Chapter 3

twenty-one days

November 29, 2016

Gwiboon heaved a sigh as she stared at the ceiling of her room. She was seriously pondering of calling in sick today. She’s so sure that it was going to be a long day; preparations at work and Taeyeon called her that morning, inviting her to have dinner together because she wanted her to meet someone. To that, Gwiboon reluctantly agreed, keeping in mind that the younger girl still doesn’t know anything about what happened a couple of nights ago. She was planning to tell her today anyway, might as well meet with her and whoever that person was.

She rolled out of bed and decided to make something quick for breakfast. She hasn’t had a proper meal the day before, anyway. Turns out ‘quick breakfast’ meant just cereals and a lot of tears because it wasn’t Minho’s voice that woke her up. She was sniffling while she took a bath. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she can’t help but feel that she looked terrible. She looked like a wreck. Her eyes were bloodshot, her hair lost its shine, her face looked pale. Far from what she usually looked like.

She tried her best to cover up her bare face with make-up. To at least look decent at work, since people were already throwing weird looks at her the day before. She didn’t need any more attention on her, especially now that she felt pathetic.



Work was hectic that day, as usual. She felt drained from all the sketching and inquiries and questions and requests she received that day. And now, without Minho’s messages of encouragement, everything felt a lot more difficult. She finally saw the cons of being a good fashion designer; you can’t have peace of mind when you wanted it. She was already considering taking a vacation after the preparations for the winter collection as she was exiting the building. Vacation. That’s probably what she needs.



She quietly entered the restaurant where Taeyeon said they’ll be waiting. Gwiboon’s eyes scanned the room before she saw the girl, waving at her to come over. She threw her a small smile while she was walking over to them. She observed someone sitting in front of Taeyeon. She assumed this was the person Taeyeon was referring to earlier, then. Oh, so is this her boyfriend or what?

“Unnie! You made it,” Taeyeon said cheerfully.

“Of course I did,” Gwiboon said as she occupied the seat beside Taeyeon.

“Oh, I’d like you to meet my cousin. This is Jinki oppa. He just got back from the States, and he’s staying here for good.”

Gwiboon turned to look at the guy before them, “Hello, I’m Gwiboon,” she said politely.

“Hi. I’ve heard a lot about you from Taeyeon. It’s nice to finally meet you,” he smiled.

Now, of Gwiboon was going to be completely honest, this guy was seriously attractive. His hair was tousled, but it did look great on him. He looked charming and he had this bright smile. And his voice. Gosh, his voice. It sounded so beautiful to Gwiboon’s ears. He looked perfect.

But Gwiboon thought Minho was perfect, too.

Yet there she was, going through her first heartbreak.

Caused by Minho.

“So, Unnie,” Taeyeon’s voice broke her out of her reverie, “what are you having?”

“The usual,” was her short reply.

“Okay then,” she proceeded to call the waiter.

As they wait for their food, and even while they were eating (that was Jinki and Taeyeon for the most part. Gwiboon haven’t had the appetite, really), Gwiboon would space out from time to time. And if it wasn’t for the efforts of Taeyeon (who has been giving her weird looks) and Jinki, it would probably look like the two were on a date and she was the third wheel.

“Hey Gwiboon, wanna hear a pick-up line?” Jinki suddenly said.

Gwiboon just raised her eyebrow.

“If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple,” he said with that smile of his.

Taeyeon laughed out loud, “Oppa, don’t talk to Unnie like that, she already has a boyfriend,” she said.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t have..” Gwiboon suddenly blurted out without thinking.

Taeyeon looked at her, “What?”

“I mean.. Uhh. Let’s.. talk about it later,” she said with a tone of finality.

Silence suddenly engulfed the table. She could feel Taeyeon looking at her in curiosity. And she understood why, really. First off, she acted weird. She was silent for most part. Second, she barely touched her food. Third, she wasn’t receiving any calls (from Minho), like she usually does. And fourth, she just almost blurt out about her break-up.

