The Roommates

Dumb-Luck Life
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“Kitchen, family room, dining room, bathroom, closet…”


I was hyperventilating during this tour.


Pretty sure some deep heavy breathing was happening.


The inner-cassie in me just wouldn’t stop. The whole condo was amazing. Of course fairly large considering five idols were living altogether. And considering now there would be a sixth roommate; it was meant to be. The theme in the house seemed to be black, gray, tan and white furniture; very guy-like. The kitchen was stainless steel and very much updated like the kitchens you see on cooking shows; with an island breakfast bar overlooking the rest of the house. The family-dining room were conjoined. There was a small crystal chandelier above the dark wooden dining table. Next to it was a large L shaped tanned couch facing the flat screen and below that were game consoles and messy set of games.


In sum, it was very homey.


“This is Yunho and Changmin’s bedroom…” As expected from the master bedroom; a good sized bathroom, two closets, and an extremely neat space with a lot of magazines and work out equipment. It seemed the two shared a big desk and keyboard was also set against the wall. I could tell easily which one was Yunhos and which ones were Changmins.


“They’re very clean…manly people.” I laughed and looked at him.


“Yeah, that’s why they chose to room together.”


“Are you saying you’re dirty?” I wittily asked.


“”Yeah, pretty much”


I spotted some boxing gloves hanging on one of the beds and I immediately knew it was Yunho’s.


Ah yes, Jung Yunho.


Last time I saw Superstar was at the ice cream parlor.


I’m looking forward to running into him again.


…How lucky am I, seriously?...


“This is Jaejoong and Yoochun’s bedroom…”


This is it. This is my oh-so-y God’s room. The great Mickey Yoo-


“What are you doing, get back out here.” Junsu grabbed me. I didn’t realize I was walking inside. “You seriously cant control yourself when it comes to Yoochun.”


That is not-


Yes that’s true.


“That man rocks my socks.” I made a cheesy reply and shrugged.


His eyes flattened; he was tired of my s.hit. “Alright, that’s it. Tour is over!” He closed the God’s door.


“H-Hey! Wait, ill be good!” I grabbed him. He shook his head and opened it again, letting me look inside. Filled with a lot of clothes, plushies, and fan-hand-made stuff. Jaejoong’s side had a lot of CD’s and an old record player. Yoochun side was filled with a lot of what fangirls made or gave him. And side note, I was a tad jealous. As expected.


I wonder if Yoochun ever got my letter from me that I wrote when they first debuted.


It was difficult to contain myself from touching, breathing in and almost everything DBSK owned.


I was exaggerating but you get the point.


“And last but not least. My room… which actually will turn into your room in a few days.” He opened the third door and I smiled.  Ive never really had my own room before, I’ve always had to share with one of the other kids or the other older teenagers back at the orphanage.


So hearing him say that, I got a tad emotional.


“You okay?” He eyed me, noticing that I was slightly tearing up.


“Y-Yeah, its just perfect.” I laughed and sat on the bed, studying every nook and cranny of the room. It was the smallest room in the house with its own bathroom and a small walk in closet.


Junsu looked relieved. “It better be. I now have to room with the clean OCD couple. They’re not too thrilled since ya know… I’m dirty apparently. ” There were a bunch of soccer stuff, trinkets and letters from fans, a guitar in the corner, and a huge corkboard filled with pictures. There were small storage boxes half-packed. He walked in and started to put the rest of his stuff in boxes. “I need to also invest in a bed that has storage. Didn’t realize I had a lot of things.”


“You could keep your stuff here. I don’t have a lot of stuff like you do. Or clothes for the matter” I pointed out and crashed on the bed, noticing it was pink sheets. “Why are your bed sheets pink roses?”


“Those are your sheets.”


“My sheets are pink?”


“Yep, I got you pink sheets.”


“I hate pink.”


“Jaejoong thought you’d like pink, and roses. So I got you pink roses. Deal with it”


“He has a very feminine taste.”


We both laughed and he suddenly threw me a dolphin plush. I coolly caught it. “What’s this for? ” Had to admit, it was quite cute. I looked up at him though his back was turned.


“Consider it a house/room warming gift from me.” I looked at it again and noticed it was very fitting.


Dolphin boy Junsu giving his sister a dolphin plush.




Once we finished transferring most of his stuff to the master bedroom we just sat in the living room hanging out. We began watching T.V and started getting to know each other more.


He even made noodles, and let me grab a beer.


Although we weren’t exactly watching… more like arguing and drinking.


