Memory Lane

My So-Called First Love [HIATUS]
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After lunch Ahreum suddenly remembers that they have to attend the first day of classes in the afternoon. She grunts and trudges outside the cafeteria, her friends not in sight anymore as they go to their respective classes. Ahreum has to pass by her locker first before she goes in her class.

She opens it with her new combination at the same time humming to a song under her breath, taking a notebook and her small bag inside and shuts it close. She is met with a few guys from the table before and they are leaning on someone's locker, like they are waiting for someone to pass by. She doesn't give them a second glance anymore when the same guy from before shows up in the next hallway.

Jung Jaehyun. She forces the lump down and faces her locker once again.

Jaehyun stops walking and pushes his friends away from his locker while letting out a laugh.

"I can't believe we still have class!" Taeyong gently plants his forehead on the lockers. "I should be home playing video games by now."

"It's only for a few hours, no need to sulk about it." Doyoung pats him by the shoulder. They look at Jaehyun as he closes his locker and they go to their respective classrooms.

Once they're out of sight Ahreum sighs and takes the opposite hallway.


When the last subject rolls in, Ahreum continues on jotting down notes during lecture time whilst Mr Jeon dozes off on the teacher's desk. Students here and there are throwing paper balls at each other but she, who is diligently writing on her notebook.

The door opens, comes in the dream boy of everyone.

Jaehyun smiles at the class, placing a huge stack of folders on the table with a slam. Every girl inside the room looks at him with heart eyes and Ahreum just stares straight at him.

He might have felt the force pulling on his head to look around so he does, and catches the familiar girl looking at him. He smiles yet again but gets no response.

"Oh, Jaehyun, what brings you here?" With his eyes still trained on her he starts talking to Mr Jeon. "Thanks for these Jaehyun, I can surely count on you anytime."

"No problem." His sends one last look and he's gone.

The class continues on smoothly after that.

Once Jaehyun closes the door behind him, he looks at Ten who helped him with the order and they both go back to class, his thoughts going back to the girl he has seen three times this day.


Ahreum exits her classroom and sees her friends Dahyun and Chaeyoung already waiting outside and they wave as they see her.

"How's first class?"

"It was fine." She shrugs. They put their arms around each other. "How about you guys?"

"It was also fine."

"Mine wasn't." Dahyun frowns. "We're going to have an evaluation test tomorrow."

"Woah that early?"

"Yeah, so that Ms Kim knows where to start with her lessons. For everyone to understand everything and all."

"I see." Ahreum pulls them with her toward the gates.

"Anyone up for some fun?" Johnny, one of Jaehyun's friends yells in front of them. They complain about his loud voice but they shake their heads. "What—Why?! It's just the first day?!"

"I need to get home early today." Jaehyun reasons out.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"I already have plans."

"Maybe next time." Jaehyun gives him a pat on the back. He turns to his exit when he sees the girl again—it's not like it's his choice, he just sees her everywhere—together with the same girl he saw before having a food dilemma. Seeing the three together got the gears in his head working and before he knows it, he's marching toward them. From his back he can hear his friends calling on him but he shuts them off.

"Uhh, Ahreum?" Chaeyoung taps on the girl.


"Hey uhh..."

"Oh, nevermind." They share a secret laugh. Ahreum looks at her friends weirdly before she takes a look in front of her, and her eyes widen a bit when she sees Jaehyun looking down at her.

"Hi, I'm Jaehyun and I'm just curious if we've met before?"

The weather was nice today, several boys from different years were playing basketball on the court located beside the field. Chaeyoung, Daehyun, and Ahreum were sitting on the bench just talking about anything. As they spent their time laughing and pushing each other Ahreum heard people shouting. There was a gush of wind from above and before she could look, she felt a huge pain slide down on her spine.

"Ahreum!" Dahyun jumped on her feet and touched the girl's face. She was still clueless except for the fact that the back of her head was hurting like crazy right. 

Everyone was going ohh and wha.

"I'm so sorry!" She craned her neck slowly as it was still hurting and looked at a senior who was bowing multiple of times. Daehyun and Chaeyoung were kind of scolding him on how she was always easily hurt or something and it made him say his apologies in a double. "Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot?"

"I—I'm fine." Ahreum managed to croak out. She touch her head, instantly feeling a bump and she once again hissed in pain. He scratched his head and stretched a hand out.

"Let me take you to the clinic."

"I'm fine! You don't need to—"

"You look like you're in pain, come on!" He pulled on her hand. Ahreum stumbled on him and he held her shoulders, chuckling a bit. "Easy there!"

"If we... What?" Ahreum looks at him dumbly. Jaehyun chuckles and points at himself then toward her, then back at him and his finger just goes coming back to pointing at the both of them. He is at loss for words and it goes the same for Ahreum but one thing for sure is that they have different reasons why.

They're in the clinic, Jaehyun looking at the nurse who was checking Ahreum's head and putting on some kind of ointment. She was holding in her whines because that would be too embarrassing.

"Is her head going to be okay?" He sounded really concerned. He followed the nurse's movements with his gaze and he looked at the girl. He gave out a small smile.

"Yes she is. Just don't hit her head with a ball again." He scratched his head sheepishly. The nurse looked at him. "How did you manage to fly the ball across the field?"

"That was a long story. Is she already okay?"


"Thank you for... You know. It wasn't that much of a big deal anyway."

"It was, for me!" He laughed. They started to walk back to the court where everyone was waiting. It took them ten minutes in the clinic and it was already the end of class. "I promise to not hit you with a ball ever again!"

And that was the day when Ahreum started falling for him.

"I gu

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Triple update, though they really aren't that long haha.


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Chapter 7: Jaehyun was jelly! YES I LOVE IT *you're such an evil, Lyne* Hahahaha x)
Chapter 6: thank you for double update! I'm really happy for it
Chapter 5: Ahreum shouldn't behave like that around Jae or maybe she don't want to be close with Jae again? many questions filled in my head now, I'm so curious!
Chapter 4: omg bless your heart for making a Jaehyun fic
Chapter 4: Ahreum why are you like that;;
Chapter 4: eh? I still don't understand but I'll try to re-read again. finally jae recognize her?
Chapter 3: how Jae can forgot her? uhm curious akhh ;;;
Chapter 3: Nice! Can't wait to read more!! Hwaiting :3