Little Encounters

Taken Hostage?!

I grumbled under my breath. "Why is this always happening to me. Hae Won, you're always getting into weird scenarios with your skating . Like that one day you told me about the guy you met and made snowmen with. I didn't make fun of you. I didn't laugh or drag you around to him again after. WHY HAE WON WHY! I can totally hear you laughing behind my back . . . " I felt my foot twitch as I crouched in my corner. I adjusted my position and begin my grumbling anew. 

            "And Soo Min I always see your nose in your books. Don't think I dont know what you're reading, who you're fantasizing about. And really, as my locker partner in school I think its fair to say that you can't leave a BAJILLION sticky notes at the bottom of our locker. I mean really, clean your mess up fool! The entire thing is starting to smell like banana milk." I felt as if my head was boiling. WHY AM I FEELING SO CONSTRAINED. I heard their footsteps behind me. It's all Taemin's fault . . . 

At the thought of him, my heart automatically quickened.

I gulped down a heavy breath and held it in letting myself go to imagination.


I thought back to the moment he was bathed in sunlight . . . 91750549-2fc140c1aca4bf1bc2b9dd084028c76


Oh good lord, is he ever beautiul. Uh what. No, I didn't just think that. >.<

In the back of my mind I felt the need to give myself another mental slap, but fantasizing about him was just so satisfying. ESPECIALLY IN THAT LIGHTING! Ok, Min Ja, just give into it once more and then you're done . . .









. . .









THATS RIGHT, HE LOOKED! OMO! Its those eyes, that gaze . . .

No. Right. You're the creeper Min Ja. Stop it. I gave a great sigh, one that could move cities. His words continued to echo in my mind, vertibrating as it would down an empty street. 

CREEPER. CREEPEr. CREEPer. CREEper. CREeper. CReeper. Creeper. creeper . . . .

"Whats wrong with the thoughts in my head. Min Ja, whats wrong with you. WHATS WRONG. WHATS WRONG?!!" I violently ruffled my hair. "ARGHH!" Otoke?!! I shook my hair in frustration, my hair raining down over my face.

"Yo Min Ja, chill out," Hae Won said crouching beside me to pull me up. "He went back to sleep . . . eventually" I looked into her dark eyes, questioning her with a tilt of my head. Hae Won was as sly as a fox and I was considering whether I wanted to believe her or not. She seemed serious though . . . 


"Yeah, so calm down." Soo Min nodded beside her.

"Oh." I cleared my throat, and feeling even more awkward, I started to scuff my feet on the floor. "So, he didn't notice then?

"Probably not." She looked away cooly with a heavy sigh.

"Oh." I looked back towards the window. "and that was probably just a coincidence?" The suns rays met my eyes and I squinted in the sunlight.

"If you want to look at it that way, then yeah" Soo Min replied. Both stood before me with their arms crossed.

"Hmmmm" I thought. Oh how much I wanted to believe that was the reality. But it was his eyes . . . HIS EYES GODAMMNIT

Eyes that stamped his words CREEPER deeper into my depressed heart. Eyes that did not betray his state awareness . . . Eyes that glistened in the sunlight?

. . .EYES THAT SCORNED ME DEEP INTO EMBARASSMENT. Those eyes did not betray his conscious state. Taemin saw me again. Saw me creeping again. I facepalmed myself and gave an exasperated sigh, eventually standing up. 

"So are you done spazzing out now Min Ja?" Soo Min continued "we should probably get back to supervising the halls" She turned her heel and began marching down the hall, her arms swinging in the air. Hae Won threw her hands in her pockets and followed suit, pursing her lips in an attempt to whistle.

"Yah Min Ja, just get over it" She said, turning to look over her shoulder. "Let's go and get something to eat. Baegopah~" She rubbed her stomach and continued on, muttering to herself on something about mocha flavoured cupcakes in the cafe.

With a great sigh I dusted my knees and trailed behind them. As I began to catch up with them, I made a final resolution: From this moment on, I must and will avoid all things to do with TAEMIN . . .


Gah. I have a feeling that I just jinxed it. :S 





Hello readers. Another exciting update notification button bring you to my lonely little story? Yes, well hope you got so much more excited. As celebration to the last day of the first term, heres the latest story update? Interesting? No? Lots of spazzing? Yes, I know. Well my limited readers, thanks for checking up in the story, it'll be going right along. And I know I lied . . . I didn't update a day after. So sorry. I'll stop making bad promises. Hehe. Enjoy all your exams. BUT DO STAY TUNED! The story line gets much more hotter, and by hotter I mean KEY. Yes, time to stir up some major drama. 

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Chapter 5: Oooh, more characters being introduced? Maybe it's Minho, neh?
Btw, Hae Won is kinda intense when she's hungry. LOL. Must. Keep. Her. Fed. xD
maui_maui #2
Chapter 5: Oooh man, it's getting intense!!!! Did Min Ja get kidnapped? D:
Chapter 5: update update update ;) hahaha really great story so far.
ahem, maybe both of you update more. :)

i like that alice in wonderland part too. :D
"small figure" - sigh - ...
yaaah. i like this. :)
Bwahaha as cute as always, as evil inside xD bwahahahahaha but not evil evil... just yenno under the influence of the redqueen :D await it!!!

I think i got the hunger part wrong.... coughcough

and maybe she is the antagoist, maybe shes not.
Omomo you update more! XD
"i'm late, i'm late" - how accurate :D and talk about alice in wonderland. eun jung is portrayed so cutely ^^
and apparently, don't ever get hae won hungry. lol.
soo min is so sweet ^^
(why do i feel like hae won will be the antagonist? :D)
charasso, unnie! jowa jowa jowa! now, update more often! hehe
Ahhh YES! Another update! I so totally loved it!
please update sooner!! ...or I might go crazy...seriously.... -.- ....
Aww thanks a lot pegglasus!! :D I'm glad you like it!!
NO. she's gonna stay on the bus forever.