
See The Difference!


Morning, today is a new day for Rie. He misery will come to end for sure, after yesterday incident

I feel great today! I feel really fresh. No more RIN. HAHAHAHA

---RIE POV---

"Sis? Let's go to school. You'll be late" I knocked on Rin's door

"Go away, don't act like you're care" I heard some bang on the other side of the door, I think she threw her pillow

"C'mon. Eevryone will forgive you" I keep on knocking


Woah, scary...

"Okay then. I'll tell the school that you're sick"

No answer... I better get going..

I was just about to go out when mom stops me

"What's wrong with Rin?" she asked

"She's sick mom. Better not disturbed her" I smiled

"Okay then. Have a safe trip!" mom let me go

I walk in the streets. I'm going back to my nerdy style. I'm more comfortable with this things on

I arrived at school and sit at my usual corner

*beep beep* my phone vibrates

"Jagiyaaaaa, good morninggg" ah, it's L.Joe

"Good morning oppa" I reply

"Sorry we can't date today. I'm all reserved today until 10PM. I'll just text you, arrasso?"

"Arrassoo. Have fun!" and he didn't reply anymore

"Rie! Good morning" Keyla pat my shoulder

"Good morning" I smiled

"Did you done your homework already? I can't any. Mind to teach me?" Keyla sit infront of me

"Sure" I nodded

So this is how it feels to have friends. It's so... exciting!

"Good morning Rie" I look beside me, it's Taemin smiling at me

Keyla blushed, I think she's a fan of Taemin-_-

"Sorry, I'll be going now. Continue your teaching" Taemin went outside the class

"Omo, Rie-ah, you're so lucky, being greet by Taemin" Keyla looks like she's sad

"Why? Did you like him?" I asked

"What?! Ah, no, no. Err, even I DO LIKE him, that will never gonna happen."


"Geez, he's an idol why I'm just an evil bullier? Aww, just continue teach me the math problem"

"WAS an evil bullier. Now, it's not" I smiled to her and continue teaching her


Rie looks really happy today. I feel happy too:)

Oh, how about I go on a date with Rie today? THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA, TAEMIN!

Oh, wait, there's L.JOE-_________- *straight face*


School's bell is ringing, I immediately packed my bag and I went out from my classroom

Unfortunately, 2 boys are blocking me. I look up.. OMO!

"Kevin? Thunder?" I'm shocked

"AAAAAHHHHH!! KEVIN OPPAAA!" "THUNDER OPPPAAAA!!!!" "OPPPPAAAA!!! GYAAAAAAAH" all the girls in my class are screaming like they have seen a ghost

"Hello everyone" Kevin waved his hands

"So, Rie, mind to go date with us today?" Thunder asked


"Sorry, I want to go home early today" I looked down and went passed them

"Goodbye! See you tomorrow!" Thunder speaked to me from  a far


Who the heck are these guys? Going on a date with Rie? That's imposible.

Wait, Rie is going home now! I better chased her, like, now

“Rie-ah” I manage to chased her up until school's gate

“Oh, Taemin, what’s up?” she smiled to me

“Free? Today?” I asked


“Yeah, why?” HALLELUYAAAA!

“Want to go out with me? It’s not a date. It’s just.. a… a… a… a forgive-me-date” I smiled


“I guess, that’s okay.” HALLELUYAAAA! *again*

“C’mon, let’s get going” I hold her hands, but she release it

“Don’t… hold my hands…” she stops and look down

“Oh, okay then. I’m sorry” and she started to follow me to the parking lot to get my car

As soon as we arrived at the XX mall, I diguise myself and get in the mall

---RIE POV---

“So, what are we doing here?” I asked

“PLAY!” he smiled like a child and ran-off to the arcade

He looks so childish. Hahahaha

He arrived at the entrance and waiting for me impatiently

“C’mon, c’mon! Quick!” he jumped up and down

I walked in the arcade, while Taemin ran-off to buy some coins

Ooops, I’m wrong. He bought DOZENS OF COINS-_-

“Let’s play. Here, I give you half of it” I receive…

Dear Taemin, the coins you give me isn’t half of it. It’s just a small part from the coins you have, I just received 20 coins-_-

“Let’s play together!” he ran-off to the basketball place

“Let’s have a duel!” Taemin waited me at the basketball place

“Err, sorry, I don’t play basketball. I better play something else” and I walked to the grab-the-doll place

Taemin is so into his game. I think he even forget that I’m here with him.

