Take Out


The Babe Cave was in a lull. Cheng Xiao’s night visits increased. It took Xuanyi three tries to get Eunseo’s girlfriend to just use the front door. She hated waking up to the creaking of wood as the girl pried the old window open. Xuanyi hadn’t seen much of Luda, especially not when Eunseo was home. She didn’t mind it much, Eunseo and her got by on their own.


Xuanyi was cutting through the english portion of campus when she spotted a slumped over Luda. The girl looked rough, it took Xuanyi a bit to realize that Luda hadn’t been physically home in days. She just thought E’dawn and her were spending more time together. That definitely didn’t seem the case now.


“Hey Luda, whats up?”


Luda looked up, squinting against the sun she hadn’t noticed anyone walk up. She was exhausted, she hadn’t slept in a few days they grey under her eyes evident against her pale skin. She couldn’t sleep in the house with Eunseo and Cheng Xiao. She felt sick and even the sound of Troye Sivan’s voice couldn’t drown everything out. Luda blinked, stretching her arms forward across the metal table.


“Oh hey Xuanyi not much how bout you?”


“Are you okay?”


“Yeah why?”


“Uh you look like a zombie that’s why.”


Xuanyi stared at the girl in disbelief. How could she be so nonchalant about all of this, she looked like a wreck, too skinny and hair tangled. Luda wasn’t taking care of herself and it confused Xuanyi. She wasn’t sure how to help the girl because she didn’t notice any signs of the girls deterioration. She was so stupid. A psych major who didn’t notice signs?  Maybe she was blinded by helping Eunseo that she hadn’t noticed.


“Come on Luda let’s go home, you need a shower and to sleep for real.”


The small girl's’ expression blanked at the mention of the word home. She nodded and stood, waiting for Xuanyi to lead the way to her car. She seemed so characteristically like a zombie it worried Xuanyi. The whole drive home Xuanyi couldn’t shut Luda up. She learned more about the girl in the 10 minute drive than she had since the girl moved in 3 months ago. Luda gave Xuanyi whiplash, the contrast of emotions were so overwhelming. Xuanyi hoped to have time to speak with Luda but when they walked into the house and Xuanyi greeted Eunseo, Luda stopped speaking. The smaller girl just made her way to the bathroom. Eunseo didn’t even look up when Xuanyi greeted her. Carefully staring down till Luda left the room before acknowledging Xuanyi’s existence.


Xuanyi wanted to strangle the both of them.


“What’s going on,” Xuanyi stared at Eunseo expectantly.


“Not much, just watching some TV,” Eunseo shrugged in reply.


Exasperated Xuanyi stomped off toward her room, neither of her housemates would explain what was going on or confront it. She wanted to lock them in a room and make them talk, but they’d probably be too stubborn even in that situation. Xuanyi’s mood was dropping fast, she never worried this much or got frustrated too often. This year was supposed to be a new beginning, a year of happiness.


Luda relished in the hot water. The steam covered the mirror, made the air heavy. She washed the conditioner out of her hair before turning off the water. She stood on the mat letting water drops race down her thighs. Searching the bathroom for a towel Luda dripped dry. She’d forgotten to bring a towel in, instead choosing to avoid the incoming conversation with Eunseo and darting into a safe haven. Her only option was A. use the hand towel or B. rush out into her room as fast as possible and pray no one would see. She decided the later would be the most suitable.


Eunseo got up from the couch yawning. It was about time for a nice nap. She started for her room before almost running smack dab into a very wet and Luda. Eunseo’s eyes widened as the two stood in utter shock staring at each other. Luda darted away before Eunseo could even process what words to say. Xuanyi’s door was wide open, the girl’s expression reflected Eunseo’s. Did Lee Luda just streak through the house? Xuanyi recovered first. She laughed at the small puddles of water that pooled on the floor then to Eunseo who stood still. Eunseo shook her head of the images of Luda’s body. She looked up to see Xuanyi send a wink her way, the girl would never miss an opportunity to tease Eunseo now.


