

The lecture theatre had fallen completely silent a long time ago, everyone was leaning back in their chairs, all looking like they'd been tortured for forty-eight hours straight. Namjoon had been rambling on for nearly an hour about 'feelings' and how to portray them in writing, turning to philosophy every so often too.

Jungkook slapped his face gently in an attempt to liven himself up, but his eyes weren't co-operating with him as they continued threatening to close. He reached down for his flask... the coffee was all gone.

Soft snoring resonated throughout the room, Jungkook looked to his side and saw Taehyung with his head tipped back, streak of saliva running down his chin. Jungkook nudged the sleeping boy with his elbow, causing his body to jolt. Taehyung looked at him with sleepy eyes and sat up, wiping the drool away with his sleeve.

"You were snoring, I didn't want you to get embarrassed when everyone else noticed." Jungkook whispered, sharing a slight smile with Taehyung. "I'm Jungkook, by the way."

Blinking a few times, Teahyung returned the smile, his garish toothy grin actually. He shook Jungkook's hand and sat upright. "I'm Taehyung... and thanks for waking me up. I can't afford to miss out on anymore lessons."

"Well actually, we haven't learned anything today. This Namjoon guy has been talking for nearly a straight hour." Jungkook sighed, twiddling his fingers.

"Ah... yeah, he's a bit of a know it all. Taehyung tilted his head to the side and listened to the quiet drone of Namjoon's voice, which had finally been interrupted by the teachers exhausted speech.

"That'll do for today Namjoon, thank you, though." The teacher stood up from his seat in the corner.

Namjoon, who looked a little put out of place, sighed and sat down on the third row before speaking once more. "So what are we doing now, sir?"

"...Uh, well I don't see that we have anything left to do since you covered almost everything." The teacher scratched at his head. "You all may as well leave now." He shrugged, waving his hand in dismissal.



Jungkook and Taehyung filed down the locker hall together, avoiding the flailing of other students who clearly didn't know how to control their own limbs.

"So, you're that new kid everyone's talking about?" Taehyung asked, glancing at Jungkook who suddenly looked much more puzzled. Everyone had been talking about him? Since when?

"...People have been talking about me?" Jungkook mumbled, watching his own footsteps down the rather dirty laminate flooring.

"Yeah, you're the really rich ki-- oh, hey Jimin!" Taehyung stopped what he was about to say, greeting Jimin rather loudly.

"Taehyung!" Jimin flung his arms around Taehyung's body, pulling him in for a very touchy hug - Jungkook stood awkwardly at the side, watching over the pair as the orange haired boy practically threw himself onto Taehyung. "I see you've met Jungkook?" Jimin said, pulling back to smile at the raven haired boy.

"I have. He saved my skin in class... I fell asleep again." Taehyung chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

Jimin rolled his eyes,  "Still the same old Taehyung, I see."

"Haha, yeah. I've got to get going though, I have drama next." Taehyung waved the pair off before departing, he soon disappeared around the corner.

"So, how was your class?" Jimin nudged Jungkook's ribs with his knuckles, the gentle brush of his knuckles made Jungkook shudder.

Jungkook's mind was elsewhere though, he cursed the fact that Taehyung never finished what he was going to say. "Oh Yeah, it was boring. Look hyung, I've got to get going I have math next so." Jungkook's words came out quickly, his haste made Jimin frown but he let the boy go anyway.

"Okay... bye."




Math class was quiet, more quiet than the day before. Jungkook was forced to sit alone unlike the day before, Jin was absent due to sickness and everyone else kept staring at Jungkook making him feel anxious. He just stared down at his worksheets, twirling his pen between his fingers. He still couldn't focus, the words Taehyung said earlier kept repeating, ringing in his ears. 

"You're the rich kid." 

Jungkook knew that those were the exact words he would've heard roll off of Taehyung's tongue, if Jimin hadn't appeared at that very second. What could he do? How could he get everyone to see he wasn't stuck up, or wealthy? 

Perhaps he should have an open day at his own home, show it off like some kind of exhibition just for people to understand that he hasn't got all this money they seem to think he has. He doesn't have luxuries, nor does he wish for any. Jungkook wasn't brought up to be materialistic, and just because he lived alone now didn't at all mean that he was going to change.

Before he knew it, Lunch time came around. He made his way back to the common room, sitting by the computer desks like the previous day.

There was no sign of Jimin.

Perhaps he had friends? Maybe he was staying behind in class to help a teacher (he seemed the type to do that).

Jungkook sat alone, taking small sips from his water bottle, staring off into space as he tried to figure out how to make his situation less complicated. He hated being surrounded by a bunch of obnoxious, judgemental people. Seeing that Jimin had told Jungkook people at this college earn their places in the world, he didn't understand how the could be so harsh. What made them think he was so different? Was it really just because of his looks?

Maybe he could fix that.





3:30pm really did roll round quickly.

Jungkook managed to get out of the college building before any group of students could run him down and trample him.

He saw Jimin at his car talking to some burly guy dressed in high-visibility clothing. He looked really happy, shaking the mans hand repeatedly at a rapid pace.

Jungkook steered himself towards his orange haired hyung to find out what was so magnificent, what was so great for him to have that... vibrant smile on his face. "You're certainly happy."

"That's because that miracle guy managed to fix my car today." Jimin bounced on his feet, point towards the mechanic that had just walked back to his van. "So now I can repay you for what you did last night." 

Jungkook's eyes shook in their sockets. Oh no. "What do you mean pay me back?" He asked hesitantly, combing long fingers through his raven hair.

"I want to take you for a bite to eat, as a thank you for letting me sleep on your couch." Jimin explained.

Despite the lovely gesture, Jungkook was unsure whether to accept the offer. He always had a ridiculous idea that when people offered to do such things, he was stealing off of them. He'd only met Jimin yesterday and they didn't even meet on the best of terms, and although that was already forgotten about - could Jungkook really let someone else pay for his food without feeling guilty?

"I... don't know, I have laundry to do and--" Jungkook's excuses were cut short by Jimin's hand in his face. 

"Nonsense. When was the last time you ate out?"

"I can't remember."

"Then get in the car. You're coming with me."



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77mi77 #1
Chapter 6: * good!
77mi77 #2
Chapter 6: I found this literally ten minutes ago and I am already hooked! Please update soon this is really good ?
Chapter 6: KYEOPTA! I really like the plot and everything! Looking forward to next update!!
fullsunana #4
This sounds new to whatever in fanfics so im looking forward to this author nim!
Chapter 5: I am really glad, that I stubled across this story :) It's cute and I like how you write and everything :)
Can't wait for the next chapter! ~
Hellobear #6
Chapter 4: This is just right! Looking forward to the rest of the story!
birdyg7 #7
Chapter 4: Its great! the story can get deeper without rushing it:-)
Hellobear #8
Awww! This is so cute! Cant wait for the next chapter
birdyg7 #9
Chapter 3: Love it! Kookie is such a sweetheart! He doesnt need education to know what is wrong and what is right!
birdyg7 #10
I already love this!! Im feeling really touched by this story cause a lot of people are like this, judging you without knowing anything of you:-( so im really looking forward for the next chapters!