Chapter 4

twenty-one days

November 30, 2016

That morning, Gwiboon forced herself to get up. Taeyeon was still sleeping beside her, so she decided to make breakfast for the two of them. She was sure that Taeyeon would consume most of it though, seeing that she still wasn’t getting her appetite back. She looked through her fridge and cupboards and decided to cook a simple breakfast.

Taeyeon woke up to the smell of breakfast being made, no wonder by Gwiboon. She tried to freshen up before joining the other in the kitchen. The sight before her broke her. The usual cheerful Gwiboon who’d dance and sing around the kitchen while cooking was silent and seemed to be distracted. She was starting to hate Minho for causing this to her. She was mentally planning murder already. Maybe she could ask some help from Jinki. Yes, good. But she has some other matters to deal with namely: Kim Gwiboon.

She tried to put on a cheerful tone, “Good morning, Unnie!”

Gwiboon just glanced at her, “Morning.”

She would be lying if she said that it didn’t hurt her. But she understood her situation. Been there, done that. And all those times, Gwiboon was beside her. So she decided that now, it’s her turn to comfort her.

“Need help?”

“Nah. Take a seat. I’m almost done.”

Breakfast was spent in silence. Taeyeon ate most of it, while trying to make small talks with the other. But Gwiboon just answered with quick, short replies.

“Unnie, are you going to work today?”

“No, I don’t want to. I’m gonna call in sick.”

Taeyeon just sighed and started to collect the dishes. Gwiboon usually would’ve stopped her, but she just seemed so tired that she just let the younger be. Meanwhile Taeyeon was searching of a way to help her dear friend. She glanced at the wall clock, and sighed again. She still has to go to work. She turned around and saw Gwiboon was no longer there. She walked to her room and saw her there, phone in hand.


Gwiboon looked at her, “Yes?”

“Did you call already?”


“Oh okay. Anyway, I have to go. Still need to go to work. Thanks for the breakfast,” she said while gathering her things.

“Of course. Anytime, Taeyeon-ah.”

“And, if you need anything, just call me,” Taeyeon said as she was about to leave.

Gwiboon just smiled at her. Taeyeon suddenly pulled her in a hug and this seemed to surprise the other. She just smiled and hugged her back, “Bye Unnie. Love you!”

And after that, Gwiboon’s apartment was filled with silecnce. After a little while, sobs echoes throughout the place. Taeyeon was no longer there to here the painful sounds Gwiboon let out.



Taeyeon wasn’t truly focusing on her work. This was one of the rare times that she shamefully admitted that to herself. She learned from Gwiboon years back that it was important to stay focused on your work for a better outcome. She had been applying that since then. But here she was, not doing any of her work because she believes she’s doing something much more important than those stupid paper works.

Junghee, her co-worker, sneaked behind her and watched what the blonde was doing. Her face showed an amused smile before speaking, “”How to move on’?, ‘Ways to get over your ex’?, ‘Steps on moving on’? What are you up to, Lee?”

Taeyeon almost screamed. Almost. She turned around and glared at her colleague, “Unnie, you can’t just sneak behind people like that!”

“Just did. So, what is our dedicated Taeyeonnie doing? Broke up with your boyfriend?”

“No, it’s not for me. It’s for my best friend. You know, Gwiboon?”

“Oh, that redhead fashion designer?”

“Yeah. And just so you know, she dyed her hair back to black.”

“Doesn’t matter. Anyway, I thought you said she has a perfect boyfriend and that you would definitely end up in marriage and create beautiful babies? What happened?”

“They broke up. That’s all I know,” Taeyeon said with a sigh.

“Pity. Oh well, I’ll get back to my station. See you.”

“Thought she could help,” Taeyeon murmured to herself.

She leaned back on her chair. She was seriously getting a headache from all these researching. None of these seemed helpful enough. How did Gwiboon even help her through her heartbreaks? How is she going to help her now? Ugh, so much for being a good friend. She was about to pull her hair when an idea came to her. She smiled, “Maybe. Just maybe, he could help.”

