Chapter Eight

Chasing Time

It's dark...

It's like... I'm suspended in thick oil...

Everything is black, except for him. I see him, barely. I see Jin. I don't recognize this scene; I'm a spectator again. 

He's on his knees, looking in my direction.

There's no sound, but I can tell that he's screaming, crying, in absolute agony. All I hear is a murky... Moonlight Sonata? 

His hands are tied to his back and his eyes are bloodshot. He's been crying for a long time. 

A familiar voice cuts through the song like shards of broken glass. His tone is sharp and angry, the same as when he threatened Jungkook. 

"Jin, why are you always getting in my way?!" He yells, chucking a beer bottle against the wall, causing it to shatter just inches away from Jin's face. 

Jin looks at him with menacing eyes. It's an expression that can reflect murderous intent. He wanted to kill Kai, right there and now. 

His voice comes out gruffly, "Where is she?" 

Kai takes a step closer to Jin before kicking him onto his side. He spits in his direction before placing his foot on Jin's head and smirks.

"First you take the top spot, and then you take my girl? Jin, you don't know who you're messing with." He says, his words coming out in slurs. His smirk widens as he starts to crush Jin's head with his foot. 

He groans in pain, but still manages to retaliate, "She isn't your posession! She has a right to live the way she wants!" He yells, struggling to wriggle out from underneath him. 

"Sarah owes it to me, I practically paid her way into this school. She's a anyway, playing around with you while she's dating me. You'll both get what you deserve." Kai says, stepping away from Jin and crouching down to get closer to him. 

He pulls Jin's head up by his hair, his golden locks tangling in his grasp, "When I'm done with the both of you, you'll learn to never with me again." 

Jin struggles to break free from his restraints, but Kai is too fast. He slips a needle into his neck, and the writhing slows down. 

He looks directly at me and his eyes are pleading...

Almost as if he can see me. 

His eyes close and mine snap open. 


It takes me a moment to realize that I'm screaming. I sit up and try to catch my breath, but I'm so frightened that I can't breathe. I start to hyperventillate. 

Jungkook quickly gets up from his place next to the bed and rushes over to me. 

"Alex? Alex! It's okay! You're okay!" He says, sitting down and engulfing me into a hug. He rubs my back and murmers words of reassurance over and over. 

When I'm finally able to calm my breathing I pull away from him and wipe my eyes. I take a deep breath and a moment to assess my situation. 

"Jin is innocent." I say clearly and calmly, looking directly into Jungkook's eyes. 

He nods and closes his eyes, "Was it one of your weird vision things?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. 

I nod and continue, "Kai was there, and Jin was tied up. He wanted nothing but to be able to love that missing girl... Sarah... Kai was hurting him..." My voice chokes up a I remember the awful scene. 

Jungkook places a hand on my shoulder and rubs it gently, "You don't have to continue, I understand. We need to contact Jin and find out what's going on."  He says confidently, standing up from his bed. 

I look over at his alarm clock and notice the time. It's only 4am, Jin wouldn't be awake by now. 

"Jungkook, I think for now... I'm going to try and sleep again." I say, laying back down in his bed. He nods and goes back over to his sleeping bag next to the bed. 

Before he sits down I interrupt the silence again, "Can you sleep next to me? You used to make the night terrors go away." I ask, genuinely terrified of what I might dream of next. 

As kids we used to have slumber parties and he'd sleep next to me. I used to always get night terrors where I would be paralyzed, and start to hyperventillate in my sleep. Jungkook would wake me up and put me back to sleep. 

He nods hesitantly and slides under the blankets with me. He lays on his back next to me, his eyes staring straight up at the ceiling. 

I turn towards him and hug his arm, "Thank you..." I mumber lowly. 

"You're welcome." He says, the sound of his pulse lulling me back to sleep. 


When the sunlight hits my eyes through the small crack of Jungkook's curtains, I start to stir. 

As per usual, I roll over and stretch a little before fully waking up. 

I'm a bit shocked to see Jungkook still next to me, it feels like the entirety of last night was all a dream. 

He looks like his old self again... sweet and finally at peace. When he's awake all I can see is the worry in his eyes, and constant anxiety.

I reach for his hair and run my fingers through it, I wonder what changed. How could he become such a different person in a matter of three to four years? 

Maybe he thinks that I've changed too, after all, I've had my own trials to get over. 

We used to be so... young. And happy. Together. But we weren't really together, were we? What was he to me? My best friend? Or my first love? 

He's changed a lot since then, physically, I mean. His shoulders are broader, his jawline is more defined, and his voice is a lot lower than it used to be. 

