Feelings? What feelings?!

Taken Hostage?!


“Uhh no” I countered hesitantly. “I just notice him.” I averted my gaze down. I heard Hae Won scoff to the side and Soo Min gave a gentle sigh.

                “When will our little Min Ja grow up hm?” Soo Min said in a motherly tone, patting my head. I squirmed beneath her touch.  Why am I so embarrassed? I thought as I lowered my head.

Why is my face so hot, and my hands warm with sweat. I looked down at my glistening hands. Eww. I drew my hands to my hips, wiping them dry and airing them out. Why . . . why? Why?!!  I continued to think. WHY AM I FEELING THIS WAY? I don’t even know the guy. I mean he’s cute, and its hard not to look at him--  what’s with the constant head patting?!  You’re ruining my hair Soo Min. GAH! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO SAY?! I DON’T HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM. My thoughts were in a frenzy . . . all because of him. I couldn’t seem to think straight, but all my thoughts were consumed by one name. His name. What a wonderful name. Lee . . . Tae . . . Min.




                I finally broke away from my jumble of thoughts to find their faces inches from mine.

“Why are you looking at me so closely” I said softly, finally lifting my eyes to their faces. Their eyes grew wide trying to break me down. My friends are freaks I thought somberly, as they grew near. I felt my face grow red. Oh right, I’ve just been caught as a stalker. I flushed a brighter shade of red.

                “I’m not a stalker” I said gently, voicing my thoughts into words and trying to meet into their questioning eyes. But Hae Won raised her hand with one finger jabbing in my face.

                “A-HAH! This is what you call denial Soo Min! Just look at her face! And when did she ever get this shy about a guy? Haha, her face is practically a TOMATO!” Soo Min attempted to hold back her laughter, a wide smile growing on her face. She nodded approvingly.

I raised my collar, trying to cover my face and felt my warm cheeks. “Let’s just go” I mumbled into my shirt. Hae Won gave out a boisterous laugh, her smile so wide it seemed to reach the heavens. Boy, she’s having way too much fun teasing me. Soo Min gently linked her arms through mine and turned me around. We began our rounds around the school as I tried to cool myself down.


                 I was beginning to question my own feelings  . . .

                How was I suppose to feel?!





This elementary is smaller than I remembered. I reached my hands out and touched both sides of hall. How tiny.

After 10 minutes of a flurry of thoughts and intense blushing, I managed to calm myself down in time for the first classes of the morning. We continued to walk through the halls, talking away. I peeked into Min Hi’s class looking for her tiny face.

She was looking straight at me. I tried giving her a smile and waved to her, but her face didn’t change. Then I noticed the glassy look in her eyes.

Ahh, she’s daydreaming, haha, just like her Unnie. I guess we both don’t seem to manage to focus during lectures. Her teacher must be boring.

I swung my arms around and walked away with Hae Won and Soo Min chattering away beside me.


                “Hey . . .” Hae Won trailed off, “isn’t that Taemin?” she said as she pointed to Min Hi’s class. I froze midstride, a smile dropping from my face. The two ran to the class window, peeking in through the small glass frame.

                “Yah . . .” she continued, “it is!” She turned around and gave me a big smile. “Aww it looks like he’s fallen asleep. Wanna look?”

My foot that was raised mid stride returned to my side, and my jaw dropped open. “Yeah” I whispered back, giddy with excitement. I slowly walked to the window and bent down to look through. Sure enough, he was sitting near our window with his head leaning back on the door. I turned to look at Min Hi, finding her still in a daze looking in our direction. Wait . . . no.  She was staring at Taemin . . . I guess she was more like me than I thought. I looked back at him.


He sat on an art stool, his long legs resting on the bars near his feet. His back curved into a gentle slope, resting against the solid wood frame. In his hands he held a clipboard, with doodles filling the page. What was he doing? I thought, my eyes scrutinizing his figure.

His light brown hair fell delicately on his cheeks, around his neck and his closed eyes. His lips were slightly parted by his gentle breath that moved through his body. The early afternoon light was streaming through the windows and slowly began to alight in his direction. The shafts of light were slowly moving upwards, almost as if casting him in a spotlight until his entire body was lit in the sun’s warm rays.

 With his clean white shirt and innocent face, I felt like I was staring at an angel. I was lost in imagination and I didn’t want to stop. It was just . . . so . . . beautiful. I could stare at him all day.


But then  . . .  


his eyes snapped open, breaking my thoughts.


He met my eyes . . .


And I started to freak.


A bullet crashed into my orb of imagination. It shattered, raining down fragments of my thoughts and bringing me back to reality.


He’s noticing me noticing him . . . again. I thought, blushing madly.


I saw him lift a hand to stifle a laugh before I turned around and stealthily slinked away in embarrassment from the window.

Enjoying my pain, Soo Min and Hae Won stayed laughing as I found myself a corner to bury my face in. 









sorry sorry sorry for not updating for so long. SOO SORRRY. I'm not too sure if anyone really cares too much about the story so far, but I hope you stay with it till the end. It's all in my head. For some reason, this chapter was not in my storyline and I-dont-know-why I wrote it . . . but this chapter is kinda of filler . . . even though its so early into the story. BIAN. I have bad writers block. Heheh it fits in with the story but it doesn't do much. Actually, I just wanted to fantasize about taemin :D And so should you.(and no this is no reference to the other reference I reffered to trisha) I WILL UPDATE ASAP. LIKE TOMORROW. hehe I just had to get into my groove. Well I hope you have the patience to wait for the rest of the chapters. I PROMISE YOU, IT GETS BETTER :D Mmm thank you to my subscribers, you made me believe in my story :D I hope the "new story update" button excited you even though it may not have been as exciting as you thought. THANK YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR SARANGHAE

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Chapter 5: Oooh, more characters being introduced? Maybe it's Minho, neh?
Btw, Hae Won is kinda intense when she's hungry. LOL. Must. Keep. Her. Fed. xD
maui_maui #2
Chapter 5: Oooh man, it's getting intense!!!! Did Min Ja get kidnapped? D:
Chapter 5: update update update ;) hahaha really great story so far.
ahem, maybe both of you update more. :)

i like that alice in wonderland part too. :D
"small figure" - sigh - ...
yaaah. i like this. :)
Bwahaha as cute as always, as evil inside xD bwahahahahaha but not evil evil... just yenno under the influence of the redqueen :D await it!!!

I think i got the hunger part wrong.... coughcough mauimaui...lol

and maybe she is the antagoist, maybe shes not.
Omomo you update more! XD
"i'm late, i'm late" - how accurate :D and talk about alice in wonderland. eun jung is portrayed so cutely ^^
and apparently, don't ever get hae won hungry. lol.
soo min is so sweet ^^
(why do i feel like hae won will be the antagonist? :D)
charasso, unnie! jowa jowa jowa! now, update more often! hehe
Ahhh YES! Another update! I so totally loved it!
please update sooner!! ...or I might go crazy...seriously.... -.- ....
Aww thanks a lot pegglasus!! :D I'm glad you like it!!
NO. she's gonna stay on the bus forever.