What Is Love (사랑은 무)

¤chae hocheol¤

 "if i were to dye my hair, i would dye it blonde."david says, fixing his hair.

we look at him weirdly. david with blonde hair? 

"i rather have him get my uncle's color."changmin comments.

"isn't your uncle bald?........"

changmin smiles, nodding happily. it was study period where teachers would have meetings, lunch time or doing something productive. students would go to their clubs or get dragged out by their own companies to train. all 7 of us made a club called 'let's do nothing but chill'.....it wasn't even an official club. i was in two clubs, this foolish club and dance club. i would usually attend dance club but these children always dragged me out.

the door creeks open, all of our heads turning.

"kim taedong?"giseok says.

the new kid flashes a smile to us, bowing his head.

"when did he transfer to this school?"giseok asks.

"he's in our class. he just transfered today while you were sleeping..."san replies.

"come sit with us."hocheol says, patting the seat next to him.

it was quiet for a few minutes after taedong settles down. taedong looks at me then to the others.

"is she a clingy fan?"he asks, pointing to me.

my jaws drop in offense. did he mistaken as a hyerin 2.0?! i scoff and they all shake their heads. i was different from those girls. i didn't want to be in their name category. never. 

"she's hocheol's twin."

"her name's chae haneul."

"she's super cool."

"that's my best friend."

"it's my sister."

"our closest female friend."

he looks at me, squinting. "you don't look like hocheol."

"she looks more like our dad and i look more like my mom. but i rank higher in looks compared to haneul."hocheol smiles, wrapping an arm around my neck, slightly choking me.

i try to scooch away from hocheol, trying to get out of his tight grasp. ah, the boys liked to put me in headlocks, ruffle my hair, play footsies and lightly push me. they told me i had the strength of a man too. we really liked to tease each other too.

he nods slowly before it becomes awkward again.

"oh, how's filming for your program? i heard insoo is one of the boys in your assigned group. "david asks me, attempting to break the layer of awkwardness. 

"it's good... and yup, we're covering exo's growl."i smile. 

hallyu factory was the name of the show. it was 45 boys and 45 girls against each to be in the top 14 spots by the last evaluations. 7 boys and 7 girls will be in the group together, continuing promotions like any other group would. our judges were boa, jessi, hyorin (sistar), jinyoung (b1a4), beenzino, and yunho (tvxq). we just filmed episode 1 not too long ago where all of our evaluations were shown. i'm filming episode 2 tomorrow so me and the boys won't be able to hangout tomorrow.

"ah, so you're the girl insoo talks about."taedong says, nodding. what? insoo talks about me? my cheeks turn a bright pink.

"well should we tell taedong about this school?"hocheol asks, not liking it when he hears about guys being affectionate or something on those lines, to me.

we nod and gather in a circle.

"san, start off."hocheol says.

"uhm... never try sneak out of the classroom, the teachers will make scrape gum off every desk and wall in the classroom." he says. 


then we look at jonghyeok, "never be late to school on a rainy day, they'll make you stay in the rain on all fours, aka the push-up position."


"our civics teacher, mr. oh is really weird. he'll never talk about the subject but only talk about aliens and how their abduction plan is going to happen soon."changmin shivers at the subject.

"i'm lost for words.."

"apparently the schools rooftop is haunted because a girl was watching the sunset, then she was pushed off. but people still go up there. but at night, it's locked and chained up."giseok looks down then yells.

"what's wrong?"we ask him, worriedly.

he looks up and smiles brightly, "just trying to scare you fools.'

we all groan and hit him, throwing objects at him.

"well.. never sleep in biology because then pur teacher mrs. ahn will either, 1. hit you with her ruler or 2. make you stay after school and clean all the windows."david shows his shoulder. "she hit me right there with her ruler. there's a freaking bruise on my arm."

"what a witch."

"on white day, never reject a gift, or you're next gift will be an angry mob of friends who'll try to kill you."i run a thumb through my neck hoping he'd get the memo.

we all look at hocheol and see him thinking. he then claps and leans in. "stay away from our school's playgirl. once she sees you and you 'capture' her heart, she'll be obsessed with you until she gets what she wants."

"what's her name?"taedong asks.

we all look at each other and whisper. "kim hyerin."

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rey3qq #1
Chapter 7: Omg I LOVE THIS ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Please I cant wait for the rest