
Stranger of Maxiolem

The boy looks down on the piece of paper in his hands before glancing up at the building again. Het let out a deep sigh. It’s been 10 minutes since he stood there, and the security guard is starting to give him the weird look. He took a step forward, hesitated, then started to pace around at the entrance of the building. You need some changes in life, the words echoed in his head. He took a deep breath, put up his usual poker face, and started walking towards the building.

After taking not more than three steps, he was shoved away by a screaming fangirl, soon followed by a stampede of them. The boy scowled and turned to the attention these squealing females were giving to. A black van pulled up in the middle of the chaos and seven young men came out of it. As they walked pass, one of them caught the eye of the petite boy. He was tall, his jet black hair almost touching his eyes, and had a toothy grin plastered on his face, the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen if he might add. They waved and smiled at the still screaming fangirls before entering the building.

Jihoon quickly shook off his thoughts of the handsome male and entered the building following behind the seven.



“Hey! No fans allowed in the building! Get out kid!” the security grabbed his shoulder and started pushing him out.

“W-what?? Hey man, I’m not a fan! I’m here for an appointment with someone,” Jihoon gripped the security’s wrist and stopped himself in time from getting thrown into the pit of fangirls.

“Yeah right. Who are you meeting?” the larger man rolled his eyes, voice mocking.

“…uhm ...Kim Yeon Soo,” the male mumbled just enough of the guard to hear him.

The security guard stood there for a moment before heading to the counter and whispered some stuff to the receptionist. The boy has a keen sense of hearing, clearly hearing both of them not believing that he had an appointment.

The guard returned and asked, “Name?”

“Lee Jihoon.”

“…alright. Top floor,” the man was definitely irritated.


Jihoon paid him no attention headed towards the lift and went up as directed. Should I just turn back and leave? He had his arms crossed and feet tapping worriedly as the lift ascends. Ding! He made his way to the room at the end of the corridor. ‘Vice President’

He sighed for the umpteenth time before knocking and swinging the door open. There’s no turning back now.


“Hello, my name is Lee - “

“Woozi! Hey! I thought you weren’t coming!” the suited man smiled widely.

“I would prefer to be called Jihoon here... Mr. Kim,”

“Right. Jihoon. Anyway, I’ve heard about your situation from Soonyoung and I’d be glad to help!”

“Oh… Thankyou sir. Sorry about it.”

“No worries,” he smiled reassuringly, “you will be managing an idol group, and don’t worry, it’s part time in case something comes up from your side,” Jihoon just nodded quietly.

“Come! I’ll bring you to meet them. They are called Seventeen, and are about your age, so I’m sure you can be friends with them very soon.” Friends.


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Mr. Kim led Jihoon a few storeys down, towards the practice room.

-knock knock-

Mr. Kim entered the practice room with Jihoon trailing behind.

“Hello kids, this is your new part-time manager. Be nice to him okay?” He then urged Jihoon forward to introduce himself.

“My name is Lee Jihoon, nice to meet you,” eyes staring on the floor. He sure isn’t good with strangers.

“Question! How old are you? You look like a middle school kid!” Seungkwan, fearless as ever. The other members simply shook their heads at his question, but that doesn’t mean that they are not curious about his age as well.

Jihoon rolled his eyes (mentally), but replied with a small smile. “I’m 20.”

“Alright! I’m going to do my work now. Have fun okay? Don’t bully him just because he’s younger than some of you! And don’t neglect practice!” Mr. Kim eyed the members before patting Jihoon’s shoulder and left the room.



“Oh right! We forgot to introduce ourselves,” the boy with long silky hair laughed, “I’m Jeonghan, nice to meet you!”

“I’m Jisoo, but you can call me Joshua.”

“Hansol, you can call me Vernon.”

“Ehehe… I’m Seungkwan. Hope my question didn’t offend you!” he said with sorry eyes and a sheepish smile.

“I’m Junhui, or Jun in short.”

“I’m Minghao.”

“and I’m Seungcheol, leader of Seventeen,” Jihoon’s eyes lingered on the taller man’s face a little too long before snapping out of it (making sure all emotions hidden behind his poker face, as trained).


“Alright! Let’s get on with practice!” Seungcheol clapped once and ushered the whining members into position.

