Eighth - Excuses

Always & Forever
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Nara finally arrived at Doyoung's apartment. His apartment was not that big, but it was an appropriate size for a single college student to live in. There was a small kitchen on the left side, the living room straight ahead, Doyoung's bedroom on the right side, and the bathroom next to Doyoung's room. 

"Sorry its not that huge. It's the only apartment that I can afford at the moment", Doyoung said.

Nara shook her head, "Its okay! I understand! This is totally alright with me", Nara replied.

Doyoung dragged her luggage towards his room. "You can sleep in my room for the time being, and I'll just sleep in the living room"

"Are you sure? You don't mind sleeping on the couch?" 

Doyoung smiled, "The couch over there is also a pull-out bed. The guys also end up sleeping here in this small apartment whenever they come over" 

Nara and Doyoung proceeded to Doyoung's bedroom. It was a little bit spacious such that it only contained minimal furniture. A twin bed and a study desk was only enough for the room. Nara noticed the pile of blankets and pillows piled up in the corner. "Wow, you really come in prepared when people stay at your place" 

Doyoung nodded. "My mom just brought them last week. Somehow, she knows that the guys have been sleeping over in my apartment and decided to call me a bad host for not providing enough sleeping bags for the guests"

Nara laughed, "I missed auntie"

"And she misses you too" Doyoung recalled of a memory of when they younger. "She missed making gimbap for you everytime you come visit in the summer. She doesn't even make some for me while you were gone" 

"Jealous?", Nara teased. Despite of her tiredness, she still had some energy to cousin. 

"Tsk. Anyway, I made room in the closet for you to put your clothes there". He led Nara to the sliding-door closet and opened it for her. 

"Thanks, Doyoungie. I owe you!", Nara hugged her cousin. 

"You should rest up for tonight. I'll just grabbed my clothes, then I'll let you settle here", Doyoung said while taking a pair of sweatpants and a shirt from the closet. "I'm going to go change in the bathroom. And feel free to walk around the apartment, make yourself at home"

Nara nodded, then Doyoung stepped out of the room. Nara slumped on the bed in exhaustion. She thought about the events that has been happening in the past twenty-four hours. Now that she has met with Jaehyun and Taeyong, how is she going to handle this problem. She didn't want to experience the awkwardness that happened in car. Someone has to make the first move, right? Nara thought. She got up from the bed and fetched her phone from her bag. 

"It should be morning in Cali, right now", Nara scrolled through her contacts to call her parents. Once she reached her mother's number, she pressed 'video call' button. 

"Mom! I finallly made it here alive!", Nara said in a joking manner through the tiredness of her voice. 

"Aigoo. My daughter finally arrived. How's Korea, so far? How's Doyoung?" 

"Mom, before you bombard me with questions, I just wanted to let you know that I made it safely. There is no need for you interoggate me", Nara said sarastically. 

"Even when you're in Korea, you're still giving me an attitude huh?", Nara's mother joked. 

Nara rolled her eyes, "Korea looks amazing so far. Doyoungie is all grown-up. And so did Jaehyun and Taeyong." Her last sentence was spoken in almost whisper. 

"What? You saw Jaehyun and Taeyong? You're old friends? I'm glad they remembered you! Send those boys my regards and tell them that I miss them! How is Taeyong? Is he healthy now? What about Jaehyun?" 

"Mom! Again with the questions", Nara laughed. "I haven't had the chance to properly converse with them. It was a little awkward during the car ride to Doyoung's apartment" Then Mrs. Go became silent. "Do you think they hate, mom?"

"Nara-ah, if they hated you they wouldn't have came to the airport to see you. I remember the three of you kids were inseperable. You wouldn't last a single day without being with each other!", Mrs. Go tried to lighten up the mood. 

Nara shrugged her shoulders, "Mom, I highly doubt that" 

"Well, you never know. Never doubt yourself, Nara" Mrs. Go paused. "Well I'm gonna let you rest. Your father and I will be there in two weeks! Be sure to invite Jaehyun and Taeyong when we come visit!", Mrs. Go waved goodbye to her daughter then ended the call. 

Nara let out a huge sigh, then yawned. Her tiredness was really getting into her. Before she knows it, Nara

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Chapter 6: AaAaaaah they mET
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