Chapter 3~

May i'm different but i may be your love

[Himchan's P.o.V]

The next day I woke up at the same poll tied up and when I looked around me my men was nowhere to be found. Bad thoughts were faster thing that got in my mind. They are already dead? That’s impossible. That’s can’t be true. That Indian, the son of the chief, it’s hard to believe that he changed his mind, or did he? I didn’t want to rush the things as I didn’t know what have happened to my men. The only thing I had to do for now  was to wait.

By the noon the chief’s son come to check me, together with him was another Indian, a young girl, younger than him but they looked alike a lot. Maybe they were siblings or they were related. “My mother and sister prepared this food for you” he was the first to spoke, the news took me a bit aback, why would they do something like this? I’m a prisoner after all. The pale face. Why would they even care about me? I just shake my head as no at his offer.

“Why you don’t accept it?”

“I woke up and my men were gone. Tell me, do you think that I’m in the mood to eat or drink as I don’t know about their fate?”

“Oh, that’s all? We set free your men as you asked us to’ the words that come out from his mouth surprised me, the good scenario in my mind happen in reality? What if he lies to me?

“What if I don’t believe you?” I said trying to test him, “That will bother your soul not me” he said and the emotions that his face showed was just like what he said, he is not bothering about it. “Will you eat or not?” he asked giving me one last chance to accept the food but again my answer was no, there was no way for me to change my mind, not as long I don't have answers about my men's life.“As you wish, you will regret it when your stomach aches from starving. My mother and sister, even I tried to be good to you but you don’t accept it" that was Koa's last words before he left with his sister after he stare at me serious. What he has on his mind?

[Daehyun's P.o.V]

"He didn't accept it?" my mother was sad to hear that the pale face didn't accept the food, but in reality I don't really know why she is bothered about it. It's his problem anyway, not my mother's nether anyone's in the village. We did what he asked to do, it was hard to change's my father's decision but my mother helped a lot to make him think about it again. The worst part is that I don't even know why I even did that in first place, he is nothing to me as well as his men, they are only pain in the . They will sure cause us trouble soon for letting them go just like that, just because they looked different, just because their leader looked "good" person. 

"Don't be sad mother. His answer showed his personality. I knew that we had to kill them, what we will do with him now? He is useless" I told her trying to remind her what is the truth about people like him, "Koa, what I have told you about people? Don't rush to judge them" mother nagged about my actions of words "And when I can Judge them mother? Before or after they destroy our village?" I asked her. "Mother is right" my sister said,

 "Don't rush to judge people, people are different like the clouds in the sky, the animals and the plants in the forest. Some of them are wild and dangerous, born to destroy. Some of them are calm and peaceful, they want peace between the kinds. This person looks different, He first thought of his friends and then about his own self. He is fearless but the same time he looks scared, he is scared for his men. If I didn't knew what happen to my friends I'd not be in the mood to eat too"

"Don't try to say wise words, you are not in the age for it. You still young and blind, you haven't seen yet the world as it is. Your mind has a romantic peaceful opinion about the world. Do you want to know the truth? People like him never would think like you so why should you? They born to destroy and kill. He is not the first nether the last one. Grow up!"

"Talk better to your sister!" my mother rushed to cut me down "What I have told you son? Never rush to judge. I told you that to keep it in your mind till the day you die but you chose over to act like your father"

"Not you too mother!" I dared to raise my tone to her, all those things sound no sense to me, like it was in different language and I didn’t want to keep listen to them. "Don’t raise your voice to me, this is the way I raised you?" she said in a calm voice "You should shame yourself for talking to your mother like that!" this time she raised her tone to me, I bowed deep at my mother apologizing for my mistake even if it wasn’t. I had to obey at her or else father will not be happy to hear the news.

[Himchan’s P.o.V]

The sun burned hot, even if the forest was near it didn’t help at all with the sun of the summer. No water, no food, no clue if my men were really alive. The conditions made me felt dizzy and my head heavy, my throat was dry long ago and my stomach begged me for food, even so a tight knot at my stomach made me feel sick not really want to eat. If I will not die from heat sure I’m going to die from starving. My thoughts traveled back at my family, my mother, my little sister Kaitlin and my little brother Junhong, whose promises I broke. Who gives a damn about the town right now? In the end it was a bad Idea, who digs for money digs for his grave. After all my men if they survived they betrayed me, I understand Yongguk and Jongup, I know their thoughts as they are my good friends, my sacrifice would be wasted if they stay to fight or help, Jongup isn’t in the best condition anyway.  