Jihoon proceeded to sit in the corner of the room and watch them train quietly. After a few minutes have passed, he fished out his phone along with his earpiece and started looking up on Seventeen. He watched some of their previous performances, variety shows as well as interviews, holding back his laughter at the hilarious parts, occasionally letting out a small snicker before controlling his expression again. All of them are such dorks, especially the leader. He thought to himself.


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Practice ended early today as they wanted to chat with their new part-time manager over dinner. Their current manager has already went home knowing that the younger will be with them. Jihoon got to know them a little better, about their personalities, some of their likes and dislikes. He could tell that Jeonghan and Joshua were really close, sort of an item, but he wasn’t sure. Hansol and Seungkwan are always bickering with each other, Jun and Minghao are usually in their Chinese little world but they do interact with the others. Seeing Minghao’s attempts in Korean is almost endearing especially with that accent of his. Lastly, Seungcheol, a fun and loud guy who is like a father figure to them, though there are many childish sides of him, such as whining when Hansol stole a piece of chicken off his plate.

On Jihoon’s side of the story, however, is all made up. He lied about how he was just an ordinary kid, who went to an average school and graduated with average grades. In fact, Jihoon didn’t went to school at all, everything he knows were self-taught during his free time. Not that he could say any of it though.


Dinner ended and they all headed back to the dorm, Jihoon’s belongings were already there waiting for him. Seungkwan gave him a brief tour around the dorm before showing him his room, “...and, this right here shall be your room! With Seungcheol hyung, since he is the only one without a roommate,” Seungkwan smiled at him widely, “Go on and settle your things down before showering!” Jihoon was left in the room, stunned and wide-eyed, to take in what he was just told.


Sharing a room with that handsome creature?! He shook his head. Besides that! What if I have to leave for a mission at night? How and what am I going to explain?! -


His thoughts were disrupted when he sensed a figure standing by the door. “… there isn’t an extra bed or mattress, so I guess we would have to sleep on the same bed..., if it’s fine with you…” the taller man’s voice trailed off, hands rubbing the back of his neck, looking away shyly. “it’s all impromptu and we didn’t know you’d be sleeping here! But if you’re really uncomfortable, I can sleep on the couch!” he continued hurriedly, not wanting to come across as a ert on the first day they’ve met.

“No! No… I’m fine with it. Really.” Jihoon gave him a reassuring smile.

Jihoon unpacked his things within moments, not that he had much anyway, and proceeded to shower. When he returned to the room, Seungcheol was already lying on the bed using his phone, leaving the inner side of the bed, beside the wall, empty for Jihoon. Instead of crawling over Seungcheol (HA. As if he’d ever do that lul), he climbed onto the bed from the bottom end. The younger laid down awkwardly beside Seungcheol, and it’s funny how both of them fit perfectly on the single sized bed (definitely due to Jihoon’s small stature), shoulders occasionally brushing against each other.

After what seemed like forever, Jihoon turned his body to face the wall to escape the awkward feeling that was growing every minute.

“You sleeping soon?” the taller asked, noticing that the shorter has shifted his position.

“Huh? Ohh…yeahh.”

Seungcheol got up to turn off the lights and crawled back into bed muttering a soft goodnight before allowing sleep to consume him. Is this really okay? were Jihoon’s last thoughts before drifting off to sleep soon after the taller.



“Pink! It’ll look good on you!”

“But it stands out so much! No. It doesn’t fit. Not my style,”

“Come on. You’re not sneaking around in the shadows anymore; you don’t need dark coloured hair. Pink is fine!”

“Soonyoung, actually… I didn’t exactly quit… yet…”

The said man frowned at those words, “Jihoon-ah, you can’t carry on like this forever, it’s time to move on, and you need some changes in life to do that.”

Jihoon’s head was drooping low, but he nodded in compliance. Soonyoung smiled and patted his back before walking away.

“…but pink is still – “Jihoon looked up only to find Soonyoung already discussing the price with the hairdresser, he can only sigh in resignation.



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Author's Note

Hey! So yeah this is the first chapter~ Do give me opinions on how I can improve or how you wish for the story to continue!

Critical constructive feedbacks are welcome too!

I hope this is not too short though, please do tell me!

I would really appreciate it (: 


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Wonnie-Things #1
Chapter 2: my god I need more! author of my heart, do not take too long to update, please.
Jenna-Vee #2
This story already sounds so interesting! Can't wait for your updates author-nim~ :P HWAITING!! ^ㅅ^ ♥
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 1: Interesting