AUTHOR’S NOTE : Do you know the grab-the-doll game? The one with a crane and you got to take the doll with the crane? I really don’t know how to explain it. Here

I played that game for about, 30 minutes? My coins ran out and I got 2 pairing doll. It’s a girl and boy doll. SO CUTEEEEEE<3

“Rie-ah, you’re finished?” Taemin pat my shoulder, wow, Taemin is panting really hard

“Yeah, you?”

“Finished” WHAT?!

“Wow, that’s quick. Why are you panting so hard?”

“I ran all the time. Hehehe” he giggles

“Anyway, let’s go home already. I don’t know what to do already” I walked out the arcade, and he followed me

“hey, how about I buy you lunch? I’m hungry” Taemin stops and keep looking at the pizza’s restaurant

“I don’t want to. Let’s go home already” I insisted on going home

This is soooo wrong, I can’t go out with Taemin, L.Joe can misunderstood. Why I accept this in the first place?! GAAH…

“C’mon, pleaseee?”

I looked at the clock, it’s 2PM…

“Arrghh, okay then” I ruffled my hair

We got in the pizza’s restaurant and take a seat at the corner. Taemin orders the food, since he’s the one who pays.

“Hey, what do you play at the arcade?” Taemin started to talk with me after he finished order

“Grab-the-doll game. I got 2 dolls. It’s a pair”

“Really? Can I have one?”

“You can have both. Here. It’s your coins after all” I take out the dolls and give it to him

He keep looking at the doll, and give me the girl one. Huh?

“What are you doing? I give it to you already”

“Yeah, but I want you to have it” he smiled

“I shouldn’t receive a gifts from any man except L.Joe” I refuse

“I’m not any man. I’m your friends, right? Here, I give it to you as a friend!” he smiled


L.Joe-ing all the time. Can you stop talking about him when we’re together?

“I don’t want it” she avoid my eyes

“Awww, c’mon. Here” I insisted





“L.Joe will misunderstand about this!” she look into my eyes


“NO! I’m going home!” and she stands up from her seat

“YAH!” I grab her wrists


“Sorry, don’t leave. I won’t give you the doll” I pleaded her

“Promise me, don’t do that again”

“Promise” and she sat

“Please don’t be mad” I

“Yah, I’m not mad” she look at me

“You’re mad, right?”

“I’m not”

“Hehehehe, just say so” I smiled

“What? I’m not mad” she hold back her laugh

“You’re laughing? I thought you’re mad” I keep on teasing her

“Who says I’m mad? Bwee” and she mehrong me!

“Bweee” I mehrong her back

“Exuse me, your food has arrived. Please enjoy” and the waiter put down the PIZZA on the table. YUMMY

“Taemin-ah, can I eat it? It’s a very yummy-looking pizza” Rie suddenly take interests at the pizza

“Sure” and she cut out the pizza



Sorry haven't update for a while, my internet (at home) is currently brokenTT^TT

Anyway, STAY TUNE:*

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SooSica_me #1
Chapter 46: Rie n L.Joe r meant 4 each other while rin n taeminnie r meant for each other!!!
SooSica_me #2
Chapter 46: Can u continue dis story?? Like they marry each other n hv kids... N blahblahblah?? I reaalllyyy rrreeeeaaallllyyyy lllluuuuuvvvv dis story.... N i luv all ur other story, so pls???! Ifu cannot, its ok!
@NgirlTT : LOL, you should call Taemin immediately
@iatrexandace : L.JOE<3
@Angel_Bana9 : Yeah, it's ended alreadyTT^TT
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : There's new story already! (Rated one-_-)
katsu-sayuri #4
Awwwwwwwwwwww~So cuteeeeeeee~! FINALLY! L.JOE AND RIE! :D Butttttt...It's ended alreadyyyyyy :'(((
poor taemin :( but ljoe<3<3<3
Awesome! <3 L.Joe FTW! It's okay Taeminiie, I'm here for you! :P AS IF!
@Angel_Bana99 : I updated:)
THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT EVERYBODY! Especially the funny ones. That keeps me laugh for a while and make me feel fresh again:D LOVE YOU<3
katsu-sayuri #8
Rie,you should pick L.JOE more than Taemin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Evil laugh* xDDD Author,keep on writing more more and moreeeeeeeee! :DD Update ASAP!
@Angel_Bana99 : TAEMINNNNNNN<3
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : Hahaha~ LOL.