I study his face, and take in all of the differences from when I last knew him. He's always been someone special to me, but now... He's really become... beautiful.

What is this feeling? I feel like my heart is in my throat; wait, am I breathing? My heart beat echoes in my ears, so loud, I wonder if it will wake him. 

A sharp knock on his door startles both of us, as I rip my hand away from his hair and sit up against the wall. 

Jungkook's eyes snap open and he sits up before scratching his head and yawning. He looks over at me and smiles tiredly. 

He looks at me in concern, "Are you feeling okay?" 

Oh god, what does he mean? 

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm all good." I say, looking down into my lap. His hand touches my head, and I can feel my cheeks burning. I feel like his touch set me on fire. Why is this happening now?!

"You feel like you have a fever." He says, placing the back of his hand against my neck. "You aren't even sweating, so maybe the fever needs to--"

His words are cut off by another set of knocks on his bedroom door. He sighs and stands to answer the door. 

He opens it and sticks his head out, "Oh! Hey Dad! Didn't know you-- uh-- you'd be home! You said you were coming back next week!"

....this doesn't look good. I'm in his bed, wearing boy's clothes, and my hair-- oh god, my hair! I frantically smooth out my hair and start making his bed. 

A deep, familiar voice responds, "Mm, well, the trip ended early. Let me in, this is the first time you've brought a girl to the house." 

I roll up his sleeping bag and throw it into the closet before checking myself in the mirror and sitting back down onto his bed. 

I look fairly decent, thank god I didn't do my makeup last night. But why am I so nervous? I've met him before. 

He looks over at me and I nod back at him. He steps back to open the door and his father, a tall man in a suit, walks in. 

He looks me up and down, "Well, you look the same, dear." He says warmly, giving me a small smile. Jungkook's father hasn't aged in the slightest, still handsome. 

I stand and bow towards him, smiling back, "It's been a bit, I'm glad you recognized me!" I say, a bit too excited. 

Jungkook snorts and stifles a laugh, covering his mouth. 

His father looks over at him, disapprovingly. 

"What? It isn't like she's changed much." He says shrugging and grinning widely. 

"You haven't changed either, Jungkook." He says, ruffling his son's hair. 

He looks back at me and continues, "Breakfast?" 


Jungkook and I eat breakfast quickly. Although we enjoy the company of his father, we make it evident that we're in a rush to go back to school. 

Which... was a lie, but we needed to find Jin. 

We decided to take one of his cars, knowing that whoever had us kidnapped probably knew my license plate number. 

So now, I'm sitting passenger in one of Jungkook's many inconspicuous sedans. Nothing too flashy or pricey, just a standard sedan. 

I feel the weight of the envelope in my lap. The evidence is crucial, but hold so many awful memories. Sarah... just how did she get mixed up with those people? 

And where has she gone? Where is Jin?

I feel a sinking in my heart as I remember the torture Kai put him through. And how much... Jin cared for Sarah. I knew he couldn't have been anyone to worry about. 

Am I feeling jealousy? Or sorrow for Sarah? It's hard to tell, not knowing where she is... or if she's even alive. All I know is that she didn't deserve any of this. 

She was just as everyone had said, individually beautiful, unlike anyone else. And just in those few moments that I became a spectator, I felt like I knew her. Would we have gotten along? 

"Hey. What are you thinking?" Jungkook asks suddenly, looking over at me for a second before looking back at the road. 

I take a deep breath, "Nothing. Just worried about everyone... and how they're involved... in this mess." 

"Mmm.." I hear Jungkook say, nodding, his eyes still at the road. 

I can see the entrance of the school, and as we get closer, I my head starts to throb. The same pain I get when I use my powers too often. 

It's almost as if it's warning me, that I could be waltzing into the lion's den. 

Well, there's only one way to find out. 



Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Sorry if there are any errors!

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Until next time :)









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I know its been like a year and some time since I wrote anything, but I think I'm going to pick this up again.


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quality content
yuriftw #2
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back. I hope everything is going well with you. Also I just realized the connection with Life is Strange which is one of my fave games as well. I'm excited for what's to come in this story. <3
Chapter 6: Now I'm even more curious about what's going on. It seems like Jin was up to something from the start but now I don't know. I'm so excited for the next chapter. <3 <3
Ihershie #5
I FORGOT TO MENTION YESTERDAY! I watched an anime that Taehyung, Junkook and Jin had watched and I'm not sure if you've watched it but it's called the girl who leapt through time. Your story reminds me of that hehe
Ihershie #6
I love discovering gems in the world of aff
Chapter 3: I love it! I wanna know what's going to happen next *~* Please update soon <3