The Damsels in Distress

Dumb-Luck Life
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“Jae! Changmin! What happened!?!?!” Junsu and Yoochun frantically met up with the rest of s and Boa in the lobby. They were drenched in sweat. Their manager followed behind, making some calls to do damage control of the situation.


“I-I-I don’t know! Yunho went with them in the ambulance” Jaejoong paced around trying to catch them up, biting his thumb nail to relax. Boa’s eyes were puffy red and she turned away burying her head hugging her knees


“Sh-She stopped breathing Hyung…” Changmin quietly informed, traumatizing Junsu as he looked towards him.


He gulped and his eyes were watering. “Wh-What d-do you mean Seul Gi sto-“


Before he finished his sentence there was a patient being quickly wheeled in a gurney across the floor.


“Female. Age 20. Respiratory system failure. Heart condition is-”


“Shove it and give the oxygen already! She’s not breathing right!”


It caught all their attention when it was Riin screaming alongside the doctor and nurses.


“Riin, stay calm!” And Yunho was the one who was tracking right behind her, holding Seul Gi’s hand. “Seul Gi, stay with us, please.”


Junsu and the others didn’t hesitate to run after them. The two noticed the rest of the gang and made room, making the pathway to the emergency room crowded. It shocked all of them that this once healthy woman was now pale, drenched with sweat, and looking lifeless. One of the nurses was placing an oxygen mask on her, and the other was inputting an IV in her arm. The heart monitor beeps made everyone nervous as it began to slow.


“SEUL GI! HEY, IM HERE NOW!” Junsu ignored the doctors and grabbed her other free hand. He looked at her and back at the heart monitor, noticing it getting weaker.


“WE ALL ARE!” Boa added.


“C’MON SEUL GI! WAKE UP!” Yoochun yelled.


“OKAY! THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE! GET OUT NOW AND LET US DO OUR JOB!” The charge nurse screamed at the seven. “FAMILY ONLY!”


“I’M FAMILY” Both Riin and Junsu screamed back and helped pushed Seul Gi towards the ER. Junsu looked back and nodded to the others who stopped in their tracks. Yunho punched the wall with frustration and ran his hands through his hair, Jaejoong grabbed Boa in a comforting hug, and Yoochun just shook his head leaning against Changmin; he himself just breathed out and covered his face. The first pair of doors they burst through, swung shut and separated the others leaving Junsu to see them on window view


He became nervous and terrified when he realized the rest of his guys weren’t going with him. It was a first for him to face something so extreme, alone. Junsu always had s on stand-by whenever he needed them and they were his support system since his parents weren’t around often.


But this time, he had to be the one support system for someone else.


“S-Seul Gi?!” Riin’s anxious tone snapped him back to reality. The heart monitor instantly became monotonous with an extensive beep.


Junsu knew what that meant.


“She’s not breathing!” One of the doctors began the electrical cardioversion procedure immediately to jump start her heart.


Junsu didn’t know what to do but stand there and watch


“CLEAR!” They did it the first time.



Then the second time.



And the third.


Soon the staff slowed down on taking her to the ER as they were inches away from surgery. The medical staff took off their masks and sighed, looking at each other and then stealing glances at both Riin and Junsu who were shaking in trepidation. Their faces said it all; she was gone.


Two full minutes passed since her heart stopped beating. Riin began to cry horrifically and the nurse grabbed her to lead away from her lifeless best friend. However she didn’t budge, she cried right on the bed spot holding Seul Gi’s hand to her face. Junsu grew angry; even upset at himself.


The head surgeon began to speak as he placed a hesitant pat on Junsu’s shoulder and looked at his watch. “Time of death….6:01PM Dec-“


“YAH! IDIOT! I KNOW YOU’RE STILL IN THERE. COME BACK TO ME RIGHT NOW!” Junsu grabbed Seul Gi shoulders as he started crying. “YAH!”



No response.



“YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME! C’MON FIGHT!” He yelled once more



No response again.



“I-I p-promise to come home now right after work to see you! I promise family dinners!”


Junsu looked at Seul Gi; still unresponsive.



“Oppa needs you…” He was giving up. Junsu placed his forehead against Seul Gi’s, and let the tears roll. He let it all out when he felt her body temp cooling. He felt her pale face, neck and trailed all the way to her arms.  The staff couldn’t help but watch and feel empathy as well.



“D-Don’t do this. Please…You promised you’d stick by me.”



Seconds later the heart monitor beeped once.



Then twice.



And then the heart beats were exponentially speeding up.



“PATIENT IS RESPONSIVE!” One of the nurses shouted on queue and checked Seul Gi’s pulse.  “DOCTOR-“


Seul Gi’s eyes shot wide open as she looked around; scared, paralyzed and very much alert.


