Chapter 2

Let's Meet Again


“Unni, you’re not joking right?”


“I’m sorry Joy. I really want to go but my mom won’t let me. My grade from the last exam dropped and I’m not allowed to go out until I bring it back up.” Wendy apologies over the phone for canceling their meeting at the very last minute.


“Geez, you really should have told me sooner. Do you want me to come over now? I can help you study for the upcoming exam. Of course, it will cost you.”


“No, aren’t you already at the event? Are you crazy? Besides, you wouldn’t be much of a help anyway. So just stay there, and remember to get me an autograph too.”


“Yeah, right! In your dreams.”


Suddenly, screams from hundreds of fangirls fill the building as Sungjae walk into the room.


“HEY! I HAVE TO GO, I’M HANG UP!” Joy shouted into the phone that Minhyuk had lend to her for the day; hoping that the person on the other end could heard her before she hung up the phone.


Sungjae is a tall young actor that’s in his teens. Besides his height, his body was that of an average male. What stands out is his defined facial structures, with bright eyes and a wide smile. 


“Sungjae-oppa, saranghae. Sungjae-oppa, saranghae.” After hanging up the phone, Joy excitedly chants along with the fans.


Her heart was filled with excitement as well as nervousness when it was her turn next in line to meet Sungjae. He gave her a light hug when she approached him and asked for her name in order to sign the autograph.


“It’s Joy. Um, can I also get in autograph for my friend? She couldn’t make it here today but she’s also a big fan of your.”


“Yeah, of course. Her name?”


“Wendy.” Joy answered cheerfully and was glad for Sungjae’s kind personality.


 After signing for both Joy and Wendy, he handed his autograph to the girl.


“Thank you so much. Your latest movie was really good. I enjoyed it a lot.”


“Thanks. Good luck on your study and stay healthy.”


Sungjae gave Joy a smile and waved her goodbye. After the signing event, Sungjae approached the front of the room where his fans had gathered and have a small Q&A section. Even though he’s an actor, he also performed a few sings to help encourage and cheer on his fans.


Joy was really satisfied with the event and felt proud to be his fan. Afterward, she waited for everyone to leave first before she went to use the restroom. Usually, there would be a line in the female restroom during a signing event, but most of the people had already left at this point.


When she got outside, the sun was already on its way of setting for the night. Even though the chaos in the building was just minutes ago, the evening sky still remains peaceful in the breezy autumn.


Joy headed out and made a few turns until something caught her attention when she hit an alleyway. There he was, standing before her again was her biggest celebrity. However, she quickly noticed that he was not alone. A young girl was standing in front of him with what seem to be a letter she was holding out in front of her.


“….Sungjae-oppa, this is for you. Um, I been a really big fan for a long time. Just your presence only was enough to give me support during difficult times. That’s why I hope my letter will also give you support as well.”


Joy could hear the girl from where she’s standing and felt touched from her words. She understood how the girl felt toward Sungjae because his existence had also helped her a lot years ago.


“Thank you for your support. I’m glad you took your time out to write this, but make sure to take care of yourself as well.” Sungjae brightly smiled to the girl while accepting the letter.


“Yes, thank you so much! It really means a lot to me oppa.” The girl replied excitingly and ran off in the opposite direction of Joy.


Happy with the outcome, Joy set out to leave but suddenly turn back at the shot where the event had just took placed. On the ground was the girl’s letter, crumbled up and tossed to the side by Sungjae. Sungjae then too turned in the opposite direction of Joy and headed off.




Before Sungjae could turn to the direction of the sound, a fist knocked his head forward and causes him to shudder a bit. Bewildered, he turned to see an anger Joy burning in flames in front of him with the letter in her hand.


“Who do you think you are?! Do you think being high-and-mighty is all that great?! Why give her false hope when you’re not even going to bother to read the letter.”


“Woahhhh, calm down! You’re attracting too much attention right now.”


“So, does that matter? Don’t you feel any guilt for being like that toward your fan? Is your image really all that important to you?”


“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about this somewhere else.”


“Really? Have you grown cold?”




Just then, a group of girls appeared in the alleyway. They stopped as they saw the two people arguing in front of them. One of the girl turned and whispered to the others.


“Um, isn’t he that young actor that just released a movie recently?”


Able to hear the girl, Joy and Sungjae quickly turn their backs.


“Oh crap. What should we do?” Joy whispered to Sungjae as they both pretended to walk quietly away from the scene. As they walks, the group of girls slowly followed them. The two eventually approached the crossing point of the alleyway, leading to two narrow roads on the side.


