10. When JunHyung reads.

JunSeob: The Collection


Alright, tell me, what does THE Yong Jun Hyung usually do during his free time? 

Write new lyrics? Bingo!

Or so that's what he tells everyone until Yo Seob decides to clean up his room one day, open up his laptop to see his web browser on a certain website called "www.asianfanfics.com".

"Mwo? What is this?" He decided to scroll through the page Jun Hyung was on. "Jun Hyung reads? Wahhh~! I didn't- wait a minute... what is this? 'Fact and Fiction' by vinvinworld? This is... No... NO.... WHAT THE-"


All was peaceful in the living room. Doo Joon was napping on the sofa, Hyun Seung was staring into space, Gi Kwang was working out with a dumb bell, Dong Woon was playing his PS3 and Jun Hyung was drinking coke. 


And with a simple scream from Yo Seob who was in Jun Hyung's room, yes, his scream is THAT powerful, that oh so peaceful moment was ruined. Why do I say so? Well... Doo Joon fell face first to the floor, Hyun Seung was ACTUALLY paying attention to something, Gi Kwang had the dumb bell on his little toe, Dong Woon threw the PS3 controller at the TV- wait, what?

"DONG WOON! YOU DESTROYED THE TV!" Doo Joon shouted, rubbing his swollen nose. 

"S-sorry! Yo Seob hyung just timed that scream really well..." Dong Woon shrugged and inspected the broken TV. 

"MY TOE!!!! ARG!!!" Gi Kwang started limping around in the house and accidentally knocked into Jun Hyung. Turning around, he noticed that Jun Hyung had coke spilled all over him. "AH! HYUNG! SORRY!"

"It's ok, he got that when Yo Seob scre-" Hyun Seung didn't finish his sentence and they all looked at each other.



So, the 5 boys entered the room to see Yo Seob bawling in the corner. Being the ever caring leader that he is, Doo Joon braved himself and walked towards the young visual maknae. "Y-Yo Seo-"

"BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He just began to bawl even louder and that scared Doo Joon so bad that he fell first onto the floor, shock evident on his face.

"What the..." Hyun Seung was just as confused as everyone else as he helped Doo Joon up. 

"Can't we just feed him food like how we always do when he and Dong Woon are angry or sad?" Gi Kwang shrugged.

Dong Woon whipped out something from his pocket. "Hyung, look what I got her~ It's strawberry pud-"


"... WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH YO SEOB HYU-" Jun Hyung whacked Dong Woon on the head before he could finish his sentence. He looked around the room and noticed that his laptop was opened up. Letting out a long sigh, he finally understood why poor Yo Seob was crying so badly.

"I will handle this, you guys wait outside."

"But hyu-" Doo Joon dragged Gi Kwang out and everyone followed. After locking the door and ensuring no one was eavesdropping, he walked towards Yo Seob.

"Seob." He looked up with eyes red from all the crying. Jun Hyung ruffled his hair. "What's wrong?"

He lifted a trembling finger at Jun Hyung's laptop. "So... sad..."

"It's just a fanfiction you idiot."

"But... IT FELT REAL!" He pouted, trying to get his point across. 

"BUT it's not real. Look, you're not dead and we are not together." Wrong move Jun Hyung. Yo Seob's expression grew indefinitely darker. "Y-Yo Seob?"

"FORGET IT! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW! YOU KNOW WHAT? YONG JUN HYUNG, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" He got up, ready to leave, ready to run but he couldn't. Jun Hyung pulled him back and hugged him tight. He struggled, "l-let me go!"

"What did you say just now...?" he whispered softly beside Yo Seob. Proud to announce that at that moment, Yo Seob went " this " and grabbed Jun Hyung by the collar.

"I. LIKE. YOU. No, scratch that, LOVE you. AND- wait, why are you... smirking."  Jun Hyung crashes his lips into Yo Seob’s leaving him speechless.

“The only reason I didn’t tell you I love you was because I didn’t know.”

~1 Week Later~

Jun Hyung tapped his fingers on his screen and stared at his computer. “How do I phrase this… Ah well, sorry my English isn’t fantastic.” He rolled his eyes and began typing away.

~Somewhere in Singapore~

“Hmmm? A new comment?” A teenage girl pressed a few buttons on her phone.

“Vinny~ What is it?” Another girl placed her head on said girl’s shoulder and looked at her phone.

“I received a new comment for the story ‘I didn’t know’. Quite an old story though…” Both girls looked at the phone an read the comment out together, “Hi this Jun Hyung BEAST. Thanks to you.”

They stared at each other. “…. WHAT THE!?”

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 11: Uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
I love chapter 10 the most!!!!!
I was laughing very hard that my younger sister smack me in the head because she thinks i'm crazy for laughing alone....
Daebak !!!!!!
Please update more...
Nyaaaaaah you made me cry at school! ;AAA;
OMG When Junhyung reads~1 new comment OHMAYGOOOD THAT WAS THE BEST VINNNYYYY~~~~
GaemChau #4
...Wae so sad???? TT.TT
NocturnalSparrow #5
Why So Sad?!
wahhhh sooo sad...

hope you update soon, i love you writing style.
NocturnalSparrow #7
Please Write!!!! I Really Like Your Junseob Stories!!!!
PigRabbit1912 #8
i was listening to thanks to while reading the 3 fact and fiction storys, cried soo much
keryna #9
wow! like ur story 'when junhyung reads'. Well i like all ur stories. Ur writing style is unique. Always luv it <3