What Is Love (사랑은 무)

¤chae haneul¤

"why are those kids so loud?"

"it's 9 in the morning, how could they have so much volume?"

"i've gotten use to these rascals being so loud."

i blush in embarassment. 

it was me, hocheol, david, giseok, jonghyeok, changmin,  and san walking to school. (believe it or not, these are all the boys24 97 liners, i left out one on purpose, and you'll see why.) 6 of them combined was louder than a stampede of elephants. we all became friends after walking to school in the morning and discovered how all of our houses were lined up next to each other, or at least 1 house away from the other. it was like fate.

"isn't that a new neighbor?"san points out to the house with a luggage truck and 2 cars and a motorcycle. we stop walking and glance at the new neighbors.

"more like neighbors, i've never seen so many boxes for just one person."giseok replies.

"that means all of our moms are going to have a get together and a 'welcome the new neighbor' party soon.."changmin says. we all groan and punch him in the arm. 

those parties were the worst. they were cringe-worthy, awkward and useless.

we continue walking to school bumping into some of our seniors. once we step foot onto campus, we all go the same way. yes. we were all in the same class. our math teacher was like a witch. if she caught us talking, she'd send us into the hall and raise our hands up high or stay on all fours, like a push-up position.

"david! hocheol!"

speaking of the witch... we all look at each other and roll our eyes. kim hyerin. when me and hocheol moved to this school, everyone warned us about her. how her crushes changed every week, how she bullied those who didn't give her things the way she wanted, how she almost killed a girl in 7th grade, how much of a playgirl she was. it was all true.

she was dating giseok and giseok was IN LOVE with her, but then on their 100 days together, she broke up with him for hocheol and david. what she didn't know was that giseok stayed up all night, making 1000 paper cranes and origami for her. he had done so much for her and she crushed his heart. 

"here comes the of the year."jonghyeok whispers to us.

we nod and watch her skip over to us. her high pitched voice sounded like fork against a plate or nails on a chalk-board. as she flirted with the two, i sensed giseok's change in mood. sad. uncomfortable. gloomy. i frown. i couldn't just stand there and let him suffer. 

"me and giseok will be heading to class..."i say. 

"I'M COMING WITH YOU GUYS."the other five say, turning around.

but hyerin interrupts, "i wanna come to."

"go with your friends."changmin whispers, hoping hyerin would hear his words.

she takes hocheol and david by the arm, happily locking onto them. their eyes widen in disgust. i speed walk away from them, dragging giseok away, jonghyeok tagging along, as changmin and san helped out the two. 

once we get far away from them, we stop in front of our classroom. 

"are you okay?"jonghyeok asks giseok.

giseok forces a bitter smile, nodding. jonghyeok raises an eyebrow but just sighs, playing along. 

i wish giseok would move on and find someone better...

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rey3qq #1
Chapter 7: Omg I LOVE THIS ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Please I cant wait for the rest