
Stranger of Maxiolem

a/n: okayyy although I promised past part II, I felt like that could wait. Sooo here’s the next chapter! Happy reading~


Jihoon woke up feeling warmer than usual, and to a heavy weight across his body. His head was nestled in the crook of Seungcheol’s neck, his arms draped across his stomach, and his leg hooking onto Seungcheol’s thigh. Seungcheol has his arms wrapped around Jihoon, holding him tight to his body.

It was a nice feeling, until he remembered that he cried in front of Seungcheol last night. What the actual ? He freaking cried. In front of a guy he barely knew. And cuddling actually feels nice? What? He was mentally cursing and slapping himself when he felt the older guy shifted.

Jihoon looked up to find himself staring into big warm, brown eyes that drowns him, for a moment he feels safe, like all of his problems didn’t matter at all. Those eyes are filled with worry, sympathy and soft, soft comfort. Seungcheol’s mouth opened, and closed again, as if trying to ask if he’s feeling better, but settled for a soft “Good morning,” and a small smile.

Realizing that he has been staring a tad too long, Jihoon detached himself from Seungcheol immediately and scrambled to the other end of the bed. Pink flushes across his cheeks, while his eyes look everywhere but at the man in front of him, and muttered a barely audible “Good morning,”.

Embarrassed. That’s what Jihoon is right now, he totally let himself go last night. He is so ashamed of himself that he doesn’t even realize how Seungcheol is looking at him so fondly right now. How much willpower it is taking the man to resist pulling the smaller back into his arms and cuddle till lunchtime or something.

Seungcheol sat up and stretched his arm muscles for a bit, probably stiff from sleeping in that position all night.


Jihoon nodded.

“Alright, let me wash up first. You can come out in about 20 minutes?” Seungcheol left the room, closing the door behind him.

Jihoon flopped back onto the bed, burying his face in the pillow, recalling his embarrassing moments and his face turns even redder. He turned to lie on his back, arms and legs spread out on the bed and stared at the ceiling. With every recollection of last night, the memories of his past came flooding in too.


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It was seven months since I became the leader of the King's assassination squad. I was sitting in a corner playing my guitar, Jungkook was lying on the bed, while Jimin was watching Suga scribble some words on a piece of paper, probably lyrics. Lazy days like this were the best.

“Woozi hyung, do we have any job today?” the youngest asked lazily.

“I don’t think so, but I’ll check with the king if you want me to,” I replied while strumming my guitar lightly.

“No! Bet the great and mighty will give us more work once he finds out we have nothing to do,” the orange-haired boy shouted from across the room.

I laugh. “Any song requests?” the question wasn’t directed to anyone in particular.

“Vanilla Twilight,”


A couple of songs passed and a slow clap can be heard from the hallway.

“Man, why aren’t you guys a band? Like what are you doing in the shadows when you can be out in the spotlight?” Soonyoung was leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest, “you guys are awesome! I can vouch for that.”

Laughter sounded the room.


Maybe we could. We could have. Now we couldn’t.


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Jihoon was pulled back to reality when Seungcheol came to get him for breakfast. He shakes away the remaining thoughts before washing up.

“You made pancakes?” Jihoon was shocked – pleasantly surprised. He didn’t know Seungcheol could cook, he was just expecting a simple sandwich or cereal or something.

“Yup. Figured something sweet could help…”

He’s probably referring to last night.

“Oh… But is this enough for everyone?”

“Ahh, Jun and Minghao already left early in the morning. The rest came home late so they’re still sleeping. They can settle their own breakfast,” Seungcheol handed Jihoon his utensils while Jihoon sat in front of the plate of piping hot pancakes, “Syrup?”

Jihoon nodded, still awed, no one has ever personally made him breakfast before.

“Thank you,” although it’s soft, but Seungcheol caught it, and that made his smile grew even wider, and it was like a ray of sunshine was painted all over his face.

They ate in silence and washed their plates in silence, but strangely it wasn’t one of those awkward ones but instead it was a comfortable one, it’s like they are in this happy quiet bubble where everything is peaceful.

“So how are you going to spend your day off?” Jihoon decided to break the silence.

“Hmm… Do you want to go cycling with me? By the Han River.”



Sure, Jihoon has ridden a horse before, but definitely not a bicycle. Like how do you even balance yourself on that thin piece of metal anyway? It only has two wheels for god’s sake! Howww –

“Jihoon? You okay?”

“Huh? Oh yeah. Fine. I’m Fine. Let’s go,” he was probably staring into nothing for too long, trying to convince himself that it’s just cycling. I mean, how hard could it be? What could go wrong?