    Luda’s heart beat excitingly. She was embarrassed but when Eunseo’s eyes flicked up and down her body she felt a bit accomplished. It was all a blurry flash but it seemed to slow down in her head. Luda ruffled her hair with the towel drying it. Luda felt a bit more human. Maybe she’d stay the night unless Eunseo’s girlfriend decided to show up.


    Xunayi desperately needed something to lighten her mood. The whiplash from Luda and the tension that threatened to suffocate the Babe Cave was really dragging her down. The girl grabbed her phone and frantically sent distress texts to her girlfriend. Bona replied back quickly a great relief. Bona offered to rescue Xuanyi sending a bunch of hearts for reassurance that things would be okay. Xuanyi smiled at her phone she couldn’t wait. Bona arrived quick, greeting Luda who stood in the kitchen making macaroni.


    Luda laughed as Bona struggled a bit to piggy back her girlfriend out of the house. Xuanyi and Bona were so pure and warm, it made her smile. Luda held her breath when Eunseo’s door creaked open. She heard the girl approaching. The pantry door closed, a pot was put on the stove next to hers, filled halfway with water. Luda looked as Eunseo read the box of macaroni Luda had bought. Eunseo caught her, staring blankly back before setting the timer for 13 minutes. It took 13 minutes for the water to boil. The tension grew exponentially while the two stood as far away from each other as they could in the small kitchen. Eunseo reached across Luda grabbing a plastic slotted spoon to stir her noodles. Still neither spoke.


Eunseo wholeheartedly refused to speak to Luda. Things were nice with Cheng Xiao again, maybe they weren’t back to normal but she saw her girlfriend more often. They hadn’t had any actual conversations. The only words Eunseo remembered her girlfriend saying were “I love you” and “please.” They’d figure it out, she was sure of it. The silence made Eunseo itch. She found herself staring too long at Luda’s side profile, too much at her lips. She had to stuff her hands in her pockets to stop them from wanting to tuck the stray pieces of hair behind Luda’s ears.


Luda was used to the uncomfortable atmosphere now, it made her ache but she’d forget it when she wasn’t in the girls presence. She was sick of it, the constant silence. Of course it was her who started it, but what the hell.


“Macaroni,” Luda questioned Eunseo’s lunch choice.


The girl didn’t even acknowledge her. She just stirred staring down at the macaroni tumbling in their bath. Luda sighed, so much for trying to resolve anything. It was another agonizing 10 minutes Luda endured in silence waiting for Eunseo to say something. Finally finishing her macaroni Luda was actually excited to hide out in her room.


Bona took Xuanyi to the park a block away from the Babe Cave. She remembered how much Xuanyi loved to swing on the swings. It usually got the girl to de-stress. That’s the first place Bona brought Xuanyi when her girlfriend had broken down over her finals last year. They swung on the swings for hours forgetting what time it was. The best part about all of it was seeing the exhaustion on Xuanyi’s face dissipate.


Xuanyi saw the swings in the distance, it amazed her just how much Bona knew about her and how to cheer her up. The couple chose their swings and began speaking. Bona steering the conversation casually.


“Babe you’ve been really down lately,” Bona trailed off seeing Xuanyi’s eyes glisten.


“I- I just really needed a break from that house,” Xuanyi swung, tears slipped down her cheek.


Bona reached her hand out, waiting for Xuanyi’s to slip into hers. The two swung holding hands. Bona waited before diving into the conversation, she had to get herself ready because once Xuanyi let the flood gates go she'd let it ALL go.


    “What’s been going on?”


    “Eunseo and Luda are driving me crazy. It’s so obvious that Luda feels something for Eunseo but is desperately trying to hang onto her douchebag boyfriend who, by the way, she hasn’t even seen or spoken to for like a month? Eunseo likes Luda right back, I saw them almost kiss and it’s probably happened before since they were doing the whole, ‘I’ll ignore her to forget about it’ thing. Luda hasn’t been home in days since Eunseo’s ditzy flake of a girlfriend started coming over just to have ,” Xuanyi paused to breathe, in the cold air before continuing.


