Did It Hurt? (Part 2)

Think About It

You're not real.

Moonbyul's eyes narrowed in suspicion before slowly widening in realization, a detail from many years ago resurfacing within her mind.

They actually went through with it.

"So you don't remember me at all then?"

"No I do."

This statement took Moonbyul out of her seat and launched her towards Wheein. Moonbyul was desperate now, searching for a sign that this was the same girl that she had known. Her lips were suddenly dry, her voice hoarse as she asked the one question that she had wanted to ask since the beginning.

"What do you remember about me? About us?"

In stark contrast to Moonbyul's pleading expression, Wheein's was blank and almost neutral, exposing none of the inner turmoil she felt. The older girl in front of her brought back a violent maelstrom of memories that she both cherished and loathed. She remembered the pure and angelic being in front of her, filling the void caused by her lack of friends. She remembered the bitter cold nights spent wrapped snug within her arms, with hours upon hours of pointless but comforting chatter filling the night. She remembered all the little trinkets and baubles that the girl had seemingly conjured out of nowhere, suprising her time and time again. She remembered the gentle touch that seemed to drive away the crippling headaches, the aches and pains that disappeared whenever she was near. She remembered the little jokes that weren't all that funny, but made her laugh anyways when nothing else would. She remembered mentioning Moonbyul to her parents.

She remembers.

She remembered the harsh glares from her parents, accompanied by the furious bite that their words held. The scoldings and punishments that were seared into her mind, permanent scars upon her psyche. The lunch table that always was empty except for the brutal words of her peers. She remembered the blinding white floors, walls, ceilings, tables, and uniforms that began to take over her life, the smell of antiseptic permeating every inch of her skin. The hollow rattle of bottle after bottle of pills, the monotone voice repeating times of the day followed with days of the week. She remembered the white padded cell that was her room, the restrictive jacket that she had politely complained about. She remembered the old men that would go on for hours and hours about eternal damnation and the sharp crack of a ruler.

She realizes.

Wheein realized that Moonbyul had been exclusively there for her. That the girl never appeared anywhere with her except for when they were alone. That the girl was actually creating gifts out of thin air, that the girl's touch did actually driven the headache out of her skull. That her friend wasn't normal. That the day her treatment started was also the day that Moonbyul had disappeared from her life. That whenever she forgot to take her medication she would begin to hallucinate. That those hallucinations often took on the form of a tall slender figure equiped with a pair of majestic white wings. That this figure had ash brown hair.

Her memories now whole, the light and dark within Wheein's mind surged towards each other, blending together and forcing the two parts of one girl to coexist. Then everything began to line up. Fragmented memories found their shattered counterparts and were reforged into strands of silk, multiple strings of thought reforming into a thick rope that pulled Wheein's soul and sanity out of the dark.


Wheein turned towards the voice, the one that had been absent for years now, and with a massive dimpled smile drew the other into a tight hug. Moonbyul froze for an instant before sweeping the girl into the air and onto her feet. They let go for a brief instant and the two girls stepped back ever so slightly. They merely studied each other, replacing outdated memories of the other and allowing themselves time to calm down. Moonbyul had her answers now and Wheein did too, but just to be sure...


"Yes my little Wheepup?"

"Are you really... this entire time were you really- "

"Well you always did call me your guardian angel." Moonbyul smiled gently and nodded, affirming the wish Wheein wanted to be true. But there was also a hint of sadness in her eyes, sadness that Wheein quickly caught on to.

"And... if I'm here, and if this is your house... and if you're here, am I..." Wheein couldn't bring herself to say it, no matter how important this was. Her words failed her and her mind would not slow down, going dry and her hands motioning wildly. Unnoticed by her, tears began to flood her eyes and were threatening to fall. Moonbyul merely stepped closer and drew Wheein into her arms, letting the poor girl rest her head on a shoulder before softly placing a kiss on her head.

"I'm sorry Wheein but yeah...


you're stuck with me forever."



A/N: The words have finally been said and the fears have been confirmed. I really enjoyed writing this scene for you guys who are reading, which as of right now is about 110 of you. That's definitely way more than I thought I was going to get for something like this, so thank you so much. This is going to be the first of many one-shots that will hopefully improve over time. Hwaiting!

PS: Let me know what you guys thought of the "She remembers/ She realizes" section. In my head it sounds good but I am aware that the repetition could be awkward. Also suggest scenarios/ give me prompts to think about in the comments or through a pm, they will be extremely helpful for kickstarting more chapters.


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Chapter 29: Wow this version is full of mysteries and Wheein is so full of life! XD
I can't wait for part two! Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 29: Congratulations!!! *clap clap* well done :)
Chapter 29: Congratssss and wow i like this
Taitai84 1224 streak #4
Chapter 29: Congratulations on your promotion!
Chapter 28: Dude, this is so sick!!! XD
And I need to see JW 3 after this!! TT^TT
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 27: I'm sorry to hear about your situation and thank you for still updating even with your busy schedule...
I hope everything goes better for you two! ^^
franch_fries #7
Chapter 27: Hey, authornim, how are you doing? I hope you and your brother are getting on just fine. May I ask if both you and your brother are still minors? I'm not from the US so I don't know much but you might be covered by Child Abandonment Laws. maybe go to your local government (idk how this works in the US) or maybe ask around where you can ask for legal help? If not, at the very least, you may be able to get some support so you won't have to support your brother all by yourself. I know it's rough right now but I can tell that you're strong enough to get through this. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Hang in there!
Chapter 27: i'm sure things are gonna be okay from now on!! Wishing you the best author-nim :)
Taitai84 1224 streak #9
Chapter 27: Sorry to hear about your situation, hope there will be some resolution soon. Where are you both staying in the meantime?