But the looks Jinki were giving her was what she can’t understand. He’d glance at her from time to time, and sometimes even straight up staring at her. He thought she didn’t notice, but she did. He’d look at her with an unreadable expression, but there’s something in his eyes, something familiar. Gwiboon decided not to mind it, though. Her mind was too occupied with a certain someone anyway.

The atmosphere got lighter later on. Jinki would crack jokes here in there, and Gwiboon thought that some of it weren’t even that funny. But she let it be. Taeyeon was having fun, though. Gwiboon’s eyes roamed the place. Her eyes would stop at tables where two people were obviously on a date. She inwardly chuckled bitterly. She envied those who were having the time of their lives with the one’s they loved. Because she was once like them. But not anymore.

“Unnie, I’ll stay the night at your place, do you mind?”

“Of course not,” she smiled.

“Do you want me to drop you off?” Jinki asked them.

“It’s alright, I have a car,” Gwiboon said without looking at him.

“Oh. Okay.” Gwiboon looked at him questioningly. Was that disappointment she heard in his voice? But Gwiboon just shrugged and decided to let it go. He was probably just worried about his cousin.



They finally reached Gwiboon’s apartment. The ride home was awfully quiet. But Taeyeon decided to wait until they were home to ask what’s wrong. Though she did have a strong feeling of what it was. She was surprised that Gwiboon plopped on her bed immediately. She would usually take off her make-up first and take a shower. She sat beside Gwiboon and gently laid the girl’s head on her thighs.

“Unnie, what’s wrong?” Taeyeon asked as she gently ran her fingers through her hair, knwing that this called her down.

“Minho,” was Gwiboon’s only reply.

“Did you two have a fight?”

“No, he left me,” Gwiboon’s voice was quivering and Taeyeon didn’t miss that.


“I don’t know,” and by that time, Gwiboon was silently crying.

Taeyeon gently pulled her so they were lying side by side. She pulled Gwiboon in a hug, “Unnie, it’s alright. You can cry as much as you want.”

“It’s not.. it’s not okay. I love him, Taeyeon. Why did he have to leave me like that?” Gwiboon was now sobbing, her tears soaking up the younger’s dress.

“Shh, Unnie. Maybe it’s not yet the right time. Or the right person.”

“He’s the perfect one for me!” Gwiboon suddenly pulled away to sit. She looked at Taeyeon with tears, “He understands me, he gets me, he knows me, he accepts me. How could he be not the one? We were perfect together. You know that,” she said as tears continuously fell from her eyes.

Taeyeon pulled her back, “But sometimes, perfect isn’t what you need. Sometimes what you need is the right one rather than the perfect one. You need to understand this, Unnie.”

“What’s the goddamn difference anyway?”

“You’ll have to find that out yourself. For now, I’ll allow you to grieve and cry. I’ll be here for you,” she said as she began her hair once more.




That night, the great Kim Gwiboon broke down right in front of Taeyeon’s eyes. This was what she meant. Gwiboon was too caught up with looking for perfect that she didn’t realize that sometimes, perfect won’t work because what everyone needs is the right one.






and jinki appears lol. anyways congratulations to jinki for his award today! such a cutie uwu.

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oscuro #1
Chapter 5: :))))
eagerly waits for the next update... jinki is so sweet.
tokki_onew #2
Chapter 4: omo jinki went to her place and then cliffhanger?! ugh
Chapter 4: omg jinki called her!!! and you leave it at that?! :O
Chapter 3: broken minkey and adorable onkey....i am already so excited for this fic!!! poor gwi
Chapter 4: oooohhhh i wonder what will jinki do! updates soon!
mayuri #6
Chapter 3: I'm sorry I haven't commented on the last few chapters. Anyhow, this fic is really promising. I really like the last few lines you left this chapter with. Also, some mystery for jinki we have here. I cant wait to see how their relationship would develop. Please update soon!
Chapter 2: I won't comment until Jinki appears--oops! I already commented lol
Chapter 1: if you are nervous, I am excited for this!