L.Joe goes to school (LOL)

See The Difference!

---L.JOE POV---

This… is really… weird.

Rie didn’t reply my message. All of my messages.

She will reply even though she’s studying, or when she arrived at school.



I should go to her school?

But, I don’t know her school-_-

“Hyuuuuuuuuung” Ricky hug me from behind

“Yah, Ricky, do you know Rie’s school?”  I ask him

“How the hell I can know that? Duh, hyung is her boyfriend… not me-_-“ and off he go

“How about look up in the internet?” Chunji suggest

“There’s thousand of people named Rie-_- how the hell can I find her?”

“How about call her?” CAP hyung suggest

“how the hell I can call her when she’s not replying my message?”

“Just find the nearest school from the park you usually visit with her!” Niel suggest

“Ah, you’re right!”

“What time did she got out from school?” CAP hyung ask

“I think it’s about 1PM. Oh no, it’s 12.50PM already, I better get going now” I was just about to jump when Chunji stops me

“Disguise first. Geez, you’re so impatient” and he give me some kind of wig, jacket, and cap. I’m feeing hot inside. Fhew

“Goodbye” Changjo wave to me

I walk to the park, and start to find the nearest school. Eventually, there’s just one school! Lucky, this must be her school.

I look at my watch, 1.10PM. I hope she’s still at school

I walk to the entrance, so many people looking at me, I hear one of them whispering “Who’s that? I think he’s a ert” YAH! I’M NOT A ERT!

I got in the school. The security keep looking at me. “Sorry, just want to pick up my friend” I answered him before he ask any question to me

He look relief. Hahahahaha.

I went around the school, around and around. Where the hell is Rie?

The school’s corridor, the more I walk the less people in there. All of them immediately went home after class.

I go around the 1st floor, no Rie

2nd floor, no Rie.

3rd floor, erm, AH! There’s Taemin. I think there’s Rie too.

Wait, Rie is holding his hands, but, Taemin look upset.

Hey, hey, hey, she’s not Rie. It’s her twins. Both of them have a very different aura-_-

“Excuse me, did you know Rie?” I pretend to ask Taemin

“Who… are you?” Taemin look surprised

“Ah, this is Rie, right? I’ve been waiting for you!” I pull Rin’s hands, so they wouldn’t know that I’m lying

“Hey! Don’t you dare touch me. I’m Rin. Her twins, who is being bully by her. But, Taemin saved my life, right?” she all lovely dovey with Taemin.

“Who are you? Looking for Rie?” Taemin ask once more

“I’m Liah. Her internet-friend” I smile

“Liah? I thought that is a girl’s name” Rin smirk

“My mom gave me the wrong name. So, where’s Rie?”

“In her class. There” Rin point out the class

“okay, thanks.” I go through them

“hey, don’t you dare to do anything weird to Rie!” Taemin shout from a far

I didn’t look back nor saying ‘yes’ to him

I got in the class, there’s Rie. Sitting in the corner, all alone. Writing class’ report.

“Rie!” I take a chair and sit infront of her

She’s asleep. Awww, so cute

“Hey, hey” I shake her hand

“HUH?!” she awake and saw me

“Yaaaaah!!! Who are you?!” she shocked

“Calm down. I’m L.Joe. See?” I open my cap, and immediately wear it back

“Ah, I’m sorry. I thought you are some ert man. Hehehehe” she giggles

“Yah, Rie. Finished the class’ report quickly and give it to the teacher. Don’t just play with your ert friend. Euuw.” Suddenly, one of her classmate, I think, scold her and walk away

Why she talks like that to Rie?

“You’re…  being bullied?” I ask, woried

“Yes. Hahaha. It’s okay. I’m used to it.” She smile while writing

“Why? You did anything wrong?” I ask

“No. But, my sister’s false story. She told everyone that I bullied her at home and other bad things. Hehehe”

Oh, so that’s why Rin say to me that Rie bullied her. So that everyone believe Rin is the right one.

“Hey, Rie. I’m worried about you. You didn’t reply my messages all day long” I give her my puppy-eyes look

“Oh, you message me? Sorry, I didn’t check my phone. I’m, thinking something else all this day” she smile

“Thinking about what?”

“Taemin. He’s not guilty at all”

“Guilty? What do you mean?”

