A "friend" in need

With An Exclamation Mark
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A few dreadful, horrible days passed like that; Hyejeong complained non-stop about her sleeplessness because of Seolhyun’s moans, and Seolhyun would complain about catching a cold because Hyejeong would sleep with the most covers on, leaving only a miserable part for Seolhyun, and nearly every two hours, they had to be silenced by an overly-annoyed Choa. 

One morning, Seolhyun awoke to soft sheets and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding herself off the remaining glimpses of a dream, her eyes were still shut as her body felt weak against her strong desire to continue sleeping. 
However, Hyejeong’s extremely loud and fearful “Oh my god!” waked Seolhyun up in no time. She struggled to open her eyes… only to find out that their hands somehow came to rest on each other’s while they were sleeping, and they’d been holding hands for god knows how long. 
“Your inappropriateness knows no boundaries,” Hyejeong continued, “Keep your miserable hand away from me!” 
Seolhyun lazily sat up and retreated her hand quickly, wiping it off the blanket, imitating disgust. “Excuse me? Your fingers were tightly gripping mine. Enjoyed our hand-shake huh?” she smirked. 
“Your hand was on top of mine.” Hyejeong noted with a frown. Seolhyun stretched her arms above her head and nonchalantly yawned, then got off the bed, taking her clothes and a towel. “If you’re uncomfortable then wash your hand with gasoline while I have a shower.” she added before wearily leaving the room. 

When she reached her destination, the room was already steamy from the hot water used by girls who came to shower before her. She stepped into the shower and faced the water, humming something as she began beneath one arm. The water washed down her back, and she dipped her head back to let it rinse her hair. Her arms came up as she ran fingers through her hair. 


That reminded her of something. She couldn't help but think back to when she found her hand intertwined with Hyejeong’s. Hyejeong's hand was smooth and pampered, just like the rest of her. To the touch, it was soft and delicate. And it fit perfectly in her roommate's hand, her long and thin fingers completing the space left in Seolhyun's. 
For a split second, Seolhyun wondered what Hyejeong was like as a person. Seolhyun had only come to know her from an enemy’s point of view, so she wondered what would it feel like to have Hyejeong as a friend. Was she a caring, loving friend, or was she as egocentric and selfish as Seolhyun thought of her? That was difficult to answer. As much as she was Kim Seolhyun, she’d never befriend Shin Hyejeong, and would never be befriended by her, as well. 

When she left the shower, she accidentally slid out of her shoe and lost her balance because of the wet floor. In the seconds it took her to reach the ground she knew it was going to hurt; and as she hurtled to the floor, she felt her head get hit by something, and the pain throbbed so violently around her skull that she wondered why it didn't just crack open. And that wasn't even the only problem: her leg hurt now and walking was increasingly painful. Still, she only cursed under her breath and warily walked towards her room. When she came in, Hyejeong was sitting in front of the mirror, combing her hair. Seolhyun was in a white robe and she was drying her hair with a towel. 
“Hey, your village called they want you back by 6pm.” Hyejeong voiced. 
“Ha-ha, funny. Maybe you go back home to work on your cottage cheese sculpture?” Seolhyun attacked back. 
“Jokes aside.” Hyejeong turned her chair to look at her. “You and I are separating ways.” 
Seolhyun threw the towel on the bed and looked at Hyejeong with an annoyed expression. “That’s something couples say when they break up.” she said. 
“… I meant we’re separating rooms. I no longer want to do things that make me want to kill myself. Like sharing a room with you.” 
“Don’t worry, I didn’t enjoy having the worst roommate ever as well. Life’s too short to spend time with people who the happiness out of me.” 
“Good then. If you don’t wanna leave the room alone, let’s leave it together. I’ll stay with Mina while you’ll stay with Jimin.” 
Jimin was one of Seolhyun’s closest friends, and Mina was Hyejeong’s. So it was definitely a good idea. “Deal.” 
“Good.” Hyejeong said before standing up to start packing her things. But as she bent down, she noticed the towel on the bed and froze. “Hey dork…” 
“Who.. did you murder on your way?” 
“What the hell are you tal—“ Seolhyun was about to take off her robe when she noticed the redness on the towel she just dried her hair with. She quickly touched the back of her head and hissed in pain. When she looked back at her hand, she could see blood, although in small amount. 
“Wow, were you shot out of a cannon or something?” Hyejeong giggled. 
Seolhyun glared at her, full of hatred and revulsion. 

How can she

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Chapter 9: I'd be lying if i said i didn't shed tears the entire time i was reading the last chapter, the plot twist is just mind blowing i love all your work so much author!
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 9: Idk how many times i come back to this story and re-read it again! Them dissing each other is seriously hilarious. Where do you get all those from? XD
ishipminajackson #3
Chapter 9: awwwww poor hyejeong, guilt crept into her all this time, i'm glad seolhyun finally confronted her and hyejeong cleared all the misunderstanding between them and now seoljeong is back happily ever! please do write an extra chapter for seoljeong fluff, it'll be a shame if you just ended everything in this chapter! great chapter, beautifully written, i'll look forward to the very last chapter, fighting authornim (:
iamaot9sone #4
Chapter 9: I love the ending it felt so warm and touching*cries*
This story is wonderful;)
And I'm looking forward for the latest part xd
unicornhwq #5
Chapter 9: you're back authornim! and also you back with an amazingly beautiful chapter :')
Chapter 9: AEW HOW CUTE
Ah4Rae #7
Chapter 9: Beautiful, I hope you make an extra chapter as you said !! Thanks author!!