One Year After

Fix me or Broke me

One year has passed and Moonbyul is already on her 3rd year college it's her first day.


Her mother knocked on the door to wake her up.


" Byul wake up you're gonna be late! Yuju is already downstairs " her mother said.


Moonbyul's still asleep


" Yah ! Moon Byul yi wake up don't make me pull you out on you're bed again " She warned and shouted


Mooonbyul got irritated to the noise bringing her both hands to her ears to not hear her mothers loud voice.


When her mother dind't receive a response she open the door and saw her daughter still sleeping.


She went near to moonbyul's bed and pull the blanket out of moonbyuls body and then pushed her daughter to the floor.


Yuju is on the kitchen she was eating her breakfast  but then she heard a thud sound on the second floor were moonbyuls room. Yuju smiled and nods her head left to right thinking that her mother at it again.


The girl who was sleeping on the bed peacefully is now on the ground but still sleeping. Until her mother opens the curtain because of the sunlight moonbyul woked up and squinted her eyes she looked at the clock then she coverd her eyes with a pillow and started to talk to her mother.


" Mom it's only 6:30 in the morning I'm still tired I need more sleep"  She said with tired tone on her voice.


" Well if you dind't stayed up way too late last night at your aunt's recording studio then you shouldn't be tired like this. " Her mother said to her.


Note: Her aunt is a famous music producer and a former singer in the past and owns a recording studio.


Moonbyul still laying on the floor.


" Mom my class starts at 10 am It's only 6:30 " she said to her mother irritatedly the added.


" And if kimmy unnie heard you call her an aunt she will be mad "


Her mother crossed her arms over her chest.


" It's the proper way to call her aunt I mean she's your aunt anyway and since you're class starts at 10 and You've waken up. Can you drive your sister to her school?. "  she said


Moonbyul got up on the floor and streched her legs and arms while saying this words to her mother.


" Kimmy unnie thinks calling her an aunt makes her old. She told  me to just call her an unnie instead . " 


Moonbyul sats on her bed 


" And mom your getting back at me because I ditched last saturdays family dinner again is it? "


Her mother sat up near her and looks at her daughter.


" I'm not denying that byul Yes I'm getting back at you because you always ditched when we get together with you're father. "


" When you were in middle school you've never missed a family dinner. What happened byul? " Her mother asked.


Moonbyul doen't want to talk about it especially when her father is the topic.


" I don't know mom maybe puberty " she said then shrugged her shoulders.


Her mother let out a sigh


" Moonbyul he's your father it's unfair thet your treating him like this " she said to her daughter.


Moonbyul clenched her teeth and squeezed her hands until her nails marks on her palm hearing her mother said that it's unfair that she's treating her father like that makes her mad. " If only u knew what Dad's doing mom. " she said back on her mind.


" I'll take a shower mom yuju's gonna be late " Moonbyul said then went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Her mother stared at the bathroom door were moonbyul went.


" When will the old byul come back.."  she gulps her saliva  " She doesn't smile like the old days. "


Her mother whispered then left moonbyuls room.


Moonbyul did her daily rituals she put some clothes on she tied her hair the usual boyish look. Then goes downstairs to eat some breakfast.


Moonbyul saw her sister yuju and smirks she thought of an idea to sister. She sneakily walks behind where yuju is sittimg then pinched her on the cheeks.


" Ah! Unnie stop it! It hurts! " Yuju shouted while hitting her sister on the hands that was pinching her cheeks.


Moonbyul laughed and sister more.


" Aigoooo...Our little yuju needed someone to drive her to school. "


" Unnie ! Please let me eat my breakfast at peace "  yuju begged to moonbyul.


" Moonbyul stop pinching you're sisters cheeks " her mother said while still cooking her breakfast.


" No way I'm gonna pinched this squeeky cheeks until it turns red" moonbyul still pinching her sisters cheeks.


" Mom will you stop Unn- Oh! Dad's on tv! " yuju said and points at the tv.


Her mother quickly turns off the stove to watch the news and made the volume high.


Moonbyul still holding her sisters cheeks but not pinching them


They listened to the reporter.


Breaking news


" Moon Hyuk-jae becomes the CEO of the biggest company in south korea. The former  CEO of Daehan Corporation Park Sungmin announced today that he's gonna step down on his position due to health issues and decided to gave his position to Mr. Moon because of his credibility and dedication for his work This is Kwak Si yoon reporting for JBK News "


Moonbyul unconsciously pinched Yuju's cheeks harder than before.


" Unnie! It hurts! " Yuju shouted louder 


That made moonbyul flinched and let go of her sisters cheeks.


" Oh sorry " Moonbyul sits down across yuju


Her mothers phone rang Yuju and Moonbyul turned their heads to her.


