

"So, how far do you actually live?" Jimin asked, subtly trying to say he was lazy and his feet were starting to hurt. But in his defence, they had been walking for nearly forty-five minutes by now.

Jungkook's steps increased slightly in speed as they both walked together along the wind of a secluded, overgrown alleyway. "Just a little further. I live in a small corner between all these country lanes and the actual city. It's pretty quiet."

"And you're not at all concerned about that? Living in such a hidden area, I mean?"

"No," Jungkook shook his head, a small grin gracing his lips. "I having nothing of great value, criminals wouldn't like my home very much."

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed into a slightly confused frown. What could Jungkook have meant by that? And damn why was he smiling while saying such things? Jimin lifted a hand, fingers carding backwards through his bright orange locks, not having a clue how he should respond to Jungkook.

"Anyway," Jungkook spoke again, "It's really not far at all now, just around this corner. You'll be able to rest those poor little feet soon, hyung." Jimin noticed the way Jungkook's tongued poked out just a little, but he couldn't think of a single way to scold the younger boy.

The pair of them turned a corner, and what Jimin saw really did look rather amusing. His eyes were met with a colony of small trees and shrubbery first of all. But as they soon got closer, he spotted what looked like the very top of some city buildings and a small, very old looking house in the middle of all the madness.

"That's your home?"

Jungkook nodded, a long drawn out breath tickling his lips. "Yeah. That's the one."

"It's cute." Jimin mumbled.

"When we get inside, you can use my telephone to call someone about your car." Jungkook offered as they reached the door. He reached into his satchel and pulled out a single lonely key with a tiny guitar key ring hanging from it, before pushing it into the lock and twisting the mechanism.





"Look, it's a very old, very poorly kept green beetle car. It's not exactly hard to miss. I've given you an address, can you please just go and collect it?" Jimin's voice heightened in octaves every time the man on the other end of the phone spoke. He'd been on the phone for half an hour already and nobody seemed to be co-operating. 

Jungkook had already managed to scuttle off into his bedroom to get changed into a pair of slate grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He put his satchel under his bed and soon wandered back out into the hallway. A throaty giggle bubbled up from his chest when he heard Jimin's voice get progressively louder and more desperate in tone.

"For the hundredth time. All I need is for someone to collect my car from the given address and get it towed to the nearest mechanic until I can pick it up." Jimin groaned, resting his face in the palm of his hand.

He looked funny, lips and cheek all pushed flat along with the look of utter dispair plastered on his face. It made Jungkook want to laugh, but he suppressed the urge as much as he could, the laugh coming out as a snort instead.

"...Alright. Thanks anyway." Jimin muttered before hanging up the phone, looking up at Jungkook with nothing but defeat in his eyes. "They can't do anything until tomorrow morning."


The orange haired male placed the phone back on the small coffee table before slouching back into the soft couch. "How the hell am I supposed to get home?"

"I don't know, but how about that coffee?" Jungkook deadpanned, he wasn't sure how to sympathise with Jimin. He didn't even really know how to act, it was strange having company other than his mother. But then again, he knew he had a good hospitality advantage.

"That'd be good." Jimin nodded, kicking his tattered sneakers off of his feet.




Jimin listened to the distance sound of the kettle whistling from the kitchen, he took time to take in his surroundings. It wasn't until he really scanned the living room that he noticed just how bare Jungkook's home really was.

There were no fancy gadgets lying around, no TV, or games consoles. All he had was a little radio resting on a quaint little corner unit on the other side of the room. Various photos of Jungkook and an older woman (presumably his mother) were arranged neatly on the top of the fireplace.

Jungkook really didn't have much of great value, at least not money wise anyway. The sight really made Jimin think twice about the things he'd called the younger boy before, he couldn't have made a bigger mistake if he'd tried.

"Here we go hyung, one strong, sweet coffee for you." Jimin's thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook's voice. He could straight away smell the warm, inviting scent of coffee tingling his senses.

"Thank you." Jimin murmured, taking the cute penguin mug from Jungkook's grasp.

Jungkook sat down next to Jimin, sighing in ecstasy as he felt the plush cushions sink around his body. He hummed in satisfaction, taking a small sip of his coffee, hissing when it burned his tongue.

"Careful, the coffee's hot you know." The sarcasm in Jimin's and the smug grin etched on his lips made Jungkook glare in distaste, but he soon let out a small giggle.

"You really can't get home tonight?" Jungkook spun circles around the edge of his mug with his finger.

"No. Not unless I can magic some money, or a new car out of thin air." Jimin took a long swig of his sweet, hot beverage and watched the steam rise. 

Jungkook had outdone himself on the odd decisions already, he didn't see the harm in pushing the boundaries at least one more time before the end of the day.

"Stay here, on my couch. I couldn't see anyone without a place to sleep... not even if they were kind of a jerk to me." Jungkook poked his tongue out, earning a slightly open mouthed expression from Jimin.

"You really wouldn't mind?" 

"Of course not, as long as you can live one night without a TV." Jungkook stated, gesturing at the lack of any modern technology around them.

Jimin smiled. "I can live with that."






(a/n) I'm actually quite shocked by the amount of attention this has had. Thank you all! 

I just wanted to say that I hope this chapter doesn't come across as too much of a filler. I wanted to progress their relationship without being to hasty and rushing it. Thank you all for reading this!

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77mi77 #1
Chapter 6: * good!
77mi77 #2
Chapter 6: I found this literally ten minutes ago and I am already hooked! Please update soon this is really good ?
Chapter 6: KYEOPTA! I really like the plot and everything! Looking forward to next update!!
fullsunana #4
This sounds new to whatever in fanfics so im looking forward to this author nim!
Chapter 5: I am really glad, that I stubled across this story :) It's cute and I like how you write and everything :)
Can't wait for the next chapter! ~
Hellobear #6
Chapter 4: This is just right! Looking forward to the rest of the story!
birdyg7 #7
Chapter 4: Its great! the story can get deeper without rushing it:-)
Hellobear #8
Awww! This is so cute! Cant wait for the next chapter
birdyg7 #9
Chapter 3: Love it! Kookie is such a sweetheart! He doesnt need education to know what is wrong and what is right!
birdyg7 #10
I already love this!! Im feeling really touched by this story cause a lot of people are like this, judging you without knowing anything of you:-( so im really looking forward for the next chapters!