Meeting each other

See The Difference!

---L.JOE POV---

"YA, L.JOE, WAKE UP!" I slowly open my eyes, ah, it's manager hyung... HOAAAMMM~

"Yeeeaa?" I asked

"Wake up already, it's 6.30AM already. We'll be late for the schedule" oh, right, 7AM schedule...

"Oh yeah, I'm up. I'll be taking shower in a min" and manger hyung got out from my room

I checked my phone, ah, Rie texted me. 

"Oppa? You're up? Any schedule today?" 

I reply her, "I'm up, yeah, schedule from 7AM until 8PM" 

I stand up and take my towel. I checked my phone again and she replied already

"7AM? Schedule? You'll be meeting Taemin then" huh?

Did I read it wrong? Let me just clear my eyes.









"How could you know?" I asked her

"He texted me that he can't go to school today because he have a schedule at 7AM"

"Oooh, but, there are many idols having schedule at 7AM at different place, right?" and there's a knock on my door

"Hyung! Your turn to take a shower!" Niel's voice

"Okaayy! Wait a min!"

and my phone vibrates, "Yea, you're right. Sorry:p"

"It's okay. Btw, I'm going to take a shower first"

I went out my room and get in the bathroom

I take my phone too, in case Rie texted me. Hehehe

I hang my towel and get in the shower, . OF COURSE! No one get a shower while wearing shirt or whatsoever

I was just about to turn the water on when Rie texted

"Shower? At this time? Hehehe. Just kidding"

I replied quickly, "Why? You want to take a shower with me? We're going to see each other body. Hehehehe" Maybe this text is so erted but I sent it already._. let's see her reaction

I turn the water on and get my body wet 


Vibration again, I open the text, "WHAAT? DON'T BE SO ERTED OPPA! YOU MAKE ME BLUSH IN THE CLASS!>:("

I didn't reply it and I continue my shower

---RIE POV---

What the hell he's thinking about?! Geeezz, so embarassing

*KRRIIIIING* ah, recess started. Haa~

"Excuse me, Rin, didn't come to school today?" suddenly, the class' secretary is talking with me, she's a sweet girl

"No, she's still sick. Sorry."

"I see, okay then" and she went away

To tell you the truth, I don't know my classmates' name-_- I barely talk to them, I just know Rin, Taemin, and Keyla. The others? I DON'T KNOW!

"Rieeee!" a voice that is very familiar calling me from the class' door

I turn to look, ah..




Yeah, it's them again. The "HOT DUO" (I learn that nickname from Keyla. Hehe)

"let's go to the canteen!" Thunder get in my class and dragged me to the canteen

I can't resist them. arrghh

Arrived at the canteen, I seat between Thunder and Kevin. They're the one who "burger" me in the middle

"What do you want to eat?" Kevin asked

"Melon bread, how about..." and he went away

"Drink?" Thunder asked

Chocolate milk, let's buy toge..." and he went away too

Cih, why would they buy me my food?! I can buy it myself!

I waited for them, while many people looking at me, boys, even the girls.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" I look up, a total stranger,.

"Who.. are you?" I asked, without any hestitation

"Oh, sorry, I'm Kikwang. So, can I sit here? with my friend, Yoseob" he smiled

"Sure, go ahead" and they sit infront of me. 

At first, I didn't see Yoseob at all, but he look chubby when you see him. Hehehe, He's hiding behind Kikwang

"Sorry, canteen's table is full already. I see you're sitting here alone" Kikwang look nervous

"Ah, it's okay. I'm not sitting alone, I'm waiting for my friends. And, OH! Don't be so nervous" I smiled to him

He blushed, that Kikwang blushed! Aww, so cute

"Of course he's nervous, I'm nervous too" Yoseob staring to talk with me

"Waeyo?" I asked

"Duh, you're school's diva, the most popular girl? Who won't be nervous?" Yoseob speak with a small voice, but I can hear it though

"Me? Popular? With this nerdy style? Hahaha. You're funny" I giggles

"Yah, Rie-ah, who are they?" Thunder is back already

"Yeah, who are they?" Kevin is back too-_-

"They're Kikwang and Yoseob. All tables are full, so..."

