Falling Down

Battles of the Heart



After that, Eli and I had grown closer. We came home and got our school stuff together and set alarms. We definitely had to go back to school tomorrow.


*beep beep beep beep*


"Wake up, Eli. Go shower first. I'll make breakfast." I told him.


"Arasseo." he sleepily got up and went into the bathroom.


I went to the kitchen and just made toast, took out jam and made eggs and sausage.


"Okay, babe. I'm done getting ready." Eli walked into the kitchen, messing with his tie. [Blue shall be English.]


"Here, let me do that for you." I walked over taking the tie out of his hands and tied it neatly for him. "Not too tight right?"


"Nope. It's perfect. Thanks, babe." he kissed my forehead. "How did you learn how to tie a tie by the way? Most girls don't know how right?" he asked me.


"My dad made sure I knew how to tie a tie when I was 14. He said it would be a useful skill to have." I answered, I walked towards the bathroom to shower and get ready.


I put on the black skirt, adjusting it lower and tied my bow perfectly.


"Okay, Eli oppa. Let's eat breakfast." I sat down next to him, and started eating.


"What do you want to ride to school today? The bike or the car?" he asked.



I saw Yumi's eyes light up again, like it did yesterday.


"Let me guess, the bike." I tapped her nose.


"Ehh.." she stuck her tongue out me, "It's fun to ride the bike..." She mumbled.


I kissed her forehead, "I know, babe. I'm just joking. Let's hurry then. I want everyone to see us on the bike." I said.


We finished our breakfast quickly and she asked me to help her out on the helmet again.


I got on the bike and she wrapped her arms around my waist, I really enjoyed this feeling.


We sped our way to school in time for everyone to see, including Min and Minho.


"Thank you, oppa." Yumi kissed my cheek and winked.


"You're welcome, babe." I pecked her lips, and I heard Min scoff and storm away.


"Time for class.." I took her hand and led the way.



Everyone in the hallways stares at Eli holding my hand, I felt really embarrassed so I looked down. But Eli stopped walking, "Babe, don't look down. You should be proud, or else they'll start spreading rumors about you."


"Okay, babe. I'm just nervous that's all."


"Don't be. I'm here, you know I'll protect you no matter what." he smiled at me, leaning down to peck my lips.


"Okay, let's go to class, oppa." I felt my face blush and this time I was leading the way.


I heard him chuckle, but he went along with it.


My seat was still the same, this time we double checked that nothing was wrong with it.


"Okay, class today for English---"


"Ahem" the PA speaker started talking, and it sounded familiar...



Oh no, oh god no.


She wouldn't have.


Please don't be her.


Oh god.


I put my head down, hiding my face just in case.



Eli put his head down, I guess he thought the voice was familiar too.


"Ahem.. Everyone, I have an announcement to make."


Oh god, now I know why Eli put his head down... I recognized the voice now.. It was eomeoni... I put my head down too.


Eli felt it, I think because he turned to me and furrowed his eyebrows. I looked back at him, scrunching up my face.


He smiled and we both went back to hiding our faces.


"Tonight, there shall be an engagement party. For my son, Kim Kyoung Jae and my future daughter-in-law, Kim Yumi. Everyone is invited to attend, EXCEPT you, Miss Choi Min, also NOT you either Mister Choi Minho. Everyone else may come. Come to the office for an invitation. Eli and Yumi make sure you go home early to change. Yumi, I already left a dress for you to wear. Ahnyeong, children." I heard eomeoni giggled before she turned off the speaker.


Oh god... I turned to Eli again, his face was just as red as mine.


"Well, that was interesting." Mr. Lee said, "Congratulations Eli and Yumi. Moving on, today in English we shall be covering...." Mr. Lee continued with the lesson, leaving us alone again.


"That was embarrassing.." I said.


"Tell me about it. I know mom pretty well. But I never thought she would do that..." he muttered.