She reached for her phone and looked for the name and immediately dialed it.

“Oppa!” She said cheerfully.

“Hey, Taeyeon. What’s up?”

“I was wondering, do you know anything about break-ups?”

“Why, got your heart broken? Tell me the name and I’ll take care of him,” he said with a serious tone.

Taeyeon giigled, “It’s not me. It’s Gwiboon Unnie. You remember her, right?”

“’Oh. Yes. Yes, I do remember her.”

“So, her boyfriend of four years broke-up with her and now she’s really, really, miserable and I don’t know what to do to help her,” she said sadly.

“To be quite honest with you, I don’t know what to do either. But all I know is that you should stay by her side, and let things happen at their own pace.”

“I don’t know if that’ll help.”

“I know. But you know what? You focus on your work and I’ll try to think of a solution to your problem,” he said thoughtfully.



“Omg, thanks Oppa! You’re the best!” Taeyeon said while smiling.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you sometime then?”

“Of course. Bye!”

Taeyeon started to focus on her work. Sometimes, she thinks she’s so blessed to have such amazing people in her life.



Gwiboon’s a mess. Just like she has been the past few days. Her hair was messy. Tear-stains were visible on her face. Her eyes were red and she kept sniffling, a sign that she’s been crying all day. Dinner time was nearing and yet she was still in her bed, wearing her pajamas. She didn’t do anything productive that day. All she did was cry. She looked pathetic, she was aware of that. But she couldn’t do anything about it.

Kim Gwiboon never overthinks. Sure, she analyzes things, just so she knows what’s the better choice. But that wasn’t overthinking, that was being smart. Now, here she was, thinking about everything that happened in her four-year relationship. She tried to see where she went wrong, what she said wrong, what she did wrong. And she couldn’t find any. She wondered if it was because she talks too much, complains too much. Maybe it was because she wanted so much. She never knew. After all, she didn’t get any reason or explanation from Minho. So she thinks, no it can’t be here fault. She’s Kim Gwiboon. She’s perfect, and beautiful, and smart, and talented, and sociable, and she was everything nice. It can’t be her fault. Right?

She was tired. Her eyes were droopy from all the crying she did. She just wanted to rest. As she was about to sleep, she heard the doorbell ring. She sighed. It can’t be Taeyeon. She usually gives her a call before coming over. So who could it be?

“Maybe Minho?” that’s what a little voice in her head was saying.

And that sparked a little hope inside her. Maybe, he wants her back.

She rolled over her bed and went out of her room when the doorbell rang again. She rolled her eyes. Why can’t whoever was that behind the door wait anyway? She opened the door and didn’t expect the person standing in front of her.

“Jinki-ssi?,” she said with a questioning tone.



Perhaps it was because of the fact that she was going through a heartbreak that she didn’t feel her cheeks heating up, and her lips curving up in the slightest bit, and her heart fluttering just a little when she saw him.







i wonder what jinki's there for :---)

anyway, feel free to comment below xx

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oscuro #1
Chapter 5: :))))
eagerly waits for the next update... jinki is so sweet.
tokki_onew #2
Chapter 4: omo jinki went to her place and then cliffhanger?! ugh
Chapter 4: omg jinki called her!!! and you leave it at that?! :O
Chapter 3: broken minkey and adorable onkey....i am already so excited for this fic!!! poor gwi
Chapter 4: oooohhhh i wonder what will jinki do! updates soon!
mayuri #6
Chapter 3: I'm sorry I haven't commented on the last few chapters. Anyhow, this fic is really promising. I really like the last few lines you left this chapter with. Also, some mystery for jinki we have here. I cant wait to see how their relationship would develop. Please update soon!
Chapter 2: I won't comment until Jinki appears--oops! I already commented lol
Chapter 1: if you are nervous, I am excited for this!