek aloud. You slapped her hand off of you as if you were swatting at a bee. How the heck could she run so fast?


Before you knew it, the two of you ended up in front of a descending flight of stairs where the rest of BTS congregated. Yoongi jumped, still slightly frightened, directly onto Hoseok’s back. “I am so glad you guys are here,” he admitted. Jimin looked from side to side.


“Is it over?” he asked, exasperated. Everyone else was still catching their breaths so you assumed that they actually weren’t that far ahead after all. Yoongi wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. Resting his head against yours, he tilted his chin up the guys and said, “Alright. Happy Halloween, can we go home now?” Jungkook disagreed, shaking his head, and claimed that “only a real man will go through that maze twice.” A few mumbles were exchanged and the guys reluctantly went downstairs to see if they could go again. Yoongi promised all of the guys that you two would follow along again and after six different screams were heard before you, Yoongi whispered into your ear, “Why don’t we wait for them in the car?”


You smirked. That sounded like something more up your alley.

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eechangel #1
Chapter 10: oh my gosh..this is so sweet~~ i cant stop smiling~~XD
Chapter 9: Awwww this is so sweet. Min yoongi feels~~~
eechangel #3
Chapter 6: omg!! this is just freaking cuteee!! i love it!
Chapter 2: Awwwww, so cute ^-^ Thank you so so much for writing this:) I needed more of him in my life :*