Junsu thankfully stepped back to look at her lively face. “Seul-”


“Sorry but no time.” The doctor pushed Junsu back and signaled one of the nurses to take him and Riin back to the lobby. Seul Gi’s eyes locked on no one but Junsu as she weakly reached out for him, but was gently pushed to lay down by the surgeon in charge. “Calm down, you’ll be fine, okay?” She quickly nodded- blinking and noticing where she was in and what was happening to her. “Do you know your name?...”


And before the two could follow, the nurse stopped him and Riin from entering the ER. “You’ve done your part of the miracle, let us do ours.” The nurse left in a rush.


Junsu watched the surgeon ask Seul Gi a series of questions through another set of double doors while they entered the ER. Riin just stood there next to him, still absorbing what had happened. She wiped her tearful face and looked at Junsu; trying to read his thoughts.


He looked straight ahead, eyes still fixated on Seul Gi and the medical staff.


A sigh of relief escaped out of Riin, and she slowly grabbed his hand. He interlocked with her fingers it without removing his gaze on the ER, and held her hand tighter


“Kim Junsu… You take your big brother duties way too seriously… I like that.”




“My turn.”


“I’m not leaving her.”


“Hyung, Yunho can-“


“I said, im not leaving her.”


“Junsu…you need to go home. “ Yoochun grabbed my shoulder. I wasn’t budging from my spot. I stared at Seul Gi; who was peacefully sleeping. I groaned and rubbed my face in lethargy


“Its been three days since you’ve slept. C’mon” Changmin added on and sat on the couch. “And take her with you.” He pointed to Riin who’s been here with me for the past three days. But she was sleeping


We both didn’t leave Seul Gi’s side.


I felt stupid, and guilty


How can I forget that she has a heart condition.


This is the second time this happened.


“Come home with me. We need to come up with a game plan with Manager-hyung on what to say to the media.” Jaejoong grabbed me.


I could care less about the media.


“SM will take care of everything, but they need to meet you to discuss what happened. Its your turn for a story.” Yoochun added and handed me a coffee. “I know this isn’t how you wanted to tell the world about Seul Gi, but everyone thinks youre dating her, Riin is getting death threats from fans, Boa’s taking some heat since it happened in her place, our parents are calling us about these scandals, and SM-“


“I know!” I scowled and waved off. There was just too much going on, too much stress in one week. From work to this- I was just exhausted.


“Just go Junsu, I got this.” I perked up and saw Riin sleepily stretched. She was tired too, but she stood up to check on Seul Gi. I saw her lovingly move her bangs out of her sleeping face.


“No. I’m staying.” I fought off again despite the doubts I felt and just put my head down on Seul Gi bedside. I grabbed her hand and looked at her.


“Heres what we’ll do, we’ll grab some food, and in a few hours we do a shift change so you can go and shower so and come back right away.” Yunho hyung compromised. “Cause frankly, you and Riin stink dude.” He chuckled making the atmosphere light-hearted.


“Hey!” Riin frowned, but had no comeback.


Yunho hyung was right. Riin and I needed to be refreshed. But I just want to be the first one she sees when she wakes up.


And I have a feeling, she will… soon


“Fine, just come back in a few hours.” I finally agreed and the guys raised a brow at me.


“Wow, Yunho can persuade you, but I cant?” Changmin scoffed at me and I just made a weary smile.


“Alright, lets go back to the studio and then pick up food?” Jaejoong grabbed Changmin and headed out the door. Yoochun ruffled Riins hair playfully before heading out. I gave a slight nod to Yunho in appreciation.


Once again, it was just Riin and I.


“Junsu, you need to go back to work. I got this. Seul Gi is fine now”


I sighed in frustration. I had to be the worst brother on earth for being useless. I cant do anything right. “I know, but I don’t want to leave her. She’s my responsibility now. I need to be here. I want to be here”


I saw Riin stare right into my eyes for a good while and when I flinched at her staring, she walked over to me.





I looked confused and Riin suddenly grabbed me up from my seat.


She embraced me


My body stiffened


But I succumbed to the comfort.


I never felt this scared. And Riin knew it.


“You saved her Junsu. And that is something I have never seen before.”


I held her tighter in appreciation. “Yelling is the best medicine I guess.” I cracked a joke remembering what had happened when Seul Gi was being wheeled in the emergency room. I sat down and massaged my head. I heard Riin chuckle and grab the seat next to me, closing her eyes from sleep deprivation.


My eyes trailed to Seul Gi; who was sleeping peacefully and was content in whatever dreamland she was in.


I myself have never witnessed that miracle until that day.


I will never forget what happened between her and I. Seul Gi was absolutely gone for approximately three minutes, and somehow she came back.


She heard me call out for her.


I know she did.


Soon the whole hospital heard about the miracle and crazed about it; and then it reached the media of course, coming up with their own fictional assumptions and selling it to our fans. The guys and Boa couldn’t believe it until Riin explained the real story.


But Yoochunnie did, without an explanation.


He just stated that Im a superstar-slash-dophin-brother. She’d never leave me.

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FishFillets95 #1
Old soompi reader here!! Is this still ongoing?? T^T please say yessssss