Well, for the newbie starter pack, he fell the moment he started pedalling. He instinctively jumped off before he hit the ground, making it look like he intentionally threw the bike on the ground, and everyone was staring at him with a questioned look. Seungcheol on the other hand, knew immediately that this boy doesn’t know how to ride. He just started laughing hysterically, like who the hell jumps off a bicycle like that, he tried to stop, but the moment he made eye contact with the tomato-faced boy, he started laughing again.

“What are laughing at!” the boy fumed and left his fallen bicycle to storm over to the laughing Seungcheol.

“Hahh… You… You could have told me you couldn’t ride,” the older finally stopped laughing and wiped away a stray tear that escaped from too much laughter.

“Come on, I’ll teach you,” he continued, “But first, let’s go somewhere quieter. We’re attracting too much attention.” He said, pulling down his cap while gesturing to the crowd that’s starting to gather despite it being the morning of a weekday.

“You mean you’re attracting too much attention, Mr. Idol.” Jihoon retorted sarcastically, while walking over to fetch his abandoned bicycle.


The two moved to a small park not far from their apartment, it was quiet, just a couple of elderly jogging and a few random people rushing to work.

Jihoon sat on the bicycle, both hands firmly gripping on to the handles and both feet rooted to the ground. Seungcheol laughed at how tense he was, and he places one hand over Jihoon’s, on the handle, and the other on Jihoon’s lower back. Jihoon stiffened up even more at the contact, at how close they were, and he swore he can feel Seungcheol’s breath on his cheek. It reminded him of last night. Jihoon’s face heat up the moment Seungcheol started talking beside him, too distracted by that deep, mellow voice, and not paying attention to what he’s saying. Probably something along the lines of him letting go when he’s cycling well. Jihoon just hopes that Seungcheol doesn’t notice him blushing, it’s his first time feeling such an emotion, and it can’t be helped that he couldn’t hide it well.

But Seungcheol sees everything, and leans in closer to his ear with every word he says, a smirk tugging on his lips.

“Aight! Jihoonie, you ready?” Seungcheol asked cheerfully, shocking the younger.

“No, wait– “

“Pedal away!” Seungcheol ignores Jihoon and starts pushing the bike, laughing.

Flustered, Jihoon lifted his legs to start pedalling, with a mess of limbs and several attempts in placing his feet properly on the pedals, he is now pedalling, with Seungcheol running beside him, balancing and guiding him, shouting words of encouragement. Although the start was wobbly, Jihoon is soon able to cycling in a straight line, with Seungcheol guiding him of course. And this is the part where Seungcheol lets go, Jihoon continues cycling ahead, no panic, no wobbling. Perfect. Until he starts cycling towards a tree, then he starts to panic. Again, he jumped off the bike and it skids across the ground before it hits the tree, and then he hears laughter behind him.

“You really need to stop jumping off like that,” Seungcheol panted, trying to catch his breath from running and laughing.

Jihoon shrugs like it’s no big deal, “Instincts,” he says.

“How’d you even get instincts like that? And such reflexes, normally people would just fall and get squashed by their bike,”


“Anyway, keep this up and you’ll be buying a new bicycle for that rental shop owner,” Seungcheol nods at the again abandoned bicycle by the tree.

Jihoon looks apologetic, but doesn’t say anything. Seungcheol just sighs and asks, “Want to try again?” with an encouraging smile, Jihoon looked at him and nodded slowly, and walked over to pick up his bicycle.

“Come on, you can do this!” Seungcheol said while ruffling his pink hair.

After a few attempts and another fling of the bicycle, although still a little wobbly, but Jihoon is finally able to cycle on his own. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, a faint smile formed on his lips just for a split second, and disappeared soon after. Little did he know that Seungcheol was staring the whole time, and that spilt second just made his day.


“Jihoon, let grab something to eat. I’m famished!” Seungcheol groaned after cycling a few rounds around the park.

“Ohh right, it’s already 3pm,”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

Jihoon just shrugs, he’s used to not eating regularly, “Any place in mind? Preferably a quiet place since you’re an idol,”

“Yup! I know a place, the members always eat there when we hang out,”

They returned their bikes and made their way to a small vintage-looking café. It is located at an inconvenient place, buses don’t reach here, you either walk or drive. The exterior looks old and worn out, ivy clinging onto the pillars, and it looks like it’ll collapse anytime soon. The interior, however, was stunningly beautiful, polished wooden flooring, brick walls decorated with framed portraits, orange lights hanging from above, lighting the matching tables and chairs beneath. A piano waiting to be played on stood above a small platform in a corner, soft melodies filling the area, and there’s even a wall for graffiti. Jihoon swore that this would be the best place to read a book or play his guitar or something.

