I need an explanation...

See The Difference!


---RIE POV---

It’s morning already. Time to go to school, and meet Taemin. OH MY GOOOOODD, WHAT SHOULD I SAY WITH HIM?!

---L.JOE POV---

I woke up early today, it’s 6AM. The others are still sleeping.

I just remembered, what about Rie?! What will she do when she meet Taemin who just discover something about us?

I better text Rie, “Rie-ah, good morning. Awake already?”

---RIE POV---

I was walking to school when my phone vibrates

Ah! Message from L.Joe, I read it

Awww, he’s so cuteee. I reply him, “yes, I’m awake already and I’m walking to my school now”

I keep my phone back into my skirt’s pocket while I walk. I’m almost arrived at my school

Ah, another message…

“Oh, I see. Happy study jagiyaaaaa~ Don’t play your handphone while crossing the streets!”

“Okaaaaay. I’ll contact you again”

“Btw, jagiya, I think I cannot play with you today. I’m all reserved with schedule. Hehehehe. Sorry, and love you:*”

L.Joe is busy today. That’s the risk dating an idol. LOL

“Oh, I see. Okay then,don’t work too hard! Love you too :*”

---L.JOE POV---

Looks like she’s okay today, I don’t have to worried about Taemin then. Aww, she send me a kiss icon. So cutee

---RIE POV---

I arrived at school, walked to the class and sit in the corner. It’s lonely without L.Joe. Oh no, Am I really fall in love with him?

“Yah, Rie, I need an explanation about yesterday” Taemin suddenly sit on my table

“Oh, about that. I….”

“Taeminnieeee~ Let’s go to the canteeeeeen” Rin suddenly stick all her body to Taemin, EUUWW

“Sorry, Rin. I need to talk with Rie now. It’s important. I’ll meet you at the canteen” and Taemin pull me to somewhere else

“Yah, TAEMIN!” Rin screams

“Sorry Rin. I’ll meet you at the canteen! I PROMISE!” Taemin screams back

---RIN POV---

What was Taemin’s problems with Rie?

Shoot, even though, Taemin already promised me. All right, I guess, I need to go to the canteen, all alone


“Yah, TAEMIN, LET ME GOOO!” I try to stop him, but he’s too strong!

All the students in the corridor are watching. SO EMBARASSSING!

He’s pulling me to the roof top!

He kick the door let me go. He close the door slowly, he’s aware if there’s somebody in this area

“Okay, now, explain to me, what is happening yesterday” he stands infront the door


“Err, okay, okay. Well, I can say that I knew L.Joe and I’m a friend of him”

“And? How he can be inside your room yesterday?”

“I… ask him to come to my house, because I can’t do the math problems” I lied, of course

“So, why did he kiss you last night?”

“Err, that one… emmm”

“So? What is your… excuse?”

“I… emm…  I… cannot say anything about that…” I’m feeling really nervous right now

“SPEAK!” he grab my shoulder tightly


“Geez, you still hate me, right? About that first kiss incident…” Taemin release his grab

“I’m… not. I… knew the real story already… that you accidentally spit out all infront Rin, right?”

Taemin look surprised+happy

“How… can you know that?”

“Rin spoke in her sleep”

“I see”

“Taemin, I think you need to go to the canteen ASAP”

“oh yeah, you’re right. Oh, before that…”


“We’re friends again, right?” FHEW!

“Yes” and out he go

I stay at the rooftop, seeing the scenery



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SooSica_me #1
Chapter 46: Rie n L.Joe r meant 4 each other while rin n taeminnie r meant for each other!!!
SooSica_me #2
Chapter 46: Can u continue dis story?? Like they marry each other n hv kids... N blahblahblah?? I reaalllyyy rrreeeeaaallllyyyy lllluuuuuvvvv dis story.... N i luv all ur other story, so pls???! Ifu cannot, its ok!
@NgirlTT : LOL, you should call Taemin immediately
@iatrexandace : L.JOE<3
@Angel_Bana9 : Yeah, it's ended alreadyTT^TT
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : There's new story already! (Rated one-_-)
katsu-sayuri #4
Awwwwwwwwwwww~So cuteeeeeeee~! FINALLY! L.JOE AND RIE! :D Butttttt...It's ended alreadyyyyyy :'(((
poor taemin :( but ljoe<3<3<3
Awesome! <3 L.Joe FTW! It's okay Taeminiie, I'm here for you! :P AS IF!
@Angel_Bana99 : I updated:)
THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT EVERYBODY! Especially the funny ones. That keeps me laugh for a while and make me feel fresh again:D LOVE YOU<3
katsu-sayuri #8
Rie,you should pick L.JOE more than Taemin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Evil laugh* xDDD Author,keep on writing more more and moreeeeeeeee! :DD Update ASAP!
@Angel_Bana99 : TAEMINNNNNNN<3
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : Hahaha~ LOL.