
Dangerous Boy

Ever since the day you parted with Hoya, you went back to your normal university school life, occasionally taking part-time short counselling session with other troubled students. Perhaps Mrs Jung had some intuition about what had happened between you and Hoya. Because you no longer encounter anyone who is as violent as him.

Suddenly it was like your life was back to the days before you met Hoya. But you knew that it will never be the same. No other counselling target's improvement would give you that much of a joy as compared to Hoya. Maybe he was special, afterall.

"~~~~~~." Yunho walked into your classroom, flashing his usual warm smile. "Are you done yet?"

You looked up from your textbook, slightly caught off guard by his appearance. "Sunbae? What are you doing here?"


Yunho raised an eyebrow. "Don't you remember that we are supposed to visit Professor Lee's new restaurant opening today?" He reminded.

"Oh right!" You remembered with a gasp. "I was so busy working on my project this entire week. I've totally forgotten about it." You gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry sunbae." 


"~~~~~~~...." He sighed as he walked over and pulled an empty chair to sit in front of your desk. "What happened to you lately? You seemed to be quite absentminded and low on energy. This ain't like the usual ~~~~ I know"


You shrugged with a tired face and shut your book. "Stress... I guess?" You awkwardly avoided the conversation and started packing your bag. It was always hard to hide your feelings in front of Yunho sunbae. He was not only your first crush, your dependable oppa, he was also a family.

"Are you sure?" He gave you a suspicious look. "If it is the usual you, you would have realised by now that you left your keys in the canteen during lunch?"

"Keys?" You laughed as you search your pockets. The next moment, you froze when you felt an unusual emptiness. You began to panick. "It was inside my pocket all along. How could it be-"

You paused upon seeing Yunho flashing your keys. "Sunbae!" You heaved a sigh of relief as you quickly reached out to grab it from his hands.


But Yunho was faster. He pulled his hand back and before you knew it, the distance between his face and yours were just mere inches apart. 

Yunho gazed deeply into your eyes and swallowed hard. "..." He murmured as he slowly leaned in.


Your eyes widened upon realising what he was about to do. Million of thoughts flashed through your mind as you thought about what would happen if this goes on.

Surprised, you instinctly leaned back.


Yunho stopped. He looked down and pulled a wry smile. "Sorry.." 

"Sunbae... I-"


"I er..." He rose up from his seat and set your keys on the table. "I just remembered I need to collect something before heading to Professor Lee's restaurant." He made a lie. "I'll er... meet you there?"


"Ok." You forced a smile as you watched him exit the room. *What is wrong with me? Why is everything suddenly messed up in my life? I liked Yunho, but why did I avoid his kiss just now? What was I thinking?*



At Woolim Academy, the student cohort has been living under fear lately. All because of one student.

Due to some unknown reasons, the once most notorious student, Lee Howon, is being more dangerous than before. Even an incidental eye contact with him, would send chills from hell down the spine. He looked like he would murder someone, that is if anyone dared to piss him off.

As he walked through the school hallway, everyone automatically let out a pathway and looked down. They were too afraid to meet his eyes. He had just returned to school after a week of suspension from school. Reason? He injured a student severely who talked back at him during lesson. Everyone in the class witnessed it in horror. That poor student even ended up in the hospital due to bleeding on the head.


With a cruel smile plastered on his face, Hoya ignored everyone's fear and strut down the hallway. Nothing in this world could bring back the warmth in his eyes which he once held. He hated everyone too much to even care. 


The teachers in this school could not do anything against him anyway. All they could do, was just to send him home for a week of suspension.

No one knew the reason to his change. He was improving as a person just a month ago. But now he was like a boy from hell, filled with so much anger.




-At the abandoned field behind the school-

"Hoya." Woohyun approached him during break time. "Are you ok? Why are you being so mad lately? Has anything gone wrong?"

Hoya ignored him and continued to smoking.

Woohyun frowned and coughed slightly under the smoke. "Hoya." He called again, hoping to get the attention of the latter. "Ya! Ho-"

"If you don't want to die, leave me alone." Hoya simply replied as he blew the smoke out. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Woohyun snapped. "Why have you become to this? You were still alright a month ago! Who made you mad?"


"....Was it because of that counselling noona?" Woohyun guessed.

Just then, in a blink of an eye, Hoya swiftly grabbed Woohyun's collar and lifted the student council president off his feet. "Don't you dare to mention her name in front of me ever again." He hissed dangerously. "I will kill you if you do that again."

Woohyun trembled slightly under Hoya's glare. He had never known that Hoya could be so scary. He swallowed hard and raised his arms as a sign of surrendering. "Ok... I promise you." He eyed at Hoya's grip around his collar, "Now... can you let me go?" He forced an awkward smile.

Hoya narrowed his eyes and let out a snort as he released his hand. 


Woohyun inhaled deeply, still a bit scared of Hoya. "Anyway... I don't know whether you like this or not... But we have a new transfer student in the class. You didn't get to meet her since you skipped the lessons..."

Hoya continued to smoke in silence, not showing any emotions to Woohyun's words.


"It's Hyuna..." Woohyun finally revealed. "She's back."




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Leethatpringle #1
I wanna see more of this fic!!!!! I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: pls pls pls authornim dont stop this fic. its one of the best fic. its been 2 years the last chapter.i hope you didnt forget about this fic and continue update. pls!!
dannyal #3
Chapter 21: Hope you don't forget this story yet author-nim. This story is just too good to be forgotten. Please update soon, author-nim. I'll be waiting for the next update. 화이팅 !!
wendyii #4
Chapter 21: please please please continue this story!
i dint care if there's or not, this story is tooooooooo ggood to just stop here!
jaejae077 #5
Chapter 21: this is getting good!!!
Chapter 21: Hyuna... ... HYUNA?!?! Omg please don't! My poor Howonnie.. :'(
Chapter 20: Omg you're finally here!!!!
Of course you can continue without the parts just please continue
And congrats on your job ^^!!
Chapter 20: It's okay no being able to write such things like Smith lol and it's good that you got job trust me more important but
xpoppop #9
Chapter 20: Wow 2 years alr? Felt like a few months only tho hahas. Just re-read everything. No is ok! Take ur time to update! Hope work is not too stressful for u~
jaejae077 #10
Chapter 20: wow it had been longgggggggg~ but im glad you are back!!!
i think you should just write it in which ever you are comfortable with! with or without !
the story would defnitely be better with but if you are not comfortable with it then it is okie, imagination is just fine as well!!!
Glad to have you back!!!