"Kikwang and Yoseob? Oh, you two are the popular guys at first year, right?" Thunder sit beside me

WHAT? POPULAR? Oh, my, God!

"Oh yeah, you're right! So this.. ah... I get it" Kevin sit beside me too

"Sorry, we're gonna leave if we're disturbing" Kikwang is going to stand up when I hold his wrist

"Don't go. Just eat here. It's okay" I smiled and he sit down with a redden face

"Here's your food" Kevin passed me the melon bread

"and your drink" Thunder passed me my milk

"Thanks you two" I smiled


"Rie unnie is so lucky! Sitting with Kikwang, Yoseob, Kevin oppa and Thunder oppa. I want to be her!" some of the first year kid complain

"Yeah, all the popular boys is on her hand, even Taemin. The first year, second year, and third year's popular boys are already under her thumb!" the other kid reply

---L.JOE POV---

I arrived at some place. It's like a concert. It means... rehearseal..

I walked in my waiting room, passing by 3 or 4 oher waiting room

I look at the idols who are coming on the list which manager hyung gave me

"miss A, Rainbow Pixie, 2AM, Exid, SHINee.."

Wait... SHINEE?!

I got out my waiting room and looking for SHINee's waiting room by running. The result? I bump into someone.

"Sorry" I stand up and I was just about to help the one I ran into when I saw "his" face

"Taemin" I blurted that one out

He immediately look up and saw me too

"L.Joe" he is surprised and got up immediately


"I'M SORRY! I know I kissed Rie and you're mad and I regret it" he apologize immediately

I just, stood there like a stone

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again, maybe" he look to me,

"Wait, maybe?! You wanted to kissed her again?!" I realized


"No way. I don't think so" I smirk

"Really? I can take her hearts and feeling away when you're not with her." he smirk back

"Don't you dare"

"Why? Scared? Because my love to her is bigger than yours?"

"Don't ever think about it. I think I love him more than you, so she picked me" 

"She picked you because she's desperate at that time. Things changed already. I'm gonna be her most perfect mate"

"Oh-ho, you're so arrogant. Don't be like that, she love me, not you"

"I think you're the one who is arrogant. We won't fight if you give Rie to me"

"Who says about figthing? I never fight with you, and I won't give Rie to unresponsible man like you"

"YAH! L.JOE! Our rehearseal is gonna start! Come quickly!" suddenly, manager hyung's voice calling me from a far

"Okay. Taemin, we'll continue later" and I left Taemin standing alone there

"Rie's gonna be mine!" he yells from quite a distance, I didn't reply that one

Next chapter is gonna be fun! (I THINK-_____-)

Anyway, STAY TUNE:*

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SooSica_me #1
Chapter 46: Rie n L.Joe r meant 4 each other while rin n taeminnie r meant for each other!!!
SooSica_me #2
Chapter 46: Can u continue dis story?? Like they marry each other n hv kids... N blahblahblah?? I reaalllyyy rrreeeeaaallllyyyy lllluuuuuvvvv dis story.... N i luv all ur other story, so pls???! Ifu cannot, its ok!
@NgirlTT : LOL, you should call Taemin immediately
@iatrexandace : L.JOE<3
@Angel_Bana9 : Yeah, it's ended alreadyTT^TT
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : There's new story already! (Rated one-_-)
katsu-sayuri #4
Awwwwwwwwwwww~So cuteeeeeeee~! FINALLY! L.JOE AND RIE! :D Butttttt...It's ended alreadyyyyyy :'(((
poor taemin :( but ljoe<3<3<3
Awesome! <3 L.Joe FTW! It's okay Taeminiie, I'm here for you! :P AS IF!
@Angel_Bana99 : I updated:)
THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT EVERYBODY! Especially the funny ones. That keeps me laugh for a while and make me feel fresh again:D LOVE YOU<3
katsu-sayuri #8
Rie,you should pick L.JOE more than Taemin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Evil laugh* xDDD Author,keep on writing more more and moreeeeeeeee! :DD Update ASAP!
@Angel_Bana99 : TAEMINNNNNNN<3
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : Hahaha~ LOL.