Sorry to Interrupt (Part 2)

Think About It

“You know this isn't what I had in mind when I said fun."

Moonbyul apparently didn't hear the short demoness or didn't care. Her fingers flew over the controller before the retro sounds of victory blared from the speakers of her TV. The controller quickly flew across the room and her arms shot up in celebration before turning to face Wheein.

"Why huh? You said you were up for anything. Anything except losing ten in a row I guess."

A snicker escaped Moonbyul's lips before she remembered who exactly she was taunting. An apology started making its way up when it got cut off by a small, soft hand with a grip of steel. Her attempts to say sorry turned into a struggle to breath as she was lifted from her seat and thrown on her bed. A flash of red was suddenly on top of Moonbyul as she fought to escape.

"You know, for a human who managed to summon me you have very little knowledge of my kind." Razor sharp teeth were inches away from the older girl's face as she stared at the enraged succubus. Her eyes widened as Wheein's grew darker and darker, the white of her eyes slowly being replaced with pitch black. Moonbyul tried to shove the monster off herself but her arms were quickly pinned with an even stronger grip than before.

"No no no that's not how things are going to work here. You've already wasted an hour of my time on that stupid video game, so now you're gonna be a good girl for me alright?" Wheein's eyes were gone now, replaced with hellish black voids. Her words wormed their way into Moonbyul's head, convincing the girl she wanted to obey. Her eyes slowly glazed over and the tension left her body as she stopped struggling

"Good girl," Wheein cooed. "Now I'm going to get up and you're not going to move okay?"

Something behind short demon's voice disturbed Moonbyul and she snapped out of her daze. Her body once again tried to get the succubus off only to be shoved down with even more force. Her head was snapped back and the top of her button-up shirt was shredded, exposing her pale neck to the demon. 

"W-wait wait please! I'm sorry! I'll stop I swear! P-please don't kill me!"

Wheein didn't acknowledge the desperate cries and dipped her head down to the exposed neck underneath her. Moonbyul squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself, hoping that the razor sharp teeth would end her quickly. She could feel Wheein's hair pressing up against her cheek, her nose sliding against her jaw as her teeth moved closer. She felt the sharp points dig into her neck as the first nip sent pain roaring into her body. All she felt from then on was heat and pressure. Confusion slowly came over her when she stopped feeling teeth and felt something soft and delicate at instead. 

"W-what are you doing?"

Wheein opted not to answer and continued her ministrations on Moonbyul. Her lips brushing over the soft human flesh, stopping here and there to lay down a gentle kiss. meandered its way to the source of Moonbyul's earlier pain. A tiny pink tongue darted out to clean the single drop of blood before tracing its way up to Moonbyul's ear.

"Asking nicely."

Moonbyul shuddered as Wheein planted kisses behind her ear before leaning back to whisper again.

"You'll stay still this time right?"

Moonbyul only moaned as warmth spread from Wheein's kisses throughout her body. She felt the demoness smile against her ear before she quickly sat back on Moonbyul's lap.

"I'll be right back. I'll know if you move so don't."

Moonbyul didn't quite understand but she nodded quickly anyways. Part of her was relieved to no longer be restrained but another part of her didn't want Wheein to leave just yet.

"I said I'll be right back silly", Wheein grinned at the flustered human, her dimple showing itself for the first time. "I have to go check on something. Just don't move and there will be more where that came from!"

With the cheery, and slightly sensual, declaration Wheein vanished in a puff of smoke. Moonbyul glanced around the room wondering if she should move from her spot laying flat on the bed. A few minutes passed by before smoke filled the room again. Wheein stepped back into the tiny living space and glared at Moonbyul. Now her eyes glowed crimson and she was more feral than before. With heavy steps she stalked over to the bedside before straddling the older girl once again. 

"You humans are so rude and inconsiderate. What did I tell you?"

Moonbyul stared back up in confusion.

"Wait what? B-but I didn't move."

Wheein bared her teeth and let out a growl that shook the room.

"Not that you human trash. What did I tell you when you first summoned me." 

"Um that y-you were busy?" Moonbyul desperately hoped that she had answered correctly.

"No you hairless ape"Wheein grabbed what remained of her shirt and yanked her closer. She spoke through gritted teeth now as she resisted the urge to tear the human limb from limb.

"I told you I had food in the oven. Now thanks to your video games, your disobedience, and your complete wasting of my time my brownies are burnt!"

Moonbyul stared at Wheein in bewilderment, wondering if the she-demon was joking before noticing the small tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I uh- I’m sorry for ruining your brownies. I have some brownies in the fridge. I-if you want some?"

Wheein's grip on the shirt loosened and she let Moonbyul fall back onto the bed. Her eyes faded back into a normal state and her teeth receded. She stared at Moonbyul quickly before hopping off.

"You're not so bad for a human."

She turned around and inspected Moonbyul more closely, her eyes wandering up and down the girl who was still laying down. She smirked and made her way to the bedroom door, eager to get her brownies. She glanced back at Moonbyul and winked, sending blood rushing to her cheeks.

"You're not so bad looking either."

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Chapter 29: Wow this version is full of mysteries and Wheein is so full of life! XD
I can't wait for part two! Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 29: Congratulations!!! *clap clap* well done :)
Chapter 29: Congratssss and wow i like this
Taitai84 1245 streak #4
Chapter 29: Congratulations on your promotion!
Chapter 28: Dude, this is so sick!!! XD
And I need to see JW 3 after this!! TT^TT
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 27: I'm sorry to hear about your situation and thank you for still updating even with your busy schedule...
I hope everything goes better for you two! ^^
franch_fries #7
Chapter 27: Hey, authornim, how are you doing? I hope you and your brother are getting on just fine. May I ask if both you and your brother are still minors? I'm not from the US so I don't know much but you might be covered by Child Abandonment Laws. maybe go to your local government (idk how this works in the US) or maybe ask around where you can ask for legal help? If not, at the very least, you may be able to get some support so you won't have to support your brother all by yourself. I know it's rough right now but I can tell that you're strong enough to get through this. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Hang in there!
Chapter 27: i'm sure things are gonna be okay from now on!! Wishing you the best author-nim :)
Taitai84 1245 streak #9
Chapter 27: Sorry to hear about your situation, hope there will be some resolution soon. Where are you both staying in the meantime?