“The walls are very thin Jiyeon, having to hear them bang every damn night is exhausting I can’t imagine how it is on Luda who’s trying to figure out her uality and going through a huge mix of uncertainty.”


By this time Bona had stopped swinging, she had thought that maybe Luda liked girls, but she dismissed it thinking the girl was just weirdly shy. Eunseo being a factor surprised her. It was a lot to take in, Xuanyi let it all out and now it was Bona’s turn to make sense of it.


    “So are they ignoring each other making it unbearable to be around them?”


    “Yes I don’t know what to do,” Xuanyi wiped a tear from her chin.


    “Well for me, I’d sit them down around food they both enjoy and make them talk.”


Xuanyi lifted her head, she skidded to a stop on the swings and smiled so big Bona thought the girl would hurt herself.


    “That’s the best idea i’ve heard in forever.”


Luda forgot when she fell asleep. Sometimes if she listened to music enough it would just ease her into dreams. She wasn’t complaining, she just also hated wasting the day with sleep. The house was quiet. Eunseo was either asleep as well or out. She didn’t care, the peace was welcomed, she almost teared up thinking about possibly not hearing Cheng Xiao and Eunseo have .


Luda’s phone started playing a foreign ringtone. One she hadn’t heard in years. She almost didn’t recognize that it was Dawon’s old ring. The girl had set it to M.O.N.E.Y by the 1975, a few weeks before she moved. Her fingers twitched before she finally pressed the green talk button. She held the phone up to her ear slowly, it almost felt like she was waiting for a ghost to greet her.




Luda thought Dawon sounded different, but maybe she just missed her voice and had forgotten it.


    “Hi-, Dawon is that you?”


    “Yep, how’ve you been lil bun?


    “I’ve been better.. things are a little weird lately but how about you, you disappeared years ago and never called once.”


    “I tried-


“Save it,” Luda interrupted, irritation setting in.


“No Luda listen.. I tried to call you but my parents wouldn’t let me. I got all your texts, I read everything I promise I did,” Dawon hurried through fearing Luda cutting her off again.


“But-- it doesn’t make sense? Why wouldn’t they let you call me?


“I have to confess something that might weird you out okay, I- I don’t know how my parents found out but they found out I was gay and then we moved.”


“You’re gay?”


“Yeah I am.”


“Okay that’s cool.”


“You don’t care?”


“Not really, both my housemates are gay it’s totally fine.”


Dawon and Luda got right back into the swing of things, Dawon having cleared the air and feeling more comfortable and Luda excited to have her best friend back. They were easy like that, they never had any real fights. Luda told her about her new house, getting kicked out by her mom, and her new house life. She kept a few things secret like Eunseo and the weird feelings. It didn’t feel like a good time to dump her confusing thoughts on Dawon first thing. Dawon listened attentively, interjecting and sharing her own stories of University life, sharing that she had a girlfriend named Meiqi and that they shared an apartment together. Luda was so excited hearing Dawon’s voice and hearing about her life. It brought her out of her funk.


“So speaking of relationships, are you seeing anyone?”


Luda knew it was coming, she knew she’d eventually have to talk about E’dawn but why did it seem like a drag after hearing all about the fun things Dawon and Meiqi had been up to.


    “Yeah, I’ve been dating E’dawn for about 2 years now, we’ve been better were too busy now a days with school but hopefully things will calm down by winter break.”


    “E’dawn.. Why him? Not to be rude but why?”


    “He’s a really nice guy, he’s been there for me so many times I don’t know he makes me really happy.”




    “He does.”


    “Who are you trying to convince?”


    “No one-”


    “Okay, hey Luda it’s been really nice to hear from you Meiqi just got home with dinner so I have to go but I hope everything goes well with you tiny bun I love you so much.”


    “I love you more,” Luda replied before hearing the call end.


Luda really didn’t know Dawon had any feelings toward any girl. When they grew up she’d always wondered what boy her best friend would nab. She was one of the prettiest girls in school and she had the smarts to even get the brainiacs to notice her. Luda always thought she’d end up the third wheel but they never had the chance to experience the other date since Dawon had to move. She was ecstatic to hear that Dawon was living on her own with her girlfriend Meiqi. She wished that school let up so she could see E’dawn. He texted her he went home for a bit because he was sick, so she wished him well and asked him to say hi to Hyuna for her. That was a week ago and she still had no word back.


