
Stranger of Maxiolem

a/n: slight angst? hehehe enjoy! (:


A couple of weeks passed. It was mid-November; the temperature has been dropping, and the winds are getting stronger. Jihoon wears a thick white turtleneck sweater and black jeans, hands stuffed in his pockets and face buried into his turtleneck in an attempt to keep himself warm. He is walking at the back, behind the Seventeen members, who are making their way to the practice room.

He spots a tall figure, strangely familiar, wearing a black cap pulled so low it covered his eyes, black hoodie and ripped jeans. He passes by the chattering members without even glancing at them, and the moment the two pass each other, it was as though time has slowed down.

“Midnight. At the small park,” the taller whispers.

Jihoon lowered his head upon hearing those words, and the time flow returned to normal, the man was no longer in sight, and Jihoon just walked on like nothing happened.


Night came and everyone was already in bed, exhausted from the intense practice they had earlier in the day. Seungcheol rolled over and pulled Jihoon into his arms in his sleep, Jihoon doesn’t know if it’s intentional or if he does it unconsciously, but he doesn’t mind either way. This cuddling thing has been ongoing ever since the night he cried, neither of them speak about it, or even acknowledges it, but they both welcome it.

He watches the older sleep, although it’s dark, but with the soft moonlight seeping through the curtains, he can roughly make out his facial features. Long lashes casting shadows on his cheeks, pointed nose, sharp jaw, his slightly parted full lips and his sleeping expression is just so peaceful, Jihoon could watch him sleep all night long. Jihoon glanced over at the clock on the table, 23:50. He slowly wriggled out of the other’s embrace, careful not to wake him up, freezing when the older shifted, and relaxing when he just changed his sleeping position. He slipped into an oversized hoodie and left the dorm as quietly as possible, heading towards the small park.

He looked at his phone for the third time, 00:05. Late. He’s starting to tap his feet impatiently while waiting when he hears shuffles from above him. A figure jumped down from a tree and landed lightly on his feet, in front of Jihoon.


“Is it the pink or did you grow some expressions after you left Maxiolem?” the taller asked amusingly, with a smug grin on his face.

“What do you want, Mingyu?” Jihoon spat out, annoyed.

“It’s been a while since I met my good friend, Jihoonie. Did you miss me?”

“What. The. . Do. You. Want.” Jihoon seethed.

“No small talk?”

Jihoon groaned and turned to walk away, seeing that this conversation is going nowhere.

“The King,” Mingyu started, in which Jihoon stopped his tracks immediately, “He has requested to see you,”

“I left, remember?” he replied and continued walking ahead.

“Ohhh no no no, nobody just quits on the King. And you know that, better than anyone,” Mingyu walked forward to face the younger, “I suggest…you go see him,”

Jihoon grimaced, “Who…” he had to swallow the lump stuck in his throat to continue talking, “Who did he take?”

They both stared at each other for a moment, Jihoon’s eyes clouded with fear and fury which he doesn’t even bother hiding, and Mingyu finally lets out a sigh, “the kid that follows you around, Lee Chan,”

“ YOU. What the does he need me to do so badly that he had to take Chan?! this!”

Jihoon was boiling with anger, strings of curses left his mouth, and he stomped around in circles. He has to go back. He can’t let them take Chan.

“I’ll meet you here again at noon,” Mingyu walked away into the darkness, leaving the fuming boy to throw his tantrum.

Jihoon punched the tree behind him and left a mark on the trunk. , even with the restriction spell, his powers are still overwhelming, he just hopes no one notices the dent on the trunk.

He returned back to the dorm after he calmed down, by punching a few other different trees, and climbs back into bed. Seeing that Seungcheol was still sleeping peacefully, he carefully wriggled under his arm and snuggled closer to his chest. Despite being in Seungcheol’s warm embrace, all the uneasiness, about Chan and the King, is still eating him inside. He tries to shut out his thoughts, shuts his eyes tight and forces himself to sleep, tucking his head into the crook of Seungcheol’s neck, but sleep doesn’t come easily.


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The kids woke up at around 10am, and had breakfast together before preparing to leave for practice. The music festival is coming in a week’s time so they were training extra hard for it, practicing for almost 10 hours a day.

Jihoon texted Mr. Kim and Jin to inform them about his leave, before packing some clothes and prepare to leave.


Jihoon: “Yeon Soo hyung, I need to go back to Maxiolem for a while, so I need a few days off. Sorry.”

