Dance Off

Tomboy or not, I love her


You've finally stopped crying and your phone rang for the umpteenth time. You ignored it and just leave it on another side, it finally stopped ringing.
You sighed and close your eyes, rested your head on the wall. And again, it rang again. You couldn't take it anymore and just answered it.
"I don't wanna talk now appa!" You hissed. 
"What?! I'm not your appa! It's me!" Minhyuk called out.
"Minhyuk?" Your eyes popped open. 
"Yeah, where are you?!" He asked angrily.
You look around the dark corner, "In a dark place. Why?"
"What are you doing there?! You're suppose to be here before 6!" Minhyuk called out.
You shot up this time, "6?! Why?!"
"The Dance Off! Hurry! You still have 5 more minutes! The MC is giving us a 5 minute break!" Minhyuk warned.
"On my way." You shut your phone and took your skateboard. You skated all the way to the underground dance club.
You've finally reached the place and got in. 
"I'm here!" You shouted as you went backstage. They were all just stretching.
Kai look at you, JiHye just blink your way. Minhyuk suddenly appeared and beamed, "Yay! You manage to make it!" 
"Am I late?" You asked. "No. Right on time. And why are your eyes swollen red?" Minhyuk asked.
"Huh?" You touch your face. JiHye pulled out her compact and showed it to you. You stare at your reflection in the mirror.
You were a messed. Eye swollen red, your cheeks was stain from your tears. "Oh my gosh." You softly called out.
"Get in the bathroom! Go and wash up!" JiHye yanked you in the girls room and threw you in there. 
"Hurry!" She called out and shut the door. You look in the mirror and started to wash your face. After making sure your face is back to normal. 
You fixed your hair mess up hair, into a cool type and put on your cap. Smile at yourself and got out of the bathroom.
"I'm ready." You beamed. "Right on time!" Sanghyun clapped. 
"Dice!" The MC howled your groups name. "That's us!" You beamed and went up first.
The rest just went up. 
Flashing lights went your way and you smile. The crowds cheer as they rcognize their favorite tomboy dancer.
You smile and waved to them. JiHye came up in her y clothes. You just wore comfortable jeans and shirts. You don't even bother on how you look like. All that matters that you'd feel comfortable dancing in it.
Minhyuk and Sangwoo's hair were both done perfectly, Kai was looking handsome than ever. Girls screamed and squealed.
Boys chant you and JiHye's name. You just beamed and wave at them, they threw roses to JiHye and JiHye took one and sniff it.
"Okay! Do you guys wanna see your competitor?" The MC asked.
"Yes!" You cheered. Everyone smile and laugh at the cheerful you. The MC laugh along.
"Okay! Teen Top come out now!" The MC called out. Your eyes literally popped open, and I mean literally.
What?! Teen Top?!
Out came from the curtains was no other than Teen Top, girls screamed as they saw their handsome faces. 
Chunji wink once and nearly all the girls in the room died. You winced at the screaming and squealing. 
Ricky's cuteness make them wanna attack them. You couldn't help but left your jaw dropped wide open, JiHye was impressed at L.Joe's smirk and coolness.
Kai grew jealous, and immediately he covered JiHye's eyes. Sanghyun and Minhyuk just look at them, thinking that they're not so tough.
Teen Top bowed and did their signature winks, smiles. You quickly put on your hoodie, hoping that they wouldn't notice you.
"Okay! Dice meet Teen Top. Introduce each other." The MC called out and made way. You adjust your cap and hoodie, making sure it cover your face.
The two groups were now infront of each other, 5 vs 6. 
L.Joe is infront of you, you lowered your head. He furrowed his eyebrows and bowed. "L.Joe." He called out.
, my name ... 
You thought and just bow without an answer. Weird.
L.Joe just helplessly accepted it, and didn't bother to ask. 
After introducing to each other, Dice was first to perform.
Teen Top waited backstage and watch the performance from the screen TV.
The stage went dark, and slowly, little lights started to appear and brighten up the whole stage. Everyone cheered even louder.
Teen Top was at backstage, watching the whole thing. 
"Woah." Changjo called as you appeared all crazy with the hip hop moves. 
Break dancing was done Sanghyun and Minhyuk. Kai and JiHye did perfect popping moves together.
You were shining up on stage, all alone. You love dancing solo, it was the time when you had the spotlight to yourself.
Of course, you're not really a selfish person. You just love having solo time, but you also loved dancing together. That was where the fun appeared.
You did a perfect somersault, your hoodie and cap fell off. 
Teen Top gasped as they saw your face, "Oh my gosh! Isn't that the tomboy from our school?" Ricky called out.
L.Joe shot up this time, ever since he found you quite interesting, he'd pay close attention to you. He looked up and his jaw dropped.
You were doing all those head spins. Crowds cheered and you smile as you flipped your short tomboy-ish hair around.
"Wow! She's good!" Niel clapped. "I didn't know she'd dance. Do you guys know?" Chunji asked.
"Nope." All of them respond, except for L.Joe.
No.. I didn't know.
He thought and look at the screen, you were dazzling. A smile suddenly formed up on his lips as you did your pose to end the dance.
C.A.P. gave L.Joe a sly smile, "He's smiling." Everyone shifted their attention to L.Joe. 
"Wooo!" Ricky cheered. L.Joe turn to them, "What?" His smile disappeared.
"You're smiling." Chunji smirked. "Impressive." Niel added.
"Oh shut up." He muttered out. All of them just laugh. 
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asianhiphopdancer #1
Chapter 9: Hey yo.wassup? your story bro! The motercycle scene was cute! XD
Update soon.please!
asianhiphopdancer #2
Chapter 3: Hey yo! Her job is in an underground dance club? Damn if this could happen to me xD
asianhiphopdancer #3
Hey yo wassup? Dude. This story abd I are almost fated xD (?)
Im a tomboy thats pretty much exactly as the one in your story! You can tell by my username right? i love hip hop? Haha lol! Anyways looking forward to reading! Im sure im gonna enjoy it! :D
Celinko #4
Chapter 9: Update soon
Update please! T.T
Cimari #6
is amazing, i'm waiting for the next chapter ;)
ambzchan #7
update soon more
Jessika98 #8
Love it! Good job update soon please! <3
Araso dongsaeng ;D! Unnie has to go on HIATUS TOO ><!