The café was rather empty since it was a weekday and inconveniently located in the middle of nowhere. Both of them picked a table in the far corner of the café, to avoid unnecessary recognition. Jihoon settled down, admiring the place a little more while Seungcheol went to order their food at the counter. The older soon returned with drinks and said that their food will take some time. Two plates were served, lasagne and spaghetti. Both of them looked so good, Jihoon doesn’t know what to choose, so he lets the older pick his favourite. 


“Your eyes are still a little red and puffy, from last night,” Seungcheol says, leaning over, thumb caressing the under of his eye.

Jihoon looked up from his plate of spaghetti, a strand of noodle still hanging from his lips, stunned by the gentle touch.

Seungcheol chuckled at how adorable Jihoon is, just staring, face flushed, straight at him. Seungcheol doesn’t know what got over him (hormonal instincts probably), but he decided to pull that strand of noodle out of Jihoon’s mouth, and ate it.

The boy’s face turned so red that even the sauce on his spaghetti can’t be compared. He broke eye contact immediately and stared down at his plate and began stuffing his mouth to try to hide his embarrassment, not that it’s helping though.

Seungcheol chortled at the priceless reaction he received from the younger.

“Slow down or you’ll choke,” he says, looking at the younger fondly.


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“I need to drop by the studio to pick up my lyrics book, I accidentally I left it there the day before,” Seungcheol says as they left the café, “Want to come with?”

“Mm sure,”

The studio is just a few rooms away from the practice room, but it’s the first time he’s ever entered the room. It was a rather small room, filled with complicated equipment he doesn’t recognize and another small room which he assumes is the recording booth. While Seungcheol was messing around the table searching for his notebook, Jihoon looks around the room, trying to figure out what 80% of the room is, he has never seen such technology before, it amazes him. His eyes landed on a familiar instrument, and the memories started flowing.


“Call me Master and I shall teach you the ways of the guitar!” Suga smirked.

“Call me Master and I shall teach you the ways of awesome vocals!” Jimin chirped in.

“Call me Master and I shall teach you the ways of the GOLDEN MAKNAE!” Jungkook proclaimed while standing on the bed with one foot on the headboard, acting all tall and mighty.

“Get off your high horse kid,” I snorted and jokingly pushed him so that he falls back lying on the bed.

“Hyungg,” he whined and I laugh, “I’m golden and you know it~” he gave me a cheeky wink and I just rolled my eyes and laugh again.


He unconsciously allowed his fingers pluck one of the string, emitting a sound he hasn’t heard in a long while.

“That’s Joshua’s,” Seungcheol walks over to his side, having found his notebook.

“Ohh, it’s beautiful,” Jihoon says, eyes and fingers still lingering on the guitar.

“Do you play?”


“Do you play the guitar?”

“A little. I learnt it from a friend,” his tone heavy on that last word, heart still aching at the memory, “it was a long time ago,”

He tries to smile a little, supressing the memories, refusing to cry again. He knows he’s stronger than this, he has hidden his emotions a million times and he can do it again, but his smile falters.

“Play it,” Seungcheol says softly, noticing the dampened mood, “I’m sure Joshua wouldn’t mind,”

Jihoon silently picked up the guitar, sat on the couch and settled the instrument on his lap. He wonders if he remembers how to play it, his fingers strummed it lightly, ahh… this feeling. He plays the song he knows by heart, Vanilla Twilight, the song they used sang together, before his soul was lost and caged. He closed his eyes, recalling the fond memories, his fingers worked magic on the guitar and the music flowed, and by the end of the song a single tear rolled down his cheek.


The walk back to the dorm was quiet, and Jihoon slept facing the wall that night, fighting the urge to wallow himself into the arms of Seungcheol, seeking comfort from the older.


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A/N: Hey guyss, school has been , my major project was changed last minute and I have so little timeee! Creys. I need help.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter ;) it took longer than expected and the following chapters may take equally long or longer. So sorry in advance!

Hope this satisfied your jicheol needs! Hehehe


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Wonnie-Things #1
Chapter 2: my god I need more! author of my heart, do not take too long to update, please.
Jenna-Vee #2
This story already sounds so interesting! Can't wait for your updates author-nim~ :P HWAITING!! ^ㅅ^ ♥
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 1: Interesting