Fighting for Attention

I'm Home

       Holly, Yoongi’s dog, was growing attached to you and frankly, you weren’t complaining. He felt like a new sibling that stayed cute eternally. In the mornings, he’d jump into your bed for cuddles. He’d lovingly your face. He’d follow you around as you carried out your morning routine. As you brushed your teeth, he’d tug at your pajama pants with his paws. Yoongi was spending another night over with Holly in your house and was shocked that the majority of your attention was on the dog and not him.

       “Jagiya~” he called out into the empty bedroom as he woke up. “Jagi?” He sat upright, patting the spot beside him, questioning his eyes that were alerting him that you weren’t next to him. He quickly clambered out of bed and came downstairs. He walked into the kitchen to find you filling up Holly’s water bowl at the sink. You turned your head around to check out the noise. “Good morning, Yoongi. You’re up earlier than usual,” you greeted with a small smile on your face. He approached you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his chest to your back. “Morning,” he mumbled directly into your ear , “what are you up to?”

       You giggled from the tickling from his breath. “I’m going to get Holly’s water.” You gestured with your hand holding the bowl. “Then I’m going to fill up his food bowl, take him out for a walk, and then probably just hang around the house. I don’t have work today, so...” you thought aloud, counting the activities with your free hand. Yoongi let go of you so that you could turn around and see the incredulous look on his face.

       “What?” you asked, your smiling growing wider and wider as Yoongi simply stared at you through his fringe, his mouth slightly agape. “Did you forget about a certain someone?” He leaned against the counter to wait for your answer. “You may come along if you’d like,” you said, brushing past him to place the bowl down in the dining room where Holly’s eating setup was. “You bet your I’m coming along!” Yoongi squeaked.

        It was unlike Yoongi to be so clingy. Usually, he was just fine lounging around your house. He was fine leaving you be, but somehow, he found himself being jealous of his own dog. The three of you were at your front door getting ready for your walk. You were preparing Holly’s leash, adoringly petting his head and cooing at his every motion. Yoongi let out a long, audible sigh as he pulled his coat on. “Excuse me, sir. Do you have a problem?” You looked up at him from your squatting position. “No, not at all.” He avoided your eyes as he fixed his hair underneath his mustard yellow beanie. His fingers deliberately ruffled his fringe; his eyes never left the mirror on the wall. You rolled your eyes.

        His mood perked up slightly during the walk. After all, manly man Yoongi wasn’t immune to Holly’s cuteness and he definitely wasn’t immune to the feeling in his chest when he held your hand. The two of you swung your arms back and forth, while Yoongi kept a firm grip on Holly’s leash. His eyes shined brightly at every new thing he saw on the sidewalk. His barks sounded like small yelps that just made you smile. “Are you enjoying his company?” he asked gently. He gazed down at you. “I am. A lot, actually. I used to get lonely around the house when you weren’t around, so I feel at ease when he’s here. I used to never be at home before that.”

        You were chuckling guiltily, rubbing your neck. Yoongi understood that you didn’t like to be alone and felt bad that he was too busy to spend what he thought was enough time with you. The three of you were walking back from the local coffee shop since you needed your daily dose of energy. “My parents are coming home in a few days,” he remembered. You were only babysitting Holly because they’ve been on vacation. You knew your days would come to end, but did he have to ruin your mood? You pouted at him and stuck out your tongue. “Did you have to remind me? I think you just want me to pay more attention to you than Holly. The thing is: you can take care of yourself and he needs help.” He guffawed and tickled your palm with his forefinger, making you frown even more. “What? I’m telling you the truth,” you replied honestly, your mouth in an ‘O’ shape. “I know, jagi. You’re just so cute. I can’t help myself.” The three of you ended up heading home after Holly got so excited, he ran circles around both of yours legs resulting in you almost falling over, almost spilling your latte all over Yoongi’s beautiful tan coat.

After you came home, Yoongi immediately plopped himself onto your leather sofa. He opened his arms wide, welcoming you. You laid down on top of him with your head on his chest. “You’re going to be fine by yourself, right? If you need me, just give me a call. I promise I’ll pick up no matter what. Even if it’s 2am, because you know I’ll still be awake.” His chuckles rumbled throughout both of your bodies. One of his hands soothingly your hair. Eventually, Holly realized that no one was playing with him. He jumped onto the sofa, plopping his tiny body harshly onto your back. “I can’t breathe,” you whiningly gasped.

“It’s ok. I can barely breathe whenever I’m around you anyway. We’re in the same boat here.” He kissed your temple.

            “Hey Min Yoongi. When did you get so cheesy?”

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eechangel #1
Chapter 10: oh my gosh..this is so sweet~~ i cant stop smiling~~XD
Chapter 9: Awwww this is so sweet. Min yoongi feels~~~
eechangel #3
Chapter 6: omg!! this is just freaking cuteee!! i love it!
Chapter 2: Awwwww, so cute ^-^ Thank you so so much for writing this:) I needed more of him in my life :*