
The Tattoo Artist


Chen ran out of the pub and immediately called his brother but he didn’t answered the phone so Chen tried calling Baek cause he knew the two of them would be together

“Chenie what do you need my lovely friend?” Asked Baekhyun while giggling

“Baek is….iis Chan with you?” 

“Yes, what’s going on? Chen are you okay? Why do you sound so panicky?”

Chen could hear his brother shouting on the other end

“Baek please you have to come, both of you”

“Sure, where? What do you need?”

“I need both of you to come quickly”

“Chen is me” said Chanyeol, when he heard his boyfriend worriedly talking over the phone with his brother he couldn't help to take the phone

“Hyung….” Chen started sobbing, he couldn't take it anymore he was scared and only wanted the comfort of his brother or friends

“What’s happening?”

“Please come to the irish pub next to home, the one you play pool with Xiumin, be quick please”

“We’re going now, is Xiumin with you?”

“Not exactly”

“What? Why?”

“He is …”


“He is with Yongguk”

Both of them were speechless for a couple of seconds and the next thing that could be heard was Chanyeol’s furious voice. Xiumin told him a couple of days ago what Sehun told him so his blood boiled when his brother said that name in a trembling voice

“We will be there in a minute”

“Hyung please come quick”


While Chanyeol and Baekhyun were gathering his things to go out like headless chickens Xiumin was fuming in the bathroom, he knew he should control himself or this could end really badly for him, but at that moment the only thing he wanted to do was destroy the boy that was currently buttoning up his jeans.   

“Did you really think you could harm him and you would go out of this place unscathed?”

“He has been asking for it for a long time” said cockily even though he was quite afraid of what the older man could do to him.

When those words left Yongguk’s mouth, all of Xiumin’s restrainment went out of the window and he took him by the collar of his jacket and pushed him against the wall.

“Don’t you dare talk about him in that way, he doesn’t want anything to do with you, he is too smart to be near a lowlife like you. I warned you the last time, but i think i didn’t make myself clear” Xiumin punched Yongguk and the impact broke his right eyebrow, the next blow landed in his stomach which made him fall to the ground in pain.

Xiumin then kneeled down and grabbed him by the hair and raised his head just enough so he could whisper in his ear.

“The next time i see you near him or the next time i hear that you were close to him i’ll make you regret it, believe me, not even your family is going to recognize you” When he was prepared to give him the next punch Chanyeol appeared in the bathroom shouting his name. 

“Xiu!! Leave him, if you hurt him more they can arrest you”

“Chan he tried to him!”

“I know, and i want to kill him too, but we can’t”

Chanyeol put his hand in Xiumin’s shoulder and slowly he got him settled enough that he set him free “Chen needs you right now, he is outside worried and still in shock, go to him please” Xiumin looked at him and nodded, he looked Yongguk one last time and went out of the toilet.

“Now you” said Chanyeol referring to Yongguk “don't even think this is over, this time i’m not going to call the police because Xiu could end badly but if i see my brother worried because of you one more time you should run from this town because if i find you, you will pay tenfold every single tear he has cried because of you” 

After saying that he stood up and went out of the toilet to find Xiumin crouched on a corner nearly crying.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Not at all, i was supposed to protect him”

“And you did, thanks to you it was only a shock, now go to him, even if i don’t like it, he needs you”

“Give me a minute, i need to collect myself”

Xiumin breathed deeply a couple of times and went to find his lover while Chanyeol went to the bartender to explain what happened, thankfully he was friend of them due to a lot of time spent there by the two friends, and he promised to never let him again in the bar.  


Xiumin found Chen sat down in one step of the street while Baek was hugging him, he had his head hidden in the other neck, and his movement indicated he was crying. That image broke his heart, Chen deserved every single good thing in this word but sadly he had suffered enough thank to all the jerks that he had encountered in his life. They spent such a great afternoon, his lover’s eyes were filled with cheerful happiness and now he was shivering and scared, Xiumin promised to himself he would change that as soon as possible.

“Chen” said Xiumin loud enough so the other could hear.

Said guy turned to look to his boyfriend with sad and pitiful eyes filled with tears and run to embrace him, cause that was what he really needed in that moment, the reassurance his boyfriend give him that everything was going to be alright again. He needed to feel safe. 


“How are you Chen? is everything alright? are you hurt? you were bleeding!!” said anxiously Xiumin examining his lover’s face

“Yes i’m fine, don’t worry”

“Do not lie to me Chen, i saw him touching you, i swear i should have killed him!”

“No you shouldn’t! i need you beside me…”

“I’m sorry love, i should have gone inside with you, i bet you were terrified”

Chen wasn’t able to answer, he started crying, all the tension leaving his body in his boyfriend’s embrace. 


The saw the door being open and two guys helping Yongguk out of the bar, and suddenly they heard a loud voice cursing at Yongguk.

“YOU SON OF A !!” All guys turned to see Kyungsoo with a death glare in his eyes, he looked terrifying, the two guys carrying Yongguk looked at each other, released him and stepped back.

