
Battles of the Heart



We both finished unpacking all our clothes and everything else, so we sat on the bed in silence.


"Ummm... Since we will be living together, do you want to play a game to get to know each other?" I asked.


"Sure, Eli-ssi. Want to play 20 questions?" she replied.


"Okay, umm... First thing though, can you just call me Eli or Eli-ah or Oppa? I don't know but it sounds weird hearing you call me Eli-ssi...." I told her.


"Ne, Eli. You're my oppa?" she tilted her head.


"When's your birthday? Mine is March 11th, 1994." 


"Oh.. Ne, you are my oppa. August 21st, 1994." she told me.


"Now, I have someone who I am really oppa to!!" I smiled, not knowing why that made me really happy.


"Ehhh... What about Min she called you oppa?" she asked, confused.


"Yeah, but Min is actually my noona, she is a late born 93 baby in our grade. December 15th, 1993." 


Her lips formed that cute 'o' again. I bet when she did aegyo it was really cute...


"Umm.. What about your name then? Do you have more than one?" she asked me.


"Hmmm.. Yeah I do. My English name is Ellison, nickname is Eli. But my Korean name Kyoung Jae. But everyone kinda just calls me Eli." I told her.


"Ohhh... I see. Well, as you know my Korean name is Yumi. But my English name is Aria, when I'm in the states."


"Aria, that's a pretty name..."


She blushed, "Thank you.."


"Do you know how to drive?" I asked her.


"Ummm.. Only manual. My friends taught me in their cars and all their cars were manual." she said.


"Arasseo. Well, my car is automatic. But my bike is half half. Sorta manual. Sorta automatic." I told her.


Her eyes lit up slightly, "You have a bike? Like a motorcycle?" 


"Yeah... I don't drive it with other people though. Because I would only take Min but Min hated riding it. So I only drive it when I'm alone."


She bit her lower lip slightly, "Ummm.... Eli oppa.... Can I ride with you some time?" she fiddled with her fingers in nervousness.


I felt my heart beat a little faster, just watching her. Everything she did pulled me closer to her.


"Sure.. We have to go get it from my parents' house. But I will take you for a ride on it. You really want to?" I raised an eyebrow.


She nodded furiously.


"Can I ask why? I mean Min was the only girl I knew but she hated it completely. But you seem really excited..." she confused me.


"Well... Ummm... I actually really love riding motorcycles. My best guy friend back home. He took me out once. And I loved it. It was so much fun!" her eyes lit up brightly this time in excitement.


"Arasseo. After school ends, we can go get it and ride it back here." I laughed. "Let's get into a more personal question. You already said you're a . But you've had a boyfriend so you have kissed someone before right?"


She bit her lip again, "Umm... Yeah I have kissed and done everything in the PG rating. But a guy has never seen my body. Ever. But since you asked, what about you? Are you a ?" she countered.


Well... She was honest. And we have been really honest so far. "No.. I'm not a . So it really doesn't make any sense as to why Min would do that..." damn, there I was thinking about them again, I drifted off.


I felt the bed shift as Yumi moved to sit right in front of me. "Eli oppa, you shouldn't think like that.. No one really knows what went through Min's head. She still cheated and there are consequences for it."


Something was off about the way she said it. Like she left something out. I turned directly to her, "Yumi... What about Minho? Isn't he equally at fault??"


She squirmed a little under my gaze, "Umm.. Yeahh.. About that. I kinda know what was going through his head.."


"Bwoh?! What is it? What is happening in his head?" I raised my voice a little and I saw her flinch. Damn it, Eli. I reached out and hugged her.


"Mian hae. I just want to know. Please tell me. I'm sorry I yelled." I said softly.


"Gwenchana. I was the same." she pulled out of my embrace to look me in the eyes. "Yuri told me that Minho has always been in love with Min. Always. But Min loved you, so he would just watch her from afar." she waited for a response from me, so I just nodded. "So, I'm guessing however they started, Minho gladly did it because Min finally looked at him. So whenever they did it, in that janitor's closet he must have been so happy." she finished.


"Ohh... It all makes sense now... He always looked at Min differently but I brushed it off because all of us were best friends. He loves her a lot then... Wait did you say 'whenever'?" 



Aish... I seriously need to watch my words better. "Yeah... I said whenever..." I sighed, knowing he would want the full answer. "One of the girls told me that yesterday wasn't the first time.. That every time Min can't find you, she goes to Minho. And yeah. That happens." I trailed off.


He just nodded, his beautifully brown eyes turned slightly black.


I reached out to him and took his hand, intertwining our fingers. "Eli oppa... Don't be mad at them... Don't waste your time and energy being mad at them... They don't deserve the attention so don't give it to them." I said calmly.


He let out a deep breath and turned to look at me, his brown eyes back and a smile on his face.


"Come on, Yumi. Let's go get my bike." he led the way out of the bedroom and the house completely.

Author's Note:
long chapter~~~
Happy New Year~!!!!
Much love youuuu guys <3333
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whatslifewithoutkpop #1
Chapter 31: Adorable story!!!:) Eli is so perfect!!
Chapter 31: i had always loved happy ending
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 31: Loved the story
I love this!! Even though i can't imagine Minho being like that. haha. :p Anyways, good job! Loved it so much!! ^.^
Chapter 31: And so the story ends. Ah I love this story so much ^o^ Sorry for spamming and whatnot QAQ I wish you luck for your other stories! Fighting!
Chapter 29: OMO I wish I could've seen the dress... Anyways, such an awesome story!!! It's almost over :c
Chapter 12: MEEH. I WISH I COULD SEE THE BATHROOM. I love your fic ^-^
Chapter 9: Nice house ^-^
Chapter 31: Gahhhhhhh I luuuvvvv thisssssss
I read this all in one night <3
can't complain since I'm having lots of Eli feels and GAH <3
Your story made me love him MORE even though you completed this~ Such a cute and lovable story <3
And their parents and the announcer at school cracked me up so much <3
ahahaha~ Unnie, you write the most outstanding and fantastic stories, you know that? :)