Chapter Four

Chasing Time


I'm not the type to catch onto things very fast when it comes to potential love interests. This is not to say that I think Jin is a potential love interest-- or do I? 

I don't know, I'm no good with relationships. I guess I can't really even say that I've been in one before. 

The whole idea of someone even finding me remotely attractive has never crossed my mind. Let alone someone so talented and popular among other girls. 

I feel something in my stomach drop; I already get crap for having Jungkook as my partner on our project. I can feel the eyes on me now; Krystal, Victoria, and Jessica glare at me from the back of the class once again. 

Jungkook sits next to me with his chin in his hand, eyes blankly staring at the window. He's wearing a new pair of glasses today, kind of like mine, I wonder if he noticed. I look away in the opposite direction. What do I care? I don't need him to notice anything, he doesn't want anything to do with me in the first place. 

I take a sip of my vanilla lotte from this morning, closing my eyes and letting the warmth relax me. It was a nice gesture; I wonder why he's so nice to me, considering he doesn't talk to many people my age. I look at the cup and slide my thumb over the name written on the side of it. 

I furrow my brow at the heart written next to his name. Of course even the baristas would have some interest in him. How could they not? He's attractive, nice, talented, intelligent, and also has a mystery about him. What else could a girl want in a guy? 

I sigh and shake my head, trying to maybe make the thoughts disappear. All this pondering over Jin is making me nervous for tonight. How am I going to tell Jungkook that I can't practice with him tonight. I wrote my part last night, maybe I'll just give it to him and let him revise it. 

A piece of paper lands in front of me, Jungkook taps on it and sets a pen down on top of it. I unfold it and begin to read it. 

Who is Jin to you? 

Why the heck does he care, it's none of his business. And besides, were in public, didn't he say he wasn't going to acknowledge me? 

Why do you care?

I toss the note back to him and go back to looking at my sheet music. I hear him angrily scratching away at the piece of paper before it lands in front of me again. 

He isn't who you think he is. I hate Jin. I'm warning you, you're going to get hurt talking to someone like him. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. Stay away from him.

I scoff and shake my head at his response, he clearly doesn't know anything about Jin. He's one of the most selfless people here, he's nothing like Jungkook and the Staccato club. 

It's none of your business. I finished my section so there's no need for a meeting tonight. I'll give you a copy, revise it or whatever by tonight. 

p.s. If you think Jin is selfish, you should take a step back and look at yourself. 

I toss the note back and set a copy of my score next to him, looking in the opposite direction once more. Ms. Choi stands and dismisses our class, walking over to Krystal's desk and having a side conversation with her.

I shove the rest of my stuff into my bag and start to walk out. Something catches my wrist and I roll my eyes; he likes to do that. I look back at him, waiting for him to say something. 

"I'm serious about Jin. That guy is a serious jerk." He says, looking at me intently. 

I shake my head and pull my arm away from him, "Again, you're mistaken. You're the jerk." 

He takes a step closer, speaking a bit lower, "You don't understand my position; this isn't gradeschool anymore, Alex. Success is all about networking." 

I glare at him angrily before turning around. I can't stand to look at him; all I can see is that snot nosed kid from my past. He isn't the same anymore and I need to get over it, to stop being hurt by it. 

"Just remember who was there for you," I say, clutching onto the strap of my bag. "At least I know Jin wants to be there for me, he isn't ignoring my existance." 

I walk out, knuckles beginning to turn white from the tight grip on my bag. Why am I so distraught? I completely erased him from my mind over the last four years. Why does he matter to me now? Stupid jerk. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I stop at the corner of the hall to check it: It's Jin. I smile as I unlock my phone and read the message. 

He wants to meet up for lunch before class. More like he's telling me that he'll meet me at the cafe, no debates. It can't hurt. After all, he always seems to make everything feel better. 

I tuck my phone into my back pocket once more and start down the hallway. For some reason there seem to be more eyes on me than usual. Normally, I'm completely ignored, without any thought.

Today is different, someone taps my shoulder and I swing around, expecting to find Jungkook. Unfortunately, it isn't. Seeing anyone would be better than seeing these three. Krystal and her two sidekicks are glaring at me, their arms crossed in front of them.

"I can't believe Jin had to buy you a coffee, are you really that poor? I mean, I know the only reason you're here is because you got a scholarship, but you don't have to guilt trip everyone." Krystal says, plucking the cup from my hands. "Were you really thinking of keeping it? Don't fool yourself, you aren't special."

