Not in my Halls..

Taken Hostage?!

I shuffled behind my friends as they gossiped about all the newstest kpop artists debuting. I vaguely heard the names B.A.P, EXO, and B1A4 until I zoned out. my lips, I thought back to the classroom. Slowly thinking back to-- WAIT NO. STOP. MIN JA, RESTRAIN YOURSELF. 

             I sighed heavily. 

Why are my thoughts so hard to control? I gently slapped my cheeks as we continued through the school. My hands were cold and my face was warm, maybe too warm. Am I blushing? Aish, I can't control my thoughts; my body is betraying me by showing unecessary emotion. Would it hurt if I punched myself in the face, I'd be out and have a chance to end this horrid day.


A rush of wind blew over us as a small group of kids dashed through the halls. I looked around, searching for a supervisor. 

"Yah, Hae Won" I said reaching out to her infront of me "go tell them to slow down."

She gave me a look, obviously ticked for being interruppted in her conversation with Soo Min, and then looked towards the kids. As she broke eye contact with me, searched for the children racing around, squinted as they found their target. It looks like they'll be tasting her fury.

"Bwoh?!" She said, raising an eyebrow in mock anger. She tugged on the bag at her side closer and marched up to the kids, bending down and yelling in their ears. Not the best method, but the quickest.

"YAH YOU LITTLE BABIES! DO YOU SEE THIS FLOOR?! ITS ENTIRELY WET WITH ALL OF THE SNOW! SNOW YOU BROUGHT IN FROM RECESS. DO YOU THINK ITS SAFE?!" She gave an exasperated sigh and pinched a young boy's cheek. "You all better slow down or noona will do her best to find some banana peels and teach you the hard way of what happens when you run in my halls"

Soon after she began to smile, a creeping smile that grew from one side to the other. A hint of light shone past the sinister twinkle in her eye to show her teeth bared. Looking like a wolf before devouring it's prey, the young boy began to quiver. knees shaking as if under the impression that he was in an earthquake.

Their doeful eyes looked up at her. "Neh Noona" they all replied, terrified and shaking. Slowly turning around, they tiptoed their way out of sight. Soo Min rested a hand on Hae Won shoulder's, spinning her around to stare into her face. "Now was that all really necessary Hae Won?" she asked in her motherly tone.

Hae Won grunted. "Well feed me first and I'll try being less fiesty" She she said as she slumped and poked her stomach as it began to growl loudly.Soo Min's face remained still and she reached a hand up to pat Hae Won on the head. "Arasoh, let's go find some food. But," she said turning around "I need a washroom break. Theres one by the music room" 


We followed her in quiet agreement, my feet dragging, Hae Won's feeting stomping. I began to think how Soo min put up with us, what with our mood swings and shouting. Out of our trio, she seemed avoid the more embarassing traits. Acting out my thoughts, I drew her near and gave her a hug, and as Soo min like as Soo min is, she returned it with one arm, leaving it to rest on my shoulders. 

We continued to walk, and stomp in Hae Won's case, down the hall. The pictures of paint blobs, boogers, and macaroni decorated the wall, the smell of wet dog filled the air. Was elementary school always this refreshing? (sarcastic). My foot made squeaking noises and the floor was sticky in many parts. Ahh the thrill of memories. My eye caught a painting of a stick boy with brown hair . . . now who could that be. I rolled my eyes, tiring of how much things seems to link back to that Lee Tae Min. 

We turned the corner, Soo min's arm still around my shoulder and Hae Won's hunger aparent on her face. We should have noticed ahead of time from the noise and the squeking sneakers, but we were daydreaming in our own worlds. Just as we turned the corner, a running figure crashed into us, toppling our trio down, flat on the wet floor. 

"EWWWWWWW" Hae Won screeched as she stood up and drew a wet hand away from her bottom. Soo Min and I staggered up, holding each other in order to stand up. A smaller figure was sprawled a meter away from us.

As Soo Min and I stood trying our best to wipe off the mess, Hae Won lunged to our attacker and grasped her by the coller

"YAH BWOHYA?!" she cried, her bottom entirely wet with melted snow

The small figure looked up at her, pushed her glasses up with a slender finger and blushed in embarassment.

"Ah.. bianhyeoh.." she said with puppy dog eyes. Her eyes darted around and she grabbed her bag from the floor.. then with a cute awkwardness, she extended her hand to the mess on Hae Won's side, as if trying to wipe it off.

"uhh...ummm.. otoke" she continued, obviously frazzled. She looked down again, not meeting our eyes.


And then she suddenly jumped, and looked around frantically, softly saying under her breath, "I'm late, I'm late" after seeing her watch, and off she went, down the hall and around the corner towards the music room.

Outraged, Hae Won raised a fist in her direction and dutifully started walking in that direction. Her shoes made funny squishy noises as she walked, her march obscured by her wet jeans.

Soo Min dragged me by the hand, following our outrageous friend and sighed

"Hmmm... that girl looks familiar.." she said.

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Chapter 5: Oooh, more characters being introduced? Maybe it's Minho, neh?
Btw, Hae Won is kinda intense when she's hungry. LOL. Must. Keep. Her. Fed. xD
maui_maui #2
Chapter 5: Oooh man, it's getting intense!!!! Did Min Ja get kidnapped? D:
Chapter 5: update update update ;) hahaha really great story so far.
ahem, maybe both of you update more. :)

i like that alice in wonderland part too. :D
"small figure" - sigh - ...
yaaah. i like this. :)
Bwahaha as cute as always, as evil inside xD bwahahahahaha but not evil evil... just yenno under the influence of the redqueen :D await it!!!

I think i got the hunger part wrong.... coughcough

and maybe she is the antagoist, maybe shes not.
Omomo you update more! XD
"i'm late, i'm late" - how accurate :D and talk about alice in wonderland. eun jung is portrayed so cutely ^^
and apparently, don't ever get hae won hungry. lol.
soo min is so sweet ^^
(why do i feel like hae won will be the antagonist? :D)
charasso, unnie! jowa jowa jowa! now, update more often! hehe
Ahhh YES! Another update! I so totally loved it!
please update sooner!! ...or I might go crazy...seriously.... -.- ....
Aww thanks a lot pegglasus!! :D I'm glad you like it!!
NO. she's gonna stay on the bus forever.