For L.Joe

See The Difference!

---RIE POV---

It's 1PM already, and school's bell rung already, time to go home. But, I feel like not going home... Actually, mom gave me freedom to go whenever I like, but I must go home at 7PM....

OH! I KNOW! I can go to shopping centre and buy something for L.Joe! Since, I already :P

Better get going~


Rie look really happy after the school's bell rung... I wonder, if she is going to meet L.Joe today.

Maybe, I can follow her today! HA!

"Jagiyaaa~" ah, I forgot about that bi*ch...

"Oh, Rin-ah" I turn and smile

"Free, today?"

"Erm, I think no... Why?"

"Awww, I want to go shopping with you" she act all cute, I hate her cuteness. Rie is much better than her

"Err, lemme think about it" I pretend to think hard, while Rie is walking out from the classroom. ! I don't know where are she going!

"Yah, Rie. You're going home, right?" Rin suddenly talks, and Rie suddenly stops

"Err, no sis. I'm going to somewhere else today" she smile

"Where? You look so happy, today..." Rin look disgusted

"To the shopping centre"

"Buying gifts for that 'L.Joe'? So that's why you look so happy"

"Err, aaah, no. I just want to window-shopping. I'm bored" Rie look panicked


"You're lying, right?" Rin look suspicious

---RIE POV---

SHOOT! Rin knows I'm lying. DAMN! I look too nervous

"Er, no! I meant it. I'm jusy afraid that you will mad at me" I avoid Rin's eye

"Hem. I see... You SHOULD be afraid" Rin smile evil-ly

"HEY! Let's go together! Rin, you just said that you want to go shopping, right? Let's go! What are we waiting for?" Taemin jumps and pull both Rin and me

BAD DAY -________-

We travel by car and it takes 40 minutes journey

"Jagiyaaa~ Wear this cap and hoodies! So people can't recognize you! Oh, and thi wig, too" Rin help Taemin wear all the 'props'

We got in the shopping center, and no one recognize that we're with Taemin.

"Yah, Rie, where do you want to go?" Taemin ask me

"Sis, go date with Taemin, I'll go shopping alone"

"Okay, let's go Minnie" and off she go

"RIE!" Taemin stretch out his hand, so he can pull me but, HE FAILED! HAHAHAHAHA

I walk alone in the mall, many people are looking at me. Wonder what's wrong with me... Is it because my nerdy look? I dont care...

What should I buy for L.Joe? Doll? Cake? Ice-cream? Mini car toy? Hair spray? I think while widow-shopping

I stop, AHA! I found it!

It's a twin bracelet, the gold one for me, the silver one for L.Joe (GOLDEN --> SILVER --->

AUTHOR'S NOTE : Sorry, I like simple bracelet :p

I bought it, and got out from the shop. I wonder if it's enough already...

I go to the next shop, and found one pair of cute doll. I'M GONNA BUY IT!!! --->

I need to stop shopping now. It's... 4.30 already! AAAAH! *rushing to the main door and ride a taxi*


"Is this okay?" Rin keep asking me if the dress she picks fit for her. I'M TIRED!

"Looks okay..."

"Hey, why do you reply me so weakly? Hungry? Okay, just let me finish the payment, and we're ready to go to eat" I nod, weakly

After she pays her things, we went to some cafe and seat beside the window..

"Hey, is that.. Rie?" I blurt that out, llooking her getting into a taxi

Rin turns "Oh yeah, I think she's going home"

"Let's stop her! We should go home together!" I immediately stand up and ready to walk away, but...

"Hey what are you talking about? There's no need! See? She went away already" Rin stops me, and both of us back to our seat

"Why do you care so much? Cih" Rin opens the menu book

I love the doll that Rie bought. I WANT IT! GROAR >:O

Anyway, STAY TUNE :*

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SooSica_me #1
Chapter 46: Rie n L.Joe r meant 4 each other while rin n taeminnie r meant for each other!!!
SooSica_me #2
Chapter 46: Can u continue dis story?? Like they marry each other n hv kids... N blahblahblah?? I reaalllyyy rrreeeeaaallllyyyy lllluuuuuvvvv dis story.... N i luv all ur other story, so pls???! Ifu cannot, its ok!
@NgirlTT : LOL, you should call Taemin immediately
@iatrexandace : L.JOE<3
@Angel_Bana9 : Yeah, it's ended alreadyTT^TT
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : There's new story already! (Rated one-_-)
katsu-sayuri #4
Awwwwwwwwwwww~So cuteeeeeeee~! FINALLY! L.JOE AND RIE! :D Butttttt...It's ended alreadyyyyyy :'(((
poor taemin :( but ljoe<3<3<3
Awesome! <3 L.Joe FTW! It's okay Taeminiie, I'm here for you! :P AS IF!
@Angel_Bana99 : I updated:)
THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT EVERYBODY! Especially the funny ones. That keeps me laugh for a while and make me feel fresh again:D LOVE YOU<3
katsu-sayuri #8
Rie,you should pick L.JOE more than Taemin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Evil laugh* xDDD Author,keep on writing more more and moreeeeeeeee! :DD Update ASAP!
@Angel_Bana99 : TAEMINNNNNNN<3
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : Hahaha~ LOL.