Then her mother looks through her phone and reads the recieved message then her mother smiled happily


" Looks like were gonna have another family dinner tonight "


" Really! Mom dad's gonna come home early tonight? " Yuju said excitedly and added " You're going home to Unnie?  Right? " 


Moonbyul dind't answered looking apologetic to her sister


" Unnie ?" yuju pouted


" I can't aunt called me and said she needs me at her studio tonight you know aunt when she calls like that it means shes very busy and needs help " she lied to yuju


" Ughh! Again ! Unnie you've always got time for aunt while you don't have time for dad. Your always at Minhyuk oppa's rest house you only came here when you feel like you want to come home "  Yuju said annoyed to her sister and added again 


" Dad really misses you unnie I wished you just stay here " yuju said with a pout again


" Unnie's really sorry yuju but this time I can't auntie kimmy really needs me at her studio and the reason why I stayed at their rest house is because it's close to the campus " Moonbyul said apologetic to her sister but lying again

Because she doesn't want to see her father the reason well the same old reason she hates her father very much.


" But I'll make it up to you what do you want? Do you want unnie to buy you some clothes ? Go shopping with me? Go to the amusement park? Anything " 


Moonbyul feels like she said something wrong.


" Anything? " Yuju asked


Moonbyul confirms she said something wrong but said it again anyways she can't ignore the fact that her sister is pouting a while ago because she can't go and have a dinner here tonight


" Yes anything " she said


" Then come with us this sunday were going to the mall with Dad it's family day Unnie " Yuju said with a smile on her face.


Moonbyul looked to her mom and her mom just smiled at her. Moonbyul let out a sigh knowing that she dalls into yujus trap.


" Ok I'll go"


" Really ?! " Yuju said with a happy voice


" Yes I'll go I promise " 


" Really ? Unnie ? You've promised you said it and You know unnie that I don't like breaking promises to me.


Yuju hates breaking promises like one time byul promised her to wacth a movie together but it got canceled because something came up and Yuju ignores her for two weeks.


Moonbyul stands up and reached for yujus head and messed her sisters hair.


"Mmm....I'll come don't worry " she said and smiled to yuju


" Ah! Unnie you messed up my hair ! " 


Moonbyul laughed


They eat breakfast when there were finished they said goobye to their mother and drives away to yuju's school.


They arrived to her sisiter's school.


Yuju removed her seatbelt and once again said to her sisiter.


" Unnie your promise don't forget "


Moonbyul laughed.


" Ok you little kid! I know I won't break our promise " she said


" Then I'll be going then see u at sunday Unnie " yuju said with a smile on her face then got off on moonbyuls car and waves at her older sister.

Moonbyul stares for a while and said to herself. " I guess I'll have to endure his presence when we get together. It's ok Byul it's just one time only "


Then she drives again .She found a coffee shop near her campus and parked her car and goes inside of the coffee shop and bought some coffee spends her time their to read a book then when it's time for her class she walks to her campus and went to her class.


She enters the room were her class is going to be and spotted wheein and hyejin sitting next to each other and sit's to the empty chair.


Moonbyul realised that the boys are mumbling some things but dind't understand.



She asked hyejin



" Why are the boys is in chaos today I mean their always making a noise but now there mumbling something "



" Remember that that I told u last year that she's been called a because there many rumors about her being a ? " hyejin said



Moonbyul giggled



" Yeah...I remember that what about her? " she added .


" But I can't remember her name"



" Her name was Kim Yon- "



" She's here! The pretty girl is here! "



hyejin cut off what she was saying to moonbyul because one of the boys enters the room hurriedly and announce to everybody while he's catching his breathe and sit's on the chair.



Everyone turns their head at the door when a pretty girl enters infront of the room.


All the people in the room whispers and talks about the pretty girl.


All the boys are admiring her beauty while the girls kept talking about rumors about the pretty girl.


Then moonbyul mumbled


"'s that angry girl Kim?" Moonbyul tries to remember her name and whispers to herself again. " Yongsun.."


Yongsun sat on a empty chair and ignore the people what there saying about her.




Author's Note

Whoo! I finally posted this chapter I don't like this update sooo

Anyway did u guys watched mamamoo show time this weeks ep. my ears hurts like hell hahaha and the preview of their moosical?

I'm still bitter because I can't go to their first concert (sob) 😢

Leave a comment if you want to say anything Thank you 😁

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Chapter 7: will you come back, author-nim?
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 7: Awnnnnnn D: this was the last chap released ;^;

Please come. Back to write Moore - - This is really interesting
Chapter 7: Oh man... SOLAR have some problems too :/
Ahaha I want to see her face when she figure out that the girl was Byul
Chapter 6: Yuju is soooooooo cute <3

And what happened? '0'
Chapter 5: You typos wasn't that bad (Idk if u already edited something) .. I could understand pretty well, so donmai (don't mind) =>
Chapter 4: Oh boy... What a sad past :'/
I hope solar can help her to gather her pieces and not to broke her more :'>
Chapter 3: This was a chao to gather information about solar ahahaha still wondering how they'll get to be friends
Chapter 2: Ahahaha I can't imagine how will be their next encounter :v maybe this time Byul won't freak out
Chapter 1: '0' this solar seems kinda mean