Xuanyi and Bona walked back to the Babe Cave, Xuanyi bouncing a bit excited over the plan her and her girlfriend had concocted at the park. The plan was for Xuanyi to call a house meeting. The meeting would consist of Xuanyi asking both Luda and Eunseo to eat dinner with her. She had prepared herself for their impending groans, but thought the take out Chinese food she would order would be enough of a bribe. Xuanyi was against looking pathetic and against her housemates to eat with her but Bona convinced her it was a good idea.


Xuanyi kissed Bona goodbye chastely before shoving against the heavy door. She stomped her feet on the mat before entering. Eunseo was on the couch fast asleep, the remote lay on the ground having rolled from the girl’s hand. She looked so soft. Xuanyi supposed Eunseo was probably exhausted from the day like she herself was. Xuanyi walked past the girl as quietly as possible. First she would order the food. Then she would call the meeting. Knowing Mark she could trust the food would be there no later than 10 minutes after she placed the order.


    Xuanyi ordered from the restaurant exactly what she had the first night they all sat and ate together. When times were fun, and she could see her roommates really enjoy each other. She missed it so much, hopefully this would work. After requesting for Mark she clicked the phone off and went in search of Luda. Luda was smiling in her bed staring at the ceiling holding her phone like a baby against her chest. Xuanyi pushed the girl's shoulder to break her from her trance state.


    “House meeting in the kitchen come on,” she spoke to Luda with small urgency.


Luda looked confused but obeyed, following Xuanyi from her bedroom to the kitchen. Xuanyi then woke Eunseo up making her sit at the table. She exhaled, the easy part was over. She looked toward Luda, she had her eyes fixated on the placemat refusing to look forward because in front of her say Eunseo. Xuanyi turned her head to look at Eunseo who was looking anywhere but at the people sitting around her.


    This was going to be tough. Xuanyi cracked her fingers before she spoke ridding herself of any stray nervousness.


    “Enough of this. Whatever is going on stop it,” Xuanyi spoke with authority placing her hands on the table.


“What,” Luda spoke first.


It was progress, Xuanyi had expected Eunseo to speak first but this was even better.


    “No one talks in this house, I get home from class and the whole house is awkward. Whatever is going on can we all just makeup, night times are miserable,” Xuanyi explained finally getting Eunseo’s attention.


    “I don’t think there’s anything wrong, maybe you’re just paranoid,” Eunseo laughed pushing herself away from the table.


Both Xuanyi and Luda stared at Eunseo. Was the girl serious? Xuanyi was over it.


    “Don’t leave this table Juyeon,” Xuanyi’s spoke through gritted teeth, her fingers had curled up into claws on the table.


Eunseo would be lying if she said she wasn’t scared of Xuanyi right now. Her eyes were dark and she’d never used Eunseo’s real name ever. Eunseo sat back down flitting her eyes between Luda and Xuanyi.  Luda sat a bit more erect in her chair after hearing Xuanyi’s tone change, there was no way she’d be getting yelled at. The doorbell saved both Eunseo and Luda from whatever Xuanyi was going to say. Xuanyi instantly perked up the food was here right on time and part 2 would begin.


Xuanyi had been saving a little money from tutoring kids at school to buy more books for her library she was really excited about it too, she made a list and everything. However with the house situation the way it was she decided she would dip into her funds a bit and help set things right.


Xuanyi opened the door to see a smiling Mark. He looked much better than last time she saw him, his hair was cut and if she wasn’t in love with Bona she might go for Mark instead. He was charming.


“You look good Mark how’ve you been?”


“Thank you, I’m good,” Mark shifted his feet it was freezing outside.


“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the delivery last time, that wasn’t like me my girlfriend broke up with me and I wasn’t coping well it was very unprofessional I appreciated the tip though.”


