Chapter 1

twenty-one days

November 27, 2016

Gwiboon spent the entire day looking for the perfect outfit. She searched her whole wardrobe just to find something that she deems perfect. Taeyeon, her best friend, thought it was absurd. But then again, Gwiboon always wanted everything to be perfect. “If it isn’t perfect, it isn’t enough,” Gwiboon would say. So Taeyeon just let her be. After all, she’s preparing for something important; her fourth anniversary with her boyfriend. Taeyeon laughed at the absurdity of it. Because everything in Gwiboon’s life was perfect. Too perfect.

“Unnie,” Taeyeon called out from Gwiboon’s bed, where she was sitting.

“Mhmm, what is it?” Gwiboon said while applying her make-up.

“How is your life so perfect?”

Gwiboon stopped lining her eyes with eyeliner, “What?”

“Well, you have a perfect life. Aren’t you afraid? Something as perfect as your life is impossible. Things like these just don’t happen in real life,” Taeyeon explained.

Gwiboon was silent for a while, just staring at her reflection on the mirror. Taeyeon was nervous, because she might’ve offended her. But instead, Gwiboon laughed, “You’re so silly.”

Taeyeon wanted to talk, but then she also realized that today’s a special day for her best friend and she didn’t want to ruin it, so she kept quiet.


Well, Gwiboon’s life is indeniably perfect. She was an only child and had loving parents. Her parents were doctors, and they were living comfortably. She got anything she wanted. Taeyeon grew up with her, so she knows what Gwiboon was like. They’ve been friends for years. She saw how everyone adored her best friend. She saw how almost every guy on campus wanted her number, wanted to ask her to prom. She saw how she turned down every guy because she was never interested in them. She saw how dejected those guys looked when she tells them no. She saw how supportive Gwiboon’s parents were when she decided to take up fashion designing. She saw how people in college would turn their heads towards Gwiboon whenever she passed the hallways because she was really attractive. Taeyeon saw how hard she worked because she loved what she was doing. She saw her fall in love with someone as perfect as her. She saw her fall in love was Choi Minho, a perfect boyfriend, and how perfect their relationship was. She saw how she got a job in one of the best clothing lines in Seoul and how she worked hard to show what she got. Taeyeon saw everything unfold in her best friend’s life.

She wasn’t envious of what Gwiboon has. No, she was far from that. Of course, she also had her own set of achievements. So, that was not the case. But she was genuinely worried. Like what she said, everything in Gwiboon’s life was too perfect. Life is not some fairytale where perfection exists. And she was scared that maybe one day, everything would crumble and Gwiboon would be devastated. She couldn’t stand seeing her best friend hurt. But no matter what happens, she’ll always be there for her. She just hopes nothing goes wrong.


“So, how do I look?” Gwiboon asked as she stood in front of Taeyeon.

Taeyeon observed her from head to toe. Hair put in an elegant bun. Red dress paired with black heels and a scarf. Handbag in one hand, sophisticated looking make-up. She smirked. Of course Gwiboon would look stunning, “not bad.”

“Yah! What do you mean ‘not bad’? I spent hours trying to look perfect and all you say is ‘not bad’? How dare you, Taeyeon?”

Taeyeon laughed at her ridiculousness, “You’re perfect. Don’t worry. I don’t understand why you had to do so much. It’s just dinner. And you know that he loves you even if you looked sleep-deprived because of work.”

Gwiboon looked at her as if she was talking in another language, “Baby, you know I want everything to be perfect. Always. And besides, he might propose to me tonight,” she giggled.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened, “Really? Oh my!”

“Well, nothing’s sure. But we’ve been together for a while you know. And he seems to be keeping a secret from me these past few weeks. So, nothing wrong with hoping right?”

“Oh yes. Anyway, update me okay?”

“Of course!”

They left Gwiboon’s apartment and went their separate ways.



Gwiboon arrived at the restaurant five minutes before the agreed time, but Minho was already there waiting for her. He was staring at the view outside, too deep in thought to see Gwiboon approaching their table.

“Hey,” Gwiboon tried to get his attention.

Minho snapped his neck to look at the lady in front of her, “Hey, Gwi.” He stood up and pulled her chair for her.

“Happy Anniversary,” Minho said with a smile as he gave her a bouquet of roses.


The waiter approached their table, a note pad in hand, “Good evening, what would you like to have?”



The night progressed and they spent the night talking about everything and nothing. Gwiboon can’t help but notice that somehow, Minho was acting a bit strange. His smiles didn’t reach his eyes and he was fidgeting. He can’t look at her in the eyes, too. But Gwiboon brushed it off, preferring to enjoy the night. She assumed that he was just stressed. Minho drove her home, during the ride, Minho was quiet and restless.

“Are you alright?” Gwiboon asked in worry.


She decided to leave it at that. If he wanted to share what was bothering, he would, whenever he feels comfortable doing so.


They reached her apartment. Gwiboon was about to say good bye when Minho suddenly grabbed her hand. The action caught her by surprise and she look at him questioningly. What she saw worried her because there was an unreadable expression on his face. It was like he was going to do something which could ruin someone or something. And after a long time, Gwiboon remembered what it was like to be nervous.

“Min, what’s wrong?” she asked.

“Gwi, I..” he gulped, “I have to break up with you.”

Gwiboon swore she felt like everything around her stopped and his words echoed inside her head. She felt her tears threatening to fall, her hands shaking, her heart breaking.

“I-I’m sorry? What did you say?” she asked. She heard him clearly. But she can’t accept what she just heard. Her hearing might be deceiving her, because her boyfriend for four years can’t just decide to leave her after all everything they’ve been through.

“I, am breaking up with you, Kim Gwiboon,” he said with a tone of finality in his voice.

She swallowed back the tears, puller her hand away from his grip, “Okay,” her voice wavered, betraying her intention of not letting him see her cry.

“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.

She just chuckled bitterly, huffed, and went out of the car, making sure to slam the door close. She went for her door, struggling to find the right key because her hands were shaking too much. When she managed the get in, she slammed another door close and that’s when she let her tears fall. Her back hit the door, and she slid down until she was sitting down the cold floor. She was shaking uncontrollably, her make-up which took hours to perfect was ruined in a flash. She was already lying on the floor, sobbing, screaming. She wanted to call Taeyeon and ask her to help her get rid of the pain. But she can’t even bring herself to move.




And at that point, she understood what Taeyeon meant earlier. Perfection doesn’t exist. Because right now, the perfect relationship she had was gone and all she’s left with are memories of something beautiful, with a tragic ending. Because it ended with the perfect girl who had a perfect life, sobbing in the middle of the night, gasping for air because suddenly it was too hard to breathe.







first chaptered fic. and jinki is going to appear in the next few chapters ^^

so nervous abt this but oh well. comment below <3 xx

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oscuro #1
Chapter 5: :))))
eagerly waits for the next update... jinki is so sweet.
tokki_onew #2
Chapter 4: omo jinki went to her place and then cliffhanger?! ugh
Chapter 4: omg jinki called her!!! and you leave it at that?! :O
Chapter 3: broken minkey and adorable onkey....i am already so excited for this fic!!! poor gwi
Chapter 4: oooohhhh i wonder what will jinki do! updates soon!
mayuri #6
Chapter 3: I'm sorry I haven't commented on the last few chapters. Anyhow, this fic is really promising. I really like the last few lines you left this chapter with. Also, some mystery for jinki we have here. I cant wait to see how their relationship would develop. Please update soon!
Chapter 2: I won't comment until Jinki appears--oops! I already commented lol
Chapter 1: if you are nervous, I am excited for this!