Suddenly appeared Jongin and Sehun running and when they saw the crying mess that Chen was kneeled beside him trying to see his face, Sehun looked so panicky he put his hands in Chen’s face and looked him straight in his eyes to confirm that he was alright.

“i should have done something, when i heard them, i should have warned you!!”

Xiumin put his hands in Sehun’s shoulder and said calmly “It’s not your fault Sehun, you already warned me Sehun, and you couldn't know that this was going to happened”


“BASTARD!! You poor excuse of a man, i knew you were trouble since the first time i saw you, but i’m done with you!! i will make sure to make you feel the same fear that you made us feel”

“Do you think you scare me, you midget?”

Kyungsoo smiled and squinted his eyes and with a cold and sickly sweet voice said while approaching him “You should fear me Yongguk, more than the others” in that moment he wrapped his hand around Yongguk’s and twisted it making the other scream in pain “maybe i’m shorter, and less bulky than you, but i’m THE one that will send you to hell, i’ll be the one making sure you will be shaking hands with Satan if i know you are even close to him” Yongguk screamed one more time because Kyungsoo was applying more force in twisting his “Did you understand me?” Yongguk nodded while crying so he released him. “Now go, i don’t want to see you anymore” Yongguk leaved the place running from them in fear he would be even more hurt.


“I love you Satansoo, i know it was a good idea to call you” Baekhyun said, when he first saw Chen he called all his friends in case they would need more help

“That was awesome Kyungsoo” said Chanyeol smiling from ear to ear

“Chen Chen are you alright?” asked Kyungsoo

“Yes Soo, now i’m fine, thanks for coming”

“Kyungsoo i thought you were so nice and squishy, i may look like a thug, but you act like one!!!” said Xiumin laughing lightly while still hugging  

“Hyung, i’m offended, i am an angel”

“Yes babe, a fallen angel, but i love you” said Jongin

“They don’t know you yet, but we know you are Satan”

“Yeah, yeah we all know that Soo is evil and that Jongin is his slave, in the whole meaning of the word, but i think we should do something more about Yongguk, maybe we should call the police” said Baekhyun, he was worried that this situation could happen again

“Baek is right” said firmly Chanyeol “I can’t live knowing this bastard could hurt Chen”

“What about reporting him to the police and then filling a lawsuit” said Xiumin

“That makes sense Xiu”

“Guys don't, that would be a lot of time and money, and i don't know if it would be effective” Chen didn't want to complicate things he just wanted to go home and forget about that.

“Chen we need to do something, we can let him do anything he wants”

“i know Chan but we need to look for a lawyer and we don't have proof on anything”

“Maybe i can help with that”

“Sehun last time i checked you were a dancer, not a lawyer”

“You’re really funny Baek, but I..I-I know someone that would help us”

“Sehun, you stuttered?” Kyungsoo was looking at him weirdly and Jongin was smiling from ear to ear because he knew where this was going, so he just said “Sehunnie here is getting to know someone and apparently is a lawyer”

“WHAAAATT?” Baek, Kyungsoo and Chen said in unison “How come you haven't said anything?” 

“Cause is really recent and i wasn't sure myself, and took me sometime to accept his invitation”

“I want to meet him!!”

“Let me call him and tell him what’s going on”

Sehun took his phone out of his pocket and dialled the number of this man and he couldn’t help but smile when the other answered the phone.

“Hii, are you busy?” the rest of the guys didn’t heard the answer but they all saw how Sehun’s smile broadened and how he moved away to speak.

“This is awesome, since when does Sehun smiled like that and blushes??”

“Spill it Jongin you must know something”

“I do know something, he just told me everything this morning, but i’m not the one that should be telling you all this”

“Guys give him space, he will tell you” Xiumin wasn’t jealous of Sehun because he knew Chen thought of him as a friend but he was really attractive and couldn't help it, but he realised the kid deserves to feel like he did when he was with Chen.


A couple of minutes later Sehun came back to the group a little bit flushed and said “So he says that he can come and meet us now, so what about we wait him here while having a beer, or if Chen preferes another pub we could go somewhere else”

“Guys i’m fine, i was scared but now i’m perfectly fine with all of you, even though i’m still a little bit unsettled”

“Then let's go inside, i’ll pay the first round, and guys thanks for coming so quickly to help my brother”

All of them went inside and sat in a table while having a beer while Baekhyun suddenly smirked and said “So, who is this man? A boyfriend or a sugar daddy?


Hope you like it even though it took me too much to write this, do you have any idea who is going to be Sehun’s partner.

Resultado de imagen de xiuchen hugging           Resultado de imagen de sehunResultado de imagen de dark xiumin


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Shizuka123 #1
Chapter 13: Thanks for update. It's a great fic
Chapter 13: I’m happy for the update! Donghae is in!!! Hahahahah. Thank you, mate!
Chapter 12: Savage Soo!!
Chapter 4: XiuChen is really cute!!!! I feel like dying with their fluffiness!
Chapter 12: Ohhh I’m excited for more! Can’t wait
Chapter 9: Yaaaass the taaaalk
Chapter 8: I'm so excited for more of this story!
Chapter 8: Finally an update yaaaaaay oh yes xiu let's talk about lol