¤ A ¤ Trxshsehxn

¤ Khoon Multi-Shop ¤ CLOSED
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If you are looking for a quality poster for your story, then the ♕MANNEQUIN♕ one man graphic shop, run by trxshsehxn, is the right shop for you! There are monthly batches with 4 slots, so secure your poster now! 

If you are the first requester on the 1st of August, your request will be completely free. 

♕MANNEQUIN♕ ␝ Trxshsehxn Please don't forget to credit Shop Banner layout credit
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Chapter 29: I'm so sorry, I totally forgot your shop had a name change and didn't check to see if my review was done (i'm a smart one 'aint I?). Either way thank you so much for the helpful criticism, this story has been bothering me for a while and now I know how to improve it. Thank you again.
Chapter 32: Omg thanks so much! I've always struggled with grammar despite English being my first language and I've been really bad with showing not telling. (When you failed script writing because of that) thanks so much for the review and I will do my best to improve It! It was done at complete random and I really really appreciate It!
Hi I was wondering when my review would be done? It's just i dont see my name on the list is all. Thankies~
Requested. :) Let me know who I'm sending the karma points to. ^^
I've requested~ ^^
Chapter 27: Hi, I'm sorry it took me so long to post this ><
I credited in the description ^^
Chapter 16: Hi.:) I just was dropping by to check on the status of my request.
Chapter 26: It was so pretty and thanks for making ut themed to the layout! I'm gonna use it for the other account I bave for that banner to if that's okay.
Chapter 26: Picked up and credited! :D