Yeon Soo: “Something up?”

Jihoon: “Sort of.”

Yeon Soo: “Alright. Take care and stay safe!”


Jihoon: “Jin hyung, I need to go back to Maxiolem for a while, so I’ll be taking a few days off. Sorry.”

Jin: “Sure, you told the Vice Pres yet?”

Jihoon: “Yeah, thanks.”

Jin: “No worries (:”


Jihoon let out a deep sigh, stuffed his phone in his pocket, took his backpack and left the room, he’s surprised to see the kids still dawdling in the dorm and not on their way to practice.

“Jihoon hyung, you’re not coming with us?” Minghao asked while wearing his shoes.

“Uhh, yeah. Something came up and I’ll be away for a few days,”

“Aww, but you’ll be at the music festival right?” Vernon asked from the doorway.


“Seungcheol hyung! Did you know about Jihoon taking leave?” Seungkwan pouted, dragging the older to the living room, towards Jihoon, “Because we definitely know nothing about it,”

Seungcheol looked Jihoon a shocked expression, clearly not knowing about it.

“It was pretty last minute, also hurry up or you’ll be late,” Jihoon shrugged and pushed the members out of the dorm.

“Where are you going?” Seungcheol grabbed Jihoon by the arm before he could push him out as well, “Did something happen?”

“It’s nothing,”

“You know you can tell me anything right?” Jihoon could already tell that Seungcheol is worrying and he probably knows that something’s up.

He doesn’t want to drag Seungcheol into this, he must not know about that side of his life, but the older just kept prying. Annoyed at the constant questioning and the rising anxiety that they might have already hurt Chan, Jihoon snapped.

“Why do you care?? It’s none of your business,”

“Because we’re friends?” Seungcheol frowned, slightly hurt at that remark.

Slightly hurt turned into devastated when Jihoon remained silent and looked away from the older.

“So what? You mean to tell me that you don’t even consider me as a friend? Even after cuddling with me every night? I thought…that…that we…” Seungcheol’s eyes searched for Jihoon’s, hoping to look for any signs to tell him that he’s wrong, that they did have something, but he was only met with silence, “Well, I guess I thought wrong,” Seungcheol released his grip on Jihoon and left the dorm with his head down.

Jihoon watched as Seungcheol left, and even after he’s out of sight, he still watched on. It’s better this way…right?


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He wears a black long-sleeved, double-ed coat with two rows of gold buttons down the front, matched with black trousers and black boots which go over the trousers leggings. Epaulettes decorated both his shoulders, red stripes on his sleeves, gold aiguillettes and white fourrageres worn on his right shoulder, medals pinned on the left. He wears a pair of white gloves, and a striped black and white belt with a frog for his sword on his left. He took the black cape with red linings and hung over his shoulders, and stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

It’s been a while since I’ve worn this…

He gave his uniform a few more adjustments before leaving the room.


Kim Namjoon, king of Loxsyn, is a tall and lean man with blonde hair styled upwards. He is known as one of the greatest, the one who brought Loxsyn up to its current glory, suppressing all sorts of rebellion and corruption. Killing members of the revolution, of the corrupted politicians, oh the irony, killing to avoid killing. His people love him, as they know none of his underhanded methods, but not Jihoon, for he knows everything.


Knock knock

“Your Majesty, Woozi has arrived,”

“Let him in,”

The guard nodded and allowed Jihoon to enter the room, closing the door behind him. The King sits in his throne, arms rested on the armrest and fingers interlocked, on his side, stood Mingyu and another man, Wonwoo. Wonwoo had Chan kneeling in front of him, and his sword placed across his neck. The way Chan’s swollen eyes, from crying, lit up with hope at the sight of Jihoon made his heart ache even more. Tsk. Jihoon walked towards the King, poise and unfazed, kneeling on one knee and head bowed to greet His Majesty.

“I have heard that you requested my presence, Your Majesty,” he looked up, glaring, “May I know what is bothering His Majesty?” Jihoon smirked.

The guards by the door drew their swords and pointed them at Jihoon immediately.

“Have some respect! This is the King you’re talking to!” one of the guards scolded.

Namjoon stood up and walked down the steps from his throne, clapping, “Hahahah, you’ve changed. Your eyes have more fight in you now compared to a couple of weeks ago,” he gripped Jihoon’s chin and tilted his head up so their eyes could meet, “But now is not the time to show your spirit, especially not when that little boy is in my hands,” he chuckled and released his grip.

