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The Other Side || Kim Taehyung

- Jackie’s POV -


Ring. Ring.


My phone vibrated from beneath my pillow. I woke up from my deep slumber due to the disturbance.




“AHHHHHHH!” The caller screamed from the other end. I jumped, startled at the unexpected holler. I recognized that scream. My best friend, Lauren Moon.


“Lauren?? What’s wrong?! What happened?! Should I call 9-1-1?!” I asked, worried. 


“NO! DO NOT CALL THE COPS! ALTHOUGH, YOU MIGHT NEED TO CALL ME AN AMBULANCE BECAUSE AHHHH!” she shouted. I couldn't tell whether she was excited about something or she just saw a spider again or something.


“Lauren, it’s 3 AM. What is it???” The suspense was killing me.


“It’s the…” Inhale. “And the…” Exhale. “Winner…” Inhale. “And I…” Exhale. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She breathed heavily into the phone, making it impossible to understand what she was trying to say.


“Lauren! Lauren! Breathe, fam! Breathe!” I commanded her. 


“Okay, okay!” I can hear her taking slow, deep breaths. “I CAN’T DO IT! I’LL JUST SEND YOU A PICTURE AHHHHH!!!!” She continued to shout. What is it that’s making her go so crazy?


About 10 seconds later, my phone buzzed. It was a picture of a laptop screen.


“Oooh. A laptop screen! So exciting!” I sarcastically .


“Read what’s on the screen, dummy.” I chuckled at her. I grabbed my glasses on my bedside the table and placed them on.

Congratulations, Younghee! The email read. Younghee was Lauren’s Korean name. Most of the email was written in Hangul so I assume it was for a Korean contest she entered in.


“Congratulations? For?” I curiously asked.


“JUST KEEP READING!” she commanded.


“Okay! Okay! Sheesh!” I read on. “Dear Moon Younghee, We would like to congratulate you for winning our exclusive contest! For winning this contest, you will have the opportunity to be an assistant for a specific KPOP group. We hold this contest annually and this year, the KPOP group we have chosen is…” I stopped reading there. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, it felt like it was going to explode.


“No way…” I muttered out.


“Uh huh,” she said.


“NO. WAY.” I said, slightly louder. My breathing quickened and I was sure my heart would actually explode right then and there. 


“YES. WAY.” she screamed in return.


“BTS?!?!?!?” I screamed from the top of my lungs. I couldn’t hold it in.


“YES! AHHHHH!!!” she screamed. 


“AHHHHH!!!!” This time, I screamed along with her. I got up from my sitting position and jumped up and down on my bed. I hit my head on the ceiling a few times, but I didn’t mind the pain. “YOU’RE GOING TO MEET BTS?! OH MY GOD I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! AHHH!” I low-key felt jealous, but this was my best friend. I needed to be happy for her even if it hurt.




“What?” I froze as she said those words. Me? Coming with her? What?


“READ THE BOTTOM OF THE EMAIL.” I scrolled down to the bottom in a hurry, my fingers aching.


You may bring one guest along with you. I read those words in my mind but failed to read them out loud. My phone slipped from my clammy fingers and bounced from the bed to the carpeted floor.


I’m going to meet BTS?!

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Claraphina #1
Chapter 4: Update soon please
Excited to see where this story goes, please write more <3
"Faith gives her an opportunity to prove herself." I think you mean fate? Anyways, look forward to where this plot goes!