

"Oi, hyung... wake up." Jimin heard the muffled sound of Jungkook's voice, trying to escape it, willing himself to fall back into sleep. But the relentless shaking of Jungkook's hand against his shoulder was too much.

Jimin felt incredibly refreshed, considering he spent the night on someones couch. Although it was most likely because Jungkook goes to bed ridiculously early for a teenager, like what seriously, what teenager goes to sleep at 8pm?

There wasn't much complaining from Jimin though, he slipped into dreamworld almost straight after he watched a groggy, almost unconscious Jungkook trudge into his bedroom. Jimin noticed the way the younger males' hair stuck out in all different directions. Hm, cute.

Jungkook was awfully hospitable too. He made sure Jimin was comfortable, he fed him too (it may have only been a shin cup, but that didn't matter). Jimin vaguely remembered the quiet thank you's and the goodnight's that were shared as Jungkook set the softest blanket along the couch for Jimin to sleep soundly with. Boy was he cosy.

"Hyung, come on... you need to wake up now." Jungkook's voice nagged at Jimin's ears again, pulling him out of his reverie.

"What time is it?" Jimin croaked, throat dry as sandpaper. He sat up and noticed a big bunch of his hair tickling at his eyelids.

"It's just past eight, we have less than an hour to get to college... want coffee?"

"Yes, please... wait what? aren't we going to be late?" Jimin was suddenly much more alert, he didn't even look remotely ready to set foot into the outside world. He had puffy eyes, messy hair and worse, he'd slept in the clothes he'd been wearing the day before. Jimin knew that if he turned up to campus like this, he'd be dubbed a tramp straight away.

"We won't be late if I put our coffee in flasks, and if you'd hurry up and change into the clothes I set out in the bathroom, that'd speed us up a little too." Jungkook pointed down his narrow hallway to the door at the other end. "That's the bathroom, go get dressed while I make the drinks. It won't take me a minute to change anyway."

Jimin stood up and saluted Jungkook (with the wrong hand) and went on his merry way to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He looked down at the outfit Jungkook had draped over the radiator for him. The clothes were... nice. A white t-shirt, salmon pink hoodie and charcoal grey jeans that were ripped at the knees. Jimin took a moment to think about the amazing treatment he was receiving, it also came to his attention that he hadn't apologized properly to Jungkook yet. He made a metal note to do that later on.

Quickly getting changed into the fresh clothes, Jimin was aware that Jungkook's clothes were slightly too big for him. The hoodie sleeves hanging over his hands, he rolled them up to his elbows and brushed himself down before leaving the bathroom with his own clothes scrunched up in his hands.

"Thanks for the change of clothes, they're a little big but that doesn't matter." Jimin looked up at Jungkook only to see the grin plastered on his face, bunny teeth on full display. "What?"

"Oh nothing, it's just... nothing. Put those dirty clothes in the laundry basket over there, I'll wash them and return them to you tomorrow." Jungkook placed two full flasks on the kitchen counter and passed Jimin.

"You don't have t--"

"Just put them in the basket. I'll be back in a minute." Jungkook said quickly and disappeared into his bedroom.

"Hey, remember I'm your hyung, don't be so bossy."

Jimin took Jungkook's orders and dumped his clothes into the wicker laundry basket placed in the corner of the kitchen. He then scuttled into the living room and quickly put his shoes on, combed his fingers through his hair to tidy it a little and put his rucksack on.

Little more than a few seconds later, Jungkook re-appeared, dressed in a pastel blue sweater and black jeans that looked suspiciously similar to the ones Jimin was wearing. The younger boy hastily grabbed both flasks and ushered Jimin towards the door.

"Let's get going."






They arrived on campus just on time, with ten minutes to spare to be precise. Jimin wasn't having much fun trying to keep up with Jungkook as he tripped over the edges of his too-long jeans, but Jungkook had his fair share of laughs whenever he caught a glimpse of his hyungs struggles.

"What class do you have first?" Jungkook asked, taking a swig of coffee.

"Dance," Jimin huffed. "Boy am I going to have fun explaining why I'm dressed in these. He always teases me for being so small." 

"I have Literature first..." Jungkook squints, trying to make sure he was right. 

Jimin glanced over to the younger boy, holding the door to reception open. "Have fun, I hear there are some strange characters in that class. Look out for a guy called Taehyung, he's pretty cool - not quite as boring as the rest of them."

"I'll make sure to remember that." Jungkook nodded, watching as Jimin looked around like a lost puppy.

"Well, I have to go. The dance studio is on the other side of this building. See you at lunch!" Jimin sputtered before running down a wide corridor. 

Jungkook snorted when he saw Jimin trip again, watching him nearly go flying. Turning on his heel, he climbed a small flight of stairs that lead straight to the colleges lecture theatre. He pushed on the pressurised fire door and felt a cold blast of air hit him in the face. The theatre was absolutely freezing, he didn't know how was he supposed to sit in there for a whole hour and fifteen minutes lesson.

He looked around at the ten... twelve rows of seats as they slowly filled up. Jungkook decided he didn't want to sit too close to the front, so he stepped down to the sixth row back and sat on the first seat. There was a rather intelligent looking guy with pale pink hair standing at the podium up front, an even older guy was talking to him. Jungkook noticed how the older guy spat every time he spoke, he watched amused when he saw a few droplets land on the younger guys face.

"Alright class, settle down. I've been setting up a mini-project for us this week, we're going to look at writing 'feelings'. Since Namjoon here has already been hard at work, he'll be reading one of his pieces for us today. Afterwards we'll be having a small discussion." The older guy, or teacher said and earned a few groans from students.

"But sir, how can Namjoon already have something done when we're only just finding out about it?" A girl on the front row asked.

Namjoon stepped forward and cleared his throat, "It was actually my idea to do thi--"

His speech was interrupted by the door opening. Jungkook turned his head to see a boy with brown hair and green highlights standing red-faced and breathless at the door.

"Taehyung you're late." The teacher groaned.

"Sorry, I missed my alarm!"

"...Again? Just take a seat so we can get started."

Taehyung rushed down to Jungkook's row and shuffled by his legs, seating himself right next to him.

Ah, so that was Taehyung.

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77mi77 #1
Chapter 6: * good!
77mi77 #2
Chapter 6: I found this literally ten minutes ago and I am already hooked! Please update soon this is really good ?
Chapter 6: KYEOPTA! I really like the plot and everything! Looking forward to next update!!
fullsunana #4
This sounds new to whatever in fanfics so im looking forward to this author nim!
Chapter 5: I am really glad, that I stubled across this story :) It's cute and I like how you write and everything :)
Can't wait for the next chapter! ~
Hellobear #6
Chapter 4: This is just right! Looking forward to the rest of the story!
birdyg7 #7
Chapter 4: Its great! the story can get deeper without rushing it:-)
Hellobear #8
Awww! This is so cute! Cant wait for the next chapter
birdyg7 #9
Chapter 3: Love it! Kookie is such a sweetheart! He doesnt need education to know what is wrong and what is right!
birdyg7 #10
I already love this!! Im feeling really touched by this story cause a lot of people are like this, judging you without knowing anything of you:-( so im really looking forward for the next chapters!