“Here’s the thing, I just need you to get rid of this guy,” on cue, a secretary walked up towards Jihoon and placed some documents in front of him before walking away, “it’s very simple, just like all those other jobs you did before,” Namjoon said while circling the pink-haired boy.

Jihoon picked up the documents and skimmed through it quickly, “This is ridiculous! He’s a Minister of Pumacros – “

“And HE is a member of the revolution,” the King interrupted, “You’ll go alone, I’ll give you three days to do it,”

“He’ll be heavily guarded, I need a few men,” Jihoon protested.

“Woozi! Alone. Three days. Or you’ll kiss this boy goodbye,” Namjoon commanded, and sat back onto his throne, “I will not say it thrice,”

Tsk. “Understood,” .

He gave Chan one last glance before leaving the room, slightly relieved that they have not done any harm to the boy yet. He is thankful that it was Wonwoo and Mingyu who are guarding the boy, because although he hates them, he knows that they are people who will not harm innocent civilians who did no wrong.

Don’t worry Chan, I’ll get you out. Promise.

Jihoon sheds his uniform the moment he entered his room, flopping onto his bed, mumbling curses into his pillow. He looks to his desk and reaches for the document from earlier.

Kim Jong Shin. Minister of State. Lives in a mansion on the Northern side of Pumacros.

That place is probably crawling with guards, this is going to be difficult…


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“10 minutes break!” the dance instructor announced after what seemed like forever.

“Hyung, you alright? Your movements were pretty sluggish, and you don't have your usual enthusiasm,” Joshua asked as he sat down beside the leader.

“He’s obviously love sick hun, just look at him. It's only been a few hours and he already looks dead,” Jeonghan deadpanned.

Joshua shot him a glare, and Seungcheol just lets his head drop. He doesn’t want the other members to see him like this.

“What? I’m just stating the facts,” Jeonghan shrugged and sat on the other side of Seungcheol, “but I’m guessing Jihoon doesn’t feel the same way?” Jeonghan leaned forward to look at their leader for any confirmation.

“Hun, how do even know all these?” Joshua quirks an eyebrow.

“It’s all about observations babe,” Jeonghan flips his hair and continued, “I walked in on them cuddling in their sleep once, and I guessed they had a thing going on. But today, us aside, Seungcheol hyung doesn’t even know that he is taking leave, despite having a thing, and now seeing hyung like that, I’m guessing it’s one-sided,” Jeonghan turned to look at Seungcheol, “Am I right?”

Seungcheol lets out a deep sigh, considering on consulting with the couple or keep it to himself, he decided on the former since he ain’t no love expert.

“Jeonghan’s right, what should I do?” Seungcheol’s hands came up to his face and rubbed it a few times, “He doesn’t even consider me as a friend! Let alone like me,”

“What do you mean he doesn’t consider you as a friend?” Joshua asked, confused, “You’re always together!”

“Yeah! I thought so too,” Seungcheol exasperated, “but when I asked if he even considers me as one, he just gave me silence…” his tone drops and his voice is almost crying.

“No! I’m sure there’s something,” Jeonghan furrowed his brows and tapped his chin, “Love aside, I’m pretty sure he sees you as a friend! The way you guys interact with each other just says it all,” he paused, “But then again, I was sure you guys had a thing until just now…”

Joshua gave Jeonghan a light smack on the shoulder, and he whined, “Babeeee!”

“Ignore the second part Cheol, I’m sure he considers you a friend! He probably has his reasons,” Joshua assured him and gave a pat to his back, “You can probably start by finding out what that reason is, maybe it has something to do with his leave?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask when he comes back,” Seungcheol nodded, his facial expressions slightly better now, “Thanks guys,”


“Alright! Back to practice!” the dance instructor shouted, and they all went into position.


Maybe something happened last night when he went out, what was it… I just hope he doesn’t avoid me when he comes back…


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A/N: Helloooo I really hope y'all are enjoying this, heh.

My english is kinda y and I'm improving on it! So please pardon any grammar errors or wrong usage of words!

Luff you guys!


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Wonnie-Things #1
Chapter 2: my god I need more! author of my heart, do not take too long to update, please.
Jenna-Vee #2
This story already sounds so interesting! Can't wait for your updates author-nim~ :P HWAITING!! ^ㅅ^ ♥
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 1: Interesting