“Oh wow, don’t worry about it and I’m sorry to hear that,” Xuanyi replied with sincerity.


“The total is $58.70, you practically ordered the whole menu Xuan,” Mark laughed handing her the two bags packed full.


“Special occasion,” Xuanyi smiled beaming at the old nickname.


Xuanyi fished in her pocket for the money, she pulled out a few bills counting them to make sure she had enough for the meal. Mark waited patiently,  shifting his feet and blowing on his hands for warmth.


    “Can you tell Luda I said hi,” Mark asked suddenly.


    “Oh you know Luda,” Xuanyi looked up surprised, “Sure I’ll let her know hold on one sec I don’t have enough here for a tip.”


Xuanyi turned from the door calling for Eunseo to get her a few bills to give as a tip for the food. The younger girl nodded from the table getting up and walking toward Xuanyi’s room to retrieve the money. Mark’s head popped up at the familiar name. Eunseo.. Eunseo why was it familiar. He’d racked his brain thinking of how it was familiar. It hit him like a brick to the head. Eunseo was the girl Cheng Xiao was cheating on him with.  Mark clenches his hands together, his fists shook. He was trying all he could to be professional and let it go, there could be other Eunseo’s.  Xuanyi noticed the tense atmosphere, everything was so weird tonight she didn’t know what to think of it.


“I’m sorry she’s taking so long,” Xuanyi offered thinking that keeping Mark in the cold was why he seemed so angry.


Eunseo finally approaches handing Xuanyi $10, Xuanyi offered the tip to Mark who stuffed the money into his packet lightening fast.


    “Here, thanks for the food-,” Eunseo says before being cut off.


    “How’s she in bed? Have you ed her,” Mark seethes.


Luda looked up from the table surprised recognizing Mark’s voice. Xuanyi took a step back not understanding the situation but trying to remove herself.


“I bet you have,” Mark spat, “Hope you have fun ing a homewrecker.”


The boy turned, stomping through the yard before slamming his car door and speeding off down the road. Luda slipped away from the table and made her way to her room. Whatever happened, she wanted to be away from it. Eunseo stood staring at the front yard where Mark had kicked leaves everywhere. She was numb and in shock.


In her head Eunseo went through every memory of Cheng Xiao. She sifted through the recent events and came full stop at the ones of Cheng Xiao out with an “old guy friend.” She shook her head, but? Cheng Xiao had assured her he was just a friend. Was he not? Had she been dating him at the same time.. Was Cheng Xiao cheating on her? Eunseo’s hands shook as she ran them through her hair. She looked to Xuanyi for a moment before slowly making her way to her room.


It was only a moment but it broke Xuanyi’s heart. The weight of the stare Eunseo gave her. She could see the girl’s heart breaking apart like a lego set being stepped on. It started to make sense in Xuanyi’s head. The night Mark delivered food he was upset. That same night Cheng Xiao had broke in after so long and spent the night.


Luda listened from her room, Eunseo’s door clicked closed so quietly Luda had to strain herself to hear. She sat on her bed shaking her hands in the air trying to rid herself of her anxiety. She exhaled debating with herself on if she should try to comfort the girl or let the girl deal with her emotions first. Luda couldn’t imagine Eunseo being a homewrecker at least not willingly so that part she’d totally from her mind. Eunseo wouldn’t be so cruel.. She couldn’t be. Luda thought back to the night Eunseo had comforted her in bed and desperately willed herself to return the favor.


They weren’t exactly on good terms however. Eunseo hadn’t even spoken to her earlier so Luda let it go. She had confidence that the girl would bounce back in time. It made her stomach twist hearing the sobs though. The whole house seemed to shake with her sobs, Luda could feel her own eyes water a bit.


Eunseo calmed her sobbing enough to take her phone out and send a few texts to her girlfriend. She wasn’t sure and she didn’t want to be made a fool for not trusting her girlfriend enough.


E: Do you know Mark?

E: Where are you we need to talk.

CX: No? but I can come over if you want.

E: Please don’t lie to me.

CX: What are you even talking about? Stop overreacting.

