Shady Stalls

Taken Hostage?!

Our shoes made the squishing noises as we walked down the hall. Soo Min's arm was tightly wound around mine. As I was dragged along once again, I kept stealing glances at her face. There was something in the way she kept tilting her head, in the way she bit her lip. Something was on her mind.

I kept looking between her face and Hae Won's distant silhouette down the hall. We sauntered down the hall at a slow pace, letting Hae Won in her mighty rage deal with her anger outside our reach. Under her breath, Soo Min kept murmuring about "the act..her voice.. her size.." and her head kept tilting back and forth... back and forth... deep in consideration. Her grip on my arm would tighten and unwind with each step we took, seeming to follow her train of thought.

"Yah Soo Min, what wrong?" I said in a low voice.

" it that... her size... that watch.." she continued mumbling, her eyes were darting back and forth in front of her, her gaze not meeting anything.

"What did you say? What about her watch?" 

"ughhh...but how... here?!!...hmmm" She said, her hand at her chin.

"...Soo Min?" I said, waving my hand infront of her. Nothing.

Seeing this conversation to be a lost cause, I let out a long sigh and set to our pace. An uncomfortable itch was starting to form around my legs from our mighty fall with that rabbit like girl. This was going to be a long day, adding to the traumatic events with this Lee Tae Min.

 A loud knock on a door down the hall snapped us out of our dual trance.

Soo Min gave a quick jump, unwound her arm from mine and straightened her ruffled shirt. Her furrowed brows raised and she blinked in rapid succession to focus the scene in front of us. Hae Won was standing in front of the music room doors, knocking with a constant beat. Unfortunately, the music streaming out of the room overpowered her knocks from the inside, and she stood there knocking... and knocking...

She made loud knocks. Small concentrated knocks. Kicked the door, wailed into the cracks, and even started clawing at the hinges...until the anger dropped from her face and was suddenly replaced with the same placcid, hungry look on her face. With that, the monster of fury left Hae Won, as spontaneous as it came to her.

"" She wheezed out in a small voice. Hae Won grabbed her stomach and waddled in the other direction towards the cafeteria, her angry spell behind her. The quick transition between her emotions were short indeed.


The itch the started from down the hall was starting to irritate my skin. Feeling umcomfortable, I quietly excused myself from our group. I left the group with a small pat on Soo Min's shoulder, but she was still in a daze, trying to figure out her mystery about the rabbit girl. Checking my bag, I felt around for my pair of sweats. AHA! There they were, comfort here I come! My eyes scanned the hall, aha! A door stood ajar near the gym entrance, the tiny washroom figurine stationed in the middle. Securing the bag around my shoulder, I made for the nearest washroom... 

Hm.. they haven't really cleaned this place up since I've been here, I said thinking to myself. The frame was cracked and the tiles inside were ragged and chipped, but with no hesitation I headed towards it..


In the flurry of Hae Won's rage, there was no reason for us to notice the dark shadow lingering behind us. He fell into step behind me without stirring up any unease. Soo Min's back was turned, Hae Won was preoccupied with her stomach and the two were to far down the hall to notice any sounds. 

Slowly from the gym entrance he emerged garbed in dark clothes, his hair hidden under a baseball cap, collar raised to his chin. His definant strides brought him at my side by the time I passed through the door, a smile growing on his face as he reached a target.  The bathroom door fell behind me, but before it could close....

His garbed hand caught it in deft motion and held it open. He slipped through without a noise...

The door locked with a click behind him...



A shriek echoed down the hall. Soo Min and Hae Won turned to look back...


Soo Min reached beside her, attempting to hold onto Min Ja, but only grabbed air..

"...where's Min Ja?" Hae Won asked.



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Chapter 5: Oooh, more characters being introduced? Maybe it's Minho, neh?
Btw, Hae Won is kinda intense when she's hungry. LOL. Must. Keep. Her. Fed. xD
maui_maui #2
Chapter 5: Oooh man, it's getting intense!!!! Did Min Ja get kidnapped? D:
Chapter 5: update update update ;) hahaha really great story so far.
ahem, maybe both of you update more. :)

i like that alice in wonderland part too. :D
"small figure" - sigh - ...
yaaah. i like this. :)
Bwahaha as cute as always, as evil inside xD bwahahahahaha but not evil evil... just yenno under the influence of the redqueen :D await it!!!

I think i got the hunger part wrong.... coughcough

and maybe she is the antagoist, maybe shes not.
Omomo you update more! XD
"i'm late, i'm late" - how accurate :D and talk about alice in wonderland. eun jung is portrayed so cutely ^^
and apparently, don't ever get hae won hungry. lol.
soo min is so sweet ^^
(why do i feel like hae won will be the antagonist? :D)
charasso, unnie! jowa jowa jowa! now, update more often! hehe
Ahhh YES! Another update! I so totally loved it!
please update sooner!! ...or I might go crazy...seriously.... -.- ....
Aww thanks a lot pegglasus!! :D I'm glad you like it!!
NO. she's gonna stay on the bus forever.