“He’s trying to befriend with me all this time. The truth is, Taemin is gonna apologize to me after he kissed me. But, he talked to the wrong person, that is Rin. So, Rin told Taemin to be her boyfriend if he don’t want the story be leaked out to the school” she close the book

“I see. So, you’re gonna befriend with him?” I ask

“I don’t think so. Rin is gonna find out I already knew the truth if I befriend with Taemin. And, she will told the whole school”

“What are you going to do then?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, we will befriend again as time flies?” she laugh and stands up

“Hey, don’t forget me, your dearest boyfriend” I hug her from behind

“How can I forget you?!  You’re my dearest friend and boyfriend” she packed her bag while I hug her

“Finished?” I ask

“Finished. Let’s go to the teacher’s room” she walk infront of me

“Btw, how can you know my school?” she ask

“Niel told me to find the nearest school from the park we usually met” I smile

“That’s a brilliant idea”

“yes. It is. So, don’t you forget to reply my message again, okay?”

“Okay, I promise”

As we talk, we arrived already. She give the book to the teacher and we walk back together to the entrance.

“Hey!” Taemin’s voice. Ah, he’s waiting in the entrance

“You didn’t do anything weird, right?” he’s grabbing my collar

“Stop Taemin. You’re frightening my friend!” Rie pull Taemin away

“No, I didn’t. I just hug her.” I stick my tongue out

“You… what?!” he looks really surprised

“See?” I hug rie from behind

“Hey, you! Release her!” Taemin trying to punch me,but I avoid it all

“Let’s go, Rie” I hold her hand and escape from the school


Ah, shoot, he escaped. I didn’t have any chance to look at his face. He look realy close with Rie. Ck, I want to investigate them, but Rin… arrghhh

“Taeminnie, I’m sorry because you waited for me so long. Let’s go now” Rin suddenly hug me from behind, and hold my hands.


---RIE POV---

“L.Joe, stop. STOP!” I huff heavily. I’m tired-__-

“He’s nowhere to seen right?”

“Yep, no Taemin”I smile to him

“it’s fun, right?” he huff heavily too

“Yes. Hahaha” I laugh out loud

“Sorry for making you tired. Let me buy you an ice cream. See? Let’s go there” he hold my hand and walk together to the ice cream-seller

“One green tea and one vanilla please” he order

He give the seller money and give me the ice cream green tea

“Thanks, here, I pay you my ice cream” I give him money

“Oh, there’s no need. I’ll pay for you.” He reject

“Why? Here” I give it to him again

“hey, no boys accept girl’s money.” He tease me


“It’s okay, you keep it yourself”


“I’ll leave you here if you insist”

“Ah, no. Don’t leave me”

“Deal then? Don’t give me the money”

“Deal” and I sit beside him on the bench at the usual park

“It’s yummy” I my ice cream

“Really? Let me taste it” HE MY ICE-CREAM!

OH MY GOD. I think I blushed

“Hem, it’s yummy. Hey, you’re blushing” he poke my cheek

“Sorry” I look down

“Here, taste my ice-cream too” and he stick his ice-cream to my lips

I up my lips

“YUMMY! Vanilla is not bad, huh.” I smile to him

“of course, it’s my favourite flavor” he is… PROUD-_- LOL

I finished it! WOOHOOO~


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SooSica_me #1
Chapter 46: Rie n L.Joe r meant 4 each other while rin n taeminnie r meant for each other!!!
SooSica_me #2
Chapter 46: Can u continue dis story?? Like they marry each other n hv kids... N blahblahblah?? I reaalllyyy rrreeeeaaallllyyyy lllluuuuuvvvv dis story.... N i luv all ur other story, so pls???! Ifu cannot, its ok!
@NgirlTT : LOL, you should call Taemin immediately
@iatrexandace : L.JOE<3
@Angel_Bana9 : Yeah, it's ended alreadyTT^TT
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : There's new story already! (Rated one-_-)
katsu-sayuri #4
Awwwwwwwwwwww~So cuteeeeeeee~! FINALLY! L.JOE AND RIE! :D Butttttt...It's ended alreadyyyyyy :'(((
poor taemin :( but ljoe<3<3<3
Awesome! <3 L.Joe FTW! It's okay Taeminiie, I'm here for you! :P AS IF!
@Angel_Bana99 : I updated:)
THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT EVERYBODY! Especially the funny ones. That keeps me laugh for a while and make me feel fresh again:D LOVE YOU<3
katsu-sayuri #8
Rie,you should pick L.JOE more than Taemin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Evil laugh* xDDD Author,keep on writing more more and moreeeeeeeee! :DD Update ASAP!
@Angel_Bana99 : TAEMINNNNNNN<3
@xXHoneyChan127Xx : Hahaha~ LOL.