Her Uncle's Wish

Fix me or Broke me


Moonbyul rode a bus to Gyeonggi do and got off at a familiar road.


She smiled and continued to walk in the road.


The same road that she walks into once in a year


She looks around The place is so different to seoul. The side of the road has many rice fields few houses and few cars kind of like a country side. She smells the air and thinks to herself. Even though it's been a year she visited here. This plave has not changed a bit. Moonbyul only visits here once a year every 15 of July she never missed a year to come here because of her uncle's death anniversary. She don't come here when it's not 15 of july because it will only reminds of his death.


She arrived at a cemetery and went to her uncle's burial 


She prayed for her uncle's soul and Moonbyul sat infront of the burial and started talking to him as if he was alive and infront of her.


"Uncle I'm here...."  she said  "This place hasn't change"  she let out a sigh.  " Thats a relief "  she smiled and paused for a while and started to talk again.  


"It's been 2 years now since u passed away. Because of your death I've became more broken than ever before"  she said


Moonbyul's uncle is like a father to her and He's always been by her side since she was a kid. Her uncle is always the first who comforts her when shes sad and being there for her all the time. Every part of moonbyuls life he's there Happy and Sad times.


She started to cry when remembering these thoughts.


"Uncle do u remember? The promise that u said that you weren't gonna hurt me like dad did" she asked with tears on her eyes.


"Well you certainly kept that promise but you made me feel all alone. I've been asking you the same question since 2 years ago" her tears can't stop flowing down in her cheeks.


" Why did you have to leave and die like that? "  she asked her uncle while crying.


Moonbyul cried and cried her memories of her uncle seems not to fade away. And reminiscing the accident the reason  why his uncle died. Her breathing was shaky for crying to much and after minutes of crying she managed to calm down.


She let out a heavy sigh she open her bag and pull out the packet of cigarette that she bought and said.


"Here I dind't forget your wish I still remember that day. Those lines I still remember" she puts the packet of cigarette near her uncle's burial


Flash back

Her uncle was on the hospital bed still conscious but his breathing hard and had a lot of blood on his body. The nurses and doctors was rushing him to the emergency room and Moonbyul was on his side and crying. Moonbyul's hands was holding his uncles right hand and her uncle looked at her and whispers.

"Byul promise me every year when u visit me bring some packet of cigarette" 

Her uncle loves to smoke he even said one time that he smokes until to his death.

" Why are you saying stuff like that?! Don't say anything like that! " she said tears on her face and her uncle just responds with a smile.

" Don't leave me Please! Please!" she pleaded.

He touched moonbyuls cheeks to wipe off her tears and said.

"Byul one day you will find a person that will fix you" He catches his breathe.  

" When that person comes don't let go"  then smiled again to the crying girl.

And the nurse stop Moonbyul for entering the emergency room.

"Miss I'm sorry you're not allowed to enter inside the emergency room we will just inform you later about his condition"  said the nurse and enters inside the emergency room.

Moonbyul flops down to the floor staring blankly and shocked she can't believe that this is happening she wants to deny it all. Minutes later her mother and sister arrived.

"Byul ! "

"Unnie ! "

Moonbyul heard her mother and sister called her. 

Moonbyul stands up and hugs her mother.

"Mom" she cried once again

" How is he?  How's sang-chul? " her mother asked 

Note: Sangchul is her mothers brother

She just cried and not answering her mother

"Ok byul you need to calm down you know him he's strong. Let's sit on the chair "  

Moonbyuls legs are shaking bad because of the shocked her sister helped her mother to lift moonbyul up to the chair.

And hours went by

The night became morning 

And finally the doctor and nurses goes out to the emergency room.

Moonbyul immediately stands up then her mother and sister does the same.

" How is he? Is my uncle ok? " Moonbyul asked the doctor

The doctor just bows his head

Moonbyul knows the answer but wants to confirmed it

She shouted.

"Is he ok ? please !please !  "

her both hands were on the shoulders of the doctor 

"Tell me his ok?! " moonbyul pleaded

" He had severe head injury and a lot of blood has lost" The doctor paused a bit and said. " The patient dind't survive were very sorry " then the doctor leaves with the nurses.

Moonbyul is still standing and in shocked and shes beginning to get dizzy then fell on the floor. Fortunately her mother was standing beside her and catches her . Her mother and sister kept calling her. Her eyes was open until the voices of people disappears.

She became unconscious.


" I don't even know how to live when you died."


"I dind't ate when we had your funeral "


" I became more wrecked "


" I don't study "


" I don't go to school "


" Everyday I was only in my room Then one night I attempted suicide. But mom and yuju barged in before I hunged myself in my room"


She laughed


" Mom slapped me many times and when she stops slapping me she curses at me and saying I was so stupid to attempt such a thing then I saw yuju crying. The slapped on the face opens my mind literaly"  she giggled


" You know how it hurts you've experinced it " she breathes


"But the image of Yuju crying made me realised that I have one reason to live and that reason is Mother and Yuju" 


"Thats why Im studying hard. For them "


" When I finished college I think I'll probably gonna tell the truth to Mom and Yuju about me being gay and about Dads doing " 


She smiled


She told her uncle long time ago thats shes a gay and her uncle don't mind . Her uncle accepts her for who she is.


" Oh and Jieun and I dated but it dind't worked out we both felt like our relationship was a joke because were just fooling around. Don't worry Minhyuk was cool with it. He accepted that Jieun doesn't like him. And the three of us are still best friends."

She smiled again


" But one thing hasn't changed Im still broken uncle..." 


She stands up and put out the dirts that on her hands and pants


" I need to go now uncle It's getting late I'll visit again next year "

after saying her goodbyes to her uncle. Moonbyul bows down and paid respect to her uncle then goes home.



Author's Note

Ok long chapter lol

I was thinking krystal for IU's role here but many fanfiction has already krystal on it so I decided with IU for a changed haha..

Hoped u liked it Thank u for subscribing (cries) I really appreciated Thank u for the comments ^ ^ 

I'll try to update later 





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Chapter 7: will you come back, author-nim?
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 7: Awnnnnnn D: this was the last chap released ;^;

Please come. Back to write Moore - - This is really interesting
Chapter 7: Oh man... SOLAR have some problems too :/
Ahaha I want to see her face when she figure out that the girl was Byul
Chapter 6: Yuju is soooooooo cute <3

And what happened? '0'
Chapter 5: You typos wasn't that bad (Idk if u already edited something) .. I could understand pretty well, so donmai (don't mind) =>
Chapter 4: Oh boy... What a sad past :'/
I hope solar can help her to gather her pieces and not to broke her more :'>
Chapter 3: This was a chao to gather information about solar ahahaha still wondering how they'll get to be friends
Chapter 2: Ahahaha I can't imagine how will be their next encounter :v maybe this time Byul won't freak out
Chapter 1: '0' this solar seems kinda mean