"It's okay, I guess. At least people know now. So there won't be any gossip hopefully." I whispered.


"True.. I wonder what kind of dress my mom got you, I hope it's purple or black. Purple is my favorite color." he said.


"Really? I love purple too!"


"That's good. Similar taste." he nodded.




"Time for lunch, babe." he held out his hand, which I gladly took.


We walked to the cafeteria, where he bought a pizza and ddeokbokki. We shared it together, and I really missed pizza.. It was good...


"Oppa.. I have to go bathroom. I'll meet you back at the classroom, arasseo?" I asked him. He just nodded.




Yumi left the cafeteria, only to be carefully followed by Min and her small posse.


She was walking down the stairs to the bathroom, when she was about 5 steps from the bottom..


Someone pushed her down.



Why is Min following Yumi?? I should follow her just in case..



"Ahhhh!!" I twisted my ankle when I fell down those stairs.


I'm pretty sure of who pushed me but I turned to look anyway. And yup, I was right it was Min. She stood there with her arms crossed smirking.


"That's what you get, b*tch for stealing my man." she said.


I tried to stand up, "Owww.." my ankle wouldn't let me, any pressure on it and it would be too painful.


"Too bad for you, don't you have a party tonight?" she scoffed, turning to leave.


"Yahh!! What did you do?!?!" I heard a familiar voice yell.


"E-E-Eli Oppa..." Min was shocked and tried to run into his arms.


"Don't even try that with me, Min. And you're my noona remember?" he side stepped her and came down to help me.


"Babe, are you okay?" he brushed my bangs out of my face.


I shook my head, "I think I twisted it when I fell." 


"Eli oppa!!! Ever since she came, all you do is care about her!! I've been here for you forever!!" Min yelled.


"Min, I gave you everything in those three years and you're the one that cheated on me. And even though I was a jerk to her at first, because her parents wanted it, Yumi stayed by my side." He told Min, never breaking eye contact with me.


Heat rushed to my cheeks and I looked away.


"So, stop hurting her physically at least. You can attempt to spread as much rumors as you want but I'm sure they won't get very far." he continued, still looking at me.


He slowly picked me up bridal style and walked back to class. Mr. Lee was there, waiting to start class.


"Mr. Lee I don't think Yumi can make it through school, she twisted her ankle from being pushed down the stairs and we have PE next right?" Eli said.


"Yes, that's right. Okay, take her home safely then. Hopefully, her ankle is okay, it looks like its swelling already." Mr. Lee commented.


Eli walked to our desk, put me down on it, grabbed both our bags on his shoulder and picked me back up, leaving the classroom.


Author's Note:

Okay i just noticed this is a really long chapter.

my bad.

and well. there's Min.. again.. 

and embarrassing eomeoni.. XD

and ElixYumi fluff again... XD

can't get over it.. sorry. XD

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whatslifewithoutkpop #1
Chapter 31: Adorable story!!!:) Eli is so perfect!!
Chapter 31: i had always loved happy ending
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 31: Loved the story
I love this!! Even though i can't imagine Minho being like that. haha. :p Anyways, good job! Loved it so much!! ^.^
Chapter 31: And so the story ends. Ah I love this story so much ^o^ Sorry for spamming and whatnot QAQ I wish you luck for your other stories! Fighting!
Chapter 29: OMO I wish I could've seen the dress... Anyways, such an awesome story!!! It's almost over :c
Chapter 12: MEEH. I WISH I COULD SEE THE BATHROOM. I love your fic ^-^
Chapter 9: Nice house ^-^
Chapter 31: Gahhhhhhh I luuuvvvv thisssssss
I read this all in one night <3
can't complain since I'm having lots of Eli feels and GAH <3
Your story made me love him MORE even though you completed this~ Such a cute and lovable story <3
And their parents and the announcer at school cracked me up so much <3
ahahaha~ Unnie, you write the most outstanding and fantastic stories, you know that? :)