E: I’m not overreacting. You cheated on me with that guy Mark who you said was you’re old friend didn’t you? I can’t believe I trusted you I’ so stupid.

CX: Juyeon listen..

E: No. I’m done, we’re done don’t come over.

CX: fine, whatever.


Eunseo threw her phone at her closet door. The tears started and she buried her head into her pillow to stifle the sobs. Her heart was actively breaking in front of her and she hated that her trust broke with it. Her sobs were loud even against the pillow, she in air only to sob harder letting hot tears stream down her face. Her entire body shook. She should’ve realized before and gone with her first instinct about Cheng Xiao.


Eunseo crosses her room retrieving her phone. She dials Cheng Xiao’s number. She needs to hear her voice to believe that it’s actually over. She knows there may be a way to explain all of this and she’d really rather not fall back into the girl’s trap again. The phone rings four times before it’s picked up. A gruff male voice answers hello, Eunseo clicks the end button faster than she’s ever before. Her eyes well with tears again but she refuses to let them fall. That was it, the final nail in the coffin. Cheng Xiao didn’t even have the decency to cover up that she was in the middle of cheating on Eunseo before she even texted.


Xuanyi sat at the dining table surrounded by the various containers of chinese food. All of it was getting cold. She sat there staring at the pots on the window sill. Her own heart was breaking, both her housemates were shut up in their rooms and she was alone at the table. Tonight was supposed to bring them together. It only wedged them apart and the house was collectively breaking down around her. Xuanyi started to collect the food bringing it to the fridge and shuffling other food around to make room. She couldn’t help but let a few tears fall at the sound of Eunseos’ sobs rocking the house.

a/n hi so I'm thinking the updates will be more on Saturdays since I've been a little busy. I hope this chapter was good personally I was really excited to write it :) Has anyone seen the video of Exy and Seola dancing??? that was incredible can't wait for Bona and Meiqi to release some videos like that loool
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kasterian #1
Chapter 16: Lol I see my own comment from over a year ago just a few comments below. Anyway, I’ve come to reread this again at nearly 4 am…and I still love it :] i never knew I’d go thru the accepting process, but I did and I recently realized that during that period, I was reading this story. I’d just like to say this kinda helped me a lot, thank you! ^-^
Affxtionfx #2
Chapter 16: i loved this <3 please continue writing more leunseo stories!
Bluesapphire17 #3
Chapter 16: Hi author nim it waslike 11 something pm and im lying in my bed bored and wantingto read a wjsn fic then saw your story. I'm not much of a EunLu fan but your way of writing is amazing it's like I'm actually reading a published book. Honestly at first chap i thought "ahh it will be another cliche plot" but as i was engrossed reading that i realized that it is really good i couldnt help myself to stop and in the end I finished it in one go lol it even made me forget that the characters were wjsn members thank you for this fic and I'm willing to read all your other fics! Please make more wjsn fics! I would've write other reason why i love this but it's long already haha
kasterian #4
Chapter 16: If I wasn't so busy, I would've read all of this in one sitting since that's just how intriguing and beautifully written the plot was. But school, work and all that just had to come between. Anyway, I enjoyed this story a lot and thank you for writing it :)
hasomy #5
Chapter 16: I read all 15 chapters in one sitting and omg, I lost count of how many time I was amazed by this beautifully written story!! It was like a crazy roller coaster of emotion!! My heart exploded at the end, i was completely in awe!!! Thank you so much for writing this!!!
Chapter 16: this is so cute! but it's a shame the story's over. :/ thank you for the masterpiece, though. i hope more eunseoxluda fic will be written from you and the other authors;;
Redburst #7
Chapter 16: Best wjsn fanfic ever. Please don't stop writing. We need more wjsn fanfics please.
Sonata7 #8
Wow, I think I can say this is my favorite wjsn fanfiction, I was always so happy when I saw an update and I'm a bit sad that it's the end but I love this last chapter, thank you for this wonderful fanfiction :)
I love this story :) Yay! Happy ending. Loved the way you characterized everyone, I'll miss them. Thank you author!
shigabop #10
Chapter 16: finally! thank you!