“…Okay. On the count of three, we both run.” Sungjae suggested.  




“Three!” The two silently shouted and headed off.


As the one standing on the right, Joy prepared to run off in that direction. However, a grip on her hand pulled her off into the left instead. Surprised, she stunned at the hand of the person holding on it hers.


“Hey, wait! Where we going?”


“Hold up, just a bit longer. We still have to run till they can’t catch up to us anymore.”


They ran and Joy didn’t have much difficulty matching up with Sungjae’s speed. They ran for a good ten minutes, dodging corners after corners. They finally came to a stop at a nearby park when the sun had already set.


“I think we lost them.”


“Of course we lost them. They gave up on us like the first two minutes.” Joy does her best to speak while breathing heavily. “Why did to dragged me along with you anyway? I thought you wanted us to run in different directions so I could helped you distracted them.”


“Not really. Even if we split up, their main target is me anyway. You wouldn’t be able to distract them much.”


“Ohhh……..” Joy was speechless at Sungjae’s conclusion. Upon seeing Joy’s dumbfounded expression, Sungjae couldn’t helped but cracked a laugh.


“You’re facial expression is really funny you know that? You look just like a fish.”


Using the opportunity he still have while Joy was still in her confusion, he poked his fingertip into her fluffy cheek. The reaction he get from her afterward made him cracked up even more.


“Yah! How dare you say I look like a fish after what just happened. And actually, it would have been better if we split. I wouldn’t have to deal with your fangirls. I wouldn’t have to run my breath out. And I wouldn’t have to deal with a rude person like you. Arrrrrggggg.”


Joy was furious after remembering the things he got her into. And to top it off, he called her a fish. Her appreciation for him about not leaving her behind to fend on her own disappeared when he called her a fish.


“But a fish is cute though….”


“Don’t think I already forgotten about the fan’s letter!”


Sungjae quickly straighten up his body and polity folded both his hands in front of him, like a soldier during a rollcall. Seeing his suddenly changed in attitude, Joy almost burst into laughter but hold it in to finish her rampage.


“You really shouldn’t do something like that to a fan’s heart. Do you know how much time and effort they spend to support you?”


“Yes, ma’am! I understand! So, should I walk you home now noona?”


With Sungjae’s sarcastic behavior, Joy decided to give up. She reached into her backpack and pulled out something. She handed the autograph that Sungjae have signed for her back to him, along with the letter, and headed off toward the direction of her home.



I’ll try to upload one chapter each day and keep the story lighthearted as much as possible. Please leave a comment if you have any questions, suggestions, or to just letting me know that you actually read the chapter. ^^

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Shrota13 #1
Chapter 16: Wow what a great ending and little plot twist. Can't wait to read the next story.
zafischa1322 #2
Thank you for your hardwork, authornim. Now i can't wait for the sequel, wish they could meet again and have a happy end
wuyifanisme #3
Chapter 16: This so good,, everything do make sense now. Ahhh that's why you choose 'let's meet again ' as a title . When I see mark name in the cast line up I'm excited kkk will there be any romance between Joy n mark in the future,,
Anyway good job author nim, I looking forward to next chap ^^ fighting
zafischa1322 #4
Chapter 14: Hello, i'm your new fan :) upon reading that btob got removed from the sky festival (which happen to be on joy's birthday) my mood went down instantly. Then i visited this site because i need more romance for bbyu, as much as they could, even if it's just a fiction. Keke. When i found your story, i got hooked right away, i read chapther 1 to 14 in an instant :D you did a great job, your style of writing is also good, it's simple but narrating well, so i could imagine as if it is a real scene. I hope this story will end happily. Jaebal. Because i feel that in real life their situation is already, you know, sad (w/ all the company problem, delaying comeback, more competitors, even if they really do like eachother they can't be together right now, and so on). I really hope, even if it's a fiction, they could live a happily ever after life, together :). Can't wait for your next chapther, authornim. Fighting!!
bbyufangirl143 #5
Chapter 13: Omg why and their dialogue reminds me of their last episode. Its so heart breakinh T.T
ndyoct #6
Chapter 13: why sungjaeeeeeee i am crying ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ please dont sad ending
Chapter 13: what's with the sudden disappearance of Sungjae? I can't understand. I hope he is still alive.
bbyufangirl143 #8
Chapter 12: Omo this story is about to end? Too bad :(
Crapfish #9
Chapter 12: The kiss so romantic
My heart beat so fast
I love it together with the background
Thanks for great story author-nim