“No, No, No!!!! Ironman can seriously kick Batman’s can! Have you seen his suit of iron!?” He shoved the google image on his phone of the iron man suit in my face.


“Bruce Wayne hands down! If you have read the comics where he whooped Supermans , you would-“


“Comic whatever!”


I slapped my forehead. “Ugh! You’re not listening to me! Its-“


“I also think Ironman can kick Captain America’s can if he wanted too…”


“WHOA buddy…” My eyes widened. I halted him and placed my beer down. “You just crossed THE line!”


The arguing didn’t stop there. The drinking neither.


“Okay so, how did you shoot it?” Junsu took the ping pong ball out of the beer cup and tried to shoot it at my end.


“Im not going to show you the technique again! You’d be the worst beer pong partner ever…” I snapped at him, re-racking the cups. I was judging him so hard, but laughing at him.


“I learned this game 10 minutes ago, cut me some slack.”He threw the ping pong way over my head, obviously missing the cups. I just stared in disappointment.


“By the looks of, you’re going to have to down the red cup.”


It was turning out to be quite the night.


“Ow! Freakin’ hell man!” I plucked a hair from his eye brow. He let out a dragged grunt.


“Junsu, man up. You didn’t want me to thread your caterpillar brows, so im plucking it.” I sighed and grabbed the thread again.


“I don’t do this often!” He hissed and laid back down.


“I told you that your eyebrows always bugged the crap outta me, and you asked me to fix it.” I rolled my eyes. “You would think having three beers in you would loosen you up a little….”


“You need to pluck too, by the way…”


I slapped his face.


Pretty soon, it was 330 in the morning.


And I was feeling like I was on cloud nine.


I heard Junsu laugh to himself.


And then I out of nowhere laughed at him.


Yeah we were on a good buzz. I had a good four beers in me, I don’t know about him. But he looked more drunk than me.


“Oh man….we gotta clean up our mess before the guys get back in the morning.” Him looking around the house, made me look too.


And I honestly forgot that I was in DBSK’s house


“The sooner the better.”I lazily agreed and stood up grabbing a small trash bag. I saw him grab some rags and started wiping down the coffee table and dining table.


Pretty soon, we were dead beat tired.


I haven’t stayed up this late in so long.


And I had a long night. Just hours ago I was down at club Naomi with Riin.


Whom I must call right away in the morning to go to school with her.


We started sobering up on the couch. I glanced at him and he was laid down with his arms over his head groaning; most likely from the alcohol. I was doing the same thing. Junsu told me that everyone will be back tomorrow morning from visiting their own families, so the only one that was really living in the house for the past few days  - even weeks-was Junsu. He really had no choice since Mom and dad were active travel hoppers living off retirement money.


So he’s usually the one home alone.




And I realized, that must be a bit lonely compared to his other members. They most likely have families or siblings here in Seoul, but Junsu doesnt exactly have that.


I guess I know what that’s like. But ive always had the kids that welcomed me home after a long day at work or class.


“…Hey.” I called out and kicked him. He didn’t budge but I know I got his attention. He had a few drinks in him, he was feeling good, so he should be able to give an answer to my question




“Jokes aside, why me?”


“Are we seriously back to this question again?” Junsu’s tongue clicked.




“Ugh, okay. Lets see… All jokes aside…..~” And he started dragging on in a sing song voice.  


I just want to know what he’s thinking, that’s all


“Whats your ideal family Seul Gi?”


And somehow this turned the conversation around. But lets humor him.


“Well, I’ve always wanted a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister. Riin is already my sister though… ”


“Explain more.”


I thought real hard about his question. From the dramas ive been watching I guess I want it similar to a T.V show family. “Mom would be really beautiful and kind. Dad would be a very hard worker, a protector. I guess my brother would be almost the same as me.”


I heard him snort. “2 out of the 3. Clearly, you and I are not similar.”


“Yeah but I GUESS you’re kind of a big deal.” I boosted his ego sarcastically.  We just gagged and laughed.


“What’s your ideal brother?”


“Not you.”


“Too bad. Ive heard im kind of a big deal.” We wittily shot at me.


“Im not even sure actually. I guess, someone I can just rely on. Ive always had me, myself and I all my life. It would be a nice change to have someone who I can share the burden with.” And its true. Other than Riin, ive always had to deal with everything myself. But even then, I don’t

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FishFillets95 #1
Old soompi reader here!! Is this still ongoing?? T^T please say yessssss