Sorry to Interrupt

Think About It

The small dorm was a mess. Discarded clothes were strewn across the unmade bed in the corner and the desk next to it was overflowing with books and papers. Strange symbols filled the majority of these, with translations and references stashed away underneath. Ancient looking tomes sat stacked upon one another with bookmarks hanging out haphazardly. Other than this however the room sat quietly in peace.

Except for the pentagram seated in the middle.

Black candles streamed smoke into the air, seemingly drifting into the center of the etchings on the floor. The sole inhabitant of the room sat at the point of the formation, carefully chanting in a strange language. An invisible wind picked up, funneling the smoke into a violent tornado that writhed in the center. The markings on the floor slowly began to bubble, transforming into embers that the life out of their surroundings. The candle flames flickered out of existence until one remained, casting darkness over Moonbyul's face. Throughout this all Moonbyul kept her eyes on the book in her hands, reading and chanting until the ritual was over. 

Then the final candle blinked out and the darkness slowly receded into the swirling mass, molding it into a figure that appeared standing. 

"So... you're a human."

Moonbyul stared at the figure in shock. 

Small red horns perched atop hair that was darker than she had thought possible. If it hadn't been for them she would have thought the figure before her was human. She certainly was as short as a human.

"Rude thoughts will get you nowhere," the young woman said. "Now are we going to get started or not? I have food in the oven."

Moonbyul hesitantly placed the tome onto the floor before slowly backing away.

"G-Get started with what? And who even are you?"

The newfound guest simply smiled and crept forward, matching Moonbyul's pace. For a while they continued this chase until Moonbyul realized she had ran out of space to back up. Her back now against the wall and the demon advancing closer, she began to breath more quickly.

"Call me Wheein, pleasure to meet you."

Wheein was directly in front of Moonbyul now. A lone finger reached up and gently caressed Moonbyul's neck. Moonbyul shivered and Wheein simply smiled.

"Succubi such as myself are very busy you know, so how about we get the fun started." 


I don't really know how not to be awkward so...

I'm back? Maybe? Hopefully?

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Chapter 29: Wow this version is full of mysteries and Wheein is so full of life! XD
I can't wait for part two! Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 29: Congratulations!!! *clap clap* well done :)
Chapter 29: Congratssss and wow i like this
Taitai84 1224 streak #4
Chapter 29: Congratulations on your promotion!
Chapter 28: Dude, this is so sick!!! XD
And I need to see JW 3 after this!! TT^TT
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 27: I'm sorry to hear about your situation and thank you for still updating even with your busy schedule...
I hope everything goes better for you two! ^^
franch_fries #7
Chapter 27: Hey, authornim, how are you doing? I hope you and your brother are getting on just fine. May I ask if both you and your brother are still minors? I'm not from the US so I don't know much but you might be covered by Child Abandonment Laws. maybe go to your local government (idk how this works in the US) or maybe ask around where you can ask for legal help? If not, at the very least, you may be able to get some support so you won't have to support your brother all by yourself. I know it's rough right now but I can tell that you're strong enough to get through this. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Hang in there!
Chapter 27: i'm sure things are gonna be okay from now on!! Wishing you the best author-nim :)
Taitai84 1224 streak #9
Chapter 27: Sorry to hear about your situation, hope there will be some resolution soon. Where are you both staying in the meantime?