A noise coming from the forest catch my attention, I was surprised to find Yongguk hidden there when I turn my head to look, I quickly sign him with my head to leave, I knew what he had in mind and I couldn’t let him do it. In the end my men were alive and safe, except my friend who must be crazy to come back to help me, if they catch him they will kill him for sure and I’ll not be able to help him this time. In no time my good friend was by my side untying the tight knots "Be quite I’m going to take you from here" he only whispered, and right now blood rushed my veins and my heart was beating fast, my eyes were looking around like crazy, like a teen who had sneak out from his house to see his lover and was afraid to not get caught. My friend finished untying me just right in time when we heard footsteps coming our way, he disappear back in the forest as fast as when he come a minute ago. He was safe now.  
The owner of the footsteps was no one else but the chief’s son as I discovered very soon, he was walking up to me again, I wonder why he is around me all the time, what does he want this time? I hold the rope that used to tied my wrists a minute ago at my try to fool him, I couldn’t let my friend’s try get wasted as well my chance of freedom. 
"It looks like that the Gods will visit soon taking your soul away" he mocked my luck, "And don’t dare to say anything, you are the one who decide about your fate" he said walking in cycles around me like the vultures who wait their victim to leave their last breath before they grab it and eat the life out of it. 

"You’re right, I chose my fate. Why you bother? Just let me die. One more family will lose a member. I’m ready to see my father again."

"Then what do you hold in your hands?" he asked, he couldn’t get fooled, he knew. "Show me." he ordered and I let go of the rope that fell on the ground, with a fast move I was away from the pole and him, the next thing that my mind tell me to do was to run fast as I could. And that’s what I did. I don’t even know where I found the energy to do that but I run fast as I never did before, my life depends on that. I heard the Indian yell at me to stop and some things in their language, sure he calls for help. I was lucky that my feet lead at their stable, If I could take a horse then I could make sure my escape, I jumped in the stable –as it was just a fencing cycle made of small pieces of wood but enough to not let horse go-, the horses went wild and start to ran all over because of my unexpecting entrance. Wrong move.  Now it was hard to get a horse as all of them running wild, a horse quickly catch my attention, it looked panicked, like it didn’t know where to go, It was my horse, hard to not recognize Thunder. Like a miracle I rushed at him without getting trample by the running horses, he looked calmer when I was at his side now «Boy, Listen to me, this may hurt but please run fast as you can. Stay calm» I told him trying to get him mentally ready and I get on his back, I’m used to ride like that so I’ll do my best to not get him wooded. "Let’s get out of here boy!" I told him as a sign and I grabbed his mane as gently as I could before he start. In no moment we was  at the stable’s entrance, as my horse jump over the wooden door a fast move of me opened the door and set the horses free, running around the village, now it will be harder to catch me. 

Now I was free running away from the village, I didn’t knew where I’m heading to but I trust my horse, maybe he knew the way back home. As I was free now I couldn’t help but think of my friend, is he alright? It’s hard that they catch him again with all this mess I made, it gave him time to run away too. Even so I’m worried about him. A yell send me back to reality, I could recognize the voice and I sure could hear the horse’s fast steps at our way, he wasn’t away, around 50 meters and he was closing the gap. I pushed my horse to run faster as the Indian kept yelling at me. I couldn’t stop right now, I couldn’t let him get me, and it would be my end if he’ll make it.

"Stop! Don’t put yourself in worse situation than already is. Come back! Give up! " his voice was clearer now, some minutes was enough for him to be some meters away from me, yet I couldn’t stop. "You should give up!" I yell back at him "Your tries are pitiful!" I mocked him as my horse run at his limits. We are heading towards a crag right now, I had to think fast what I should do, fail to my death or get caught? I don’t know what is in their minds, they’ll not let me live anyway, sooner or later they will kill me. I wish that mother will forgive me. "Have you gone mad? There is crag if you don’t stop you’re going to fail and die!"  the Indian said when he was next to me "Then let me to!" I told him, then I heard him whisper something, like he will not let me die. The next thing I knew was that a rope was around me and a arrow fail right in front of my horse making him stand on his two back feet and throwing down my body hitting hard the ground.
"If you think that I’m going to let you die then you’re empty headed!" the chief's son said getting of his horse and walked closer to me, "Have you lost your mind? You would kill yourself? Gods would be mad" he helped me up-more like he violent forced me to get up-, my shoulder at that moment ache like crazy, it was pulled off and he noticed that. "You’re really useless, you don’t even know how to fell from the horse. Let me help you." without letting me get ready he pulled back on, I bite down my pain not wanted him to see me be in pain, I could handle the pain after all. “Thank you." I said thankful for his action but he only threw me a cold gaze, "Let’s go back, my father will take care of you for what you did." he said and pulled me on his horse and he get on. Trouble was awaiting for me back at the village and that was sure.

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My readers where are you at? 😎 I know it's been long time since I was hiatus on this story but this time it's really back! I plan to finish this story as I figured a better plot so it will be back soon. The 6th chapter is almost ready, I may update today!


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Chapter 5: Pleas update soon. I like this story about himdae.
luchiis #2
Chapter 3: Come on Dae... let himchan free...
Gukkie is ok?
Dae is alone, Gukkie should do something now
luchiis #3
Chapter 1: Oww I wanna read a lot more!
Update soon!
I want to know how himdae meet each other