I clutch my bag and squeeze my eyes shut, my instinct pulling at the option to flip my time switch into reverse. My head feels an immense amount of pressure and I realize I can't fight it anymore. Things begin to rewind, and the cup is back in my hand. 

This time, she reaches for my cup and I yank it away from her. She giggles slyly and shakes her head, "Look at you, clutching onto that trash. Don't fool yourself, you aren't special." 

Great, even if I do keep it, she says the same thing. I feel like having her take it was better than her making me seem creepy. 

The cup is snatched from my hand again, but this time by Victoria. "Did you draw the heart in our last class? How cute." She says sarcastically. I rub my temples and close my eyes, my headache intensifying. 

"Look, what is it you want? I don't really have a lot of time." I say, opening my eyes and looking back up at them. I'm getting fed up with Krystal, it's taking me everything in my power to refrain from messing with time again.

She takes a step closer to me, causing me to backpedal a bit. Once my back hits the wall, she sets a hand on my shoulder. "Stay away from them, okay? Both Jungkook and Jin. Neither of them have time to waste on you."

I sigh and brush her hand off of me. "Just stop with the childish threats, Jungkook wants nothing to do with me anyway." I say, looking for a way around the three. 

"Aw, did someone get hurt? We know he didn't choose you, he was asked by the teacher. You aren't special, Alex." Krystal says, pushing me back against the wall. 

I wince and grit my teeth before balling my fists. "It seems like you're the one who's hurt. I hope you can find other ways to make you feel better about yourself." I take a deep breath before relaxing a bit. "Putting other people down won't help you become a better person." 

"Oh, shut up!" She says, shoving me by the shoulders, causing my back to hit the wall again. I feel the air get knocked out of my lungs, who knew so much power could come from a tiny frame. "I'm so tired of your hipster, nice girl bull." 

It feels as if time is slowing down, and my head is killing me. I see Krystal's expression change as she's yanked backwards, a tuft of red hair behind her. Is it Taehyung? 

I let myself slide down against the wall, my head is throbbing harder than before, and the pressure is unbearable. I wince as my vision begins to turn black. 

"Alex... Alex!" I hear a voice, and open my eyes. Glasses. Blonde hair. A worried expression. It's Jin. I feel as if I'm being covered by a thick, dark blanket as I struggle to keep my eyes open. It's hard to move, as if I'm drowning in thick oil. 

Then it's lights out. 


When I open my eyes, I see a small lamp to my left, and a glass of water. I reach for the glass and chug it down, it's like I haven't had water in forever. My limbs feel tired and heavy, just like my eyelids. 

I look around and see the neat, modern furniture that I can only recognize as things that Jin would have. I sit up slowly, trying to regain my strength. How did I get here? I briefly remember fighting with Krystal, and then it all becomes fuzzy.

The door opens and Taehyung walks in, a tray in his hands. "Jin made you some soup." He says, setting it down onto the table next to me. He smiles half-heartedly and takes a seat next to me. "He's been worrying all day." 

I rub my eyes and look around, "Did you guys carry me here?" I ask, taking another sip of water. Taehyung nods and stands again, "Let me get Jin." He says, walking out before I can say any more. 

Jin comes in and sits on the opposite side of Taehyung. "I'm sorry." He says, looking down at his folded hands in his lap. "This is my fault." 

His fault? But he didn't cause any of this. "You don't have to--" I start, but get cut off by Taehyung. 

"We heard the conversation, Alex. We know why they were confronting you." He says, leaning back in his chair. 

"Yes." Jin says, "I didn't think they could get this bad. I hope their words didn't reach you." He responds, clutching onto his pant legs, causing them to wrinkle. 

I don't understand. Why do they worry so much? It isn't their fault that Krystal is the way that she is. "Really, it wasn't your fault. And I'm fine." 

Suddenly, a buzzing comes from the front door. Taehyung stands and walks out to answer it. 

Jin's knuckles look like mine from before, white from the tension in his grip. "This is the opposite of what I wanted to happen. " He says, shaking his head. 

I frown and place a hand on his knee, patting it gently. "It really wasn't your fault." I say. 

The door slams open and a figure with black hair runs in. A worried boy stares at me with that same snot-nosed, baby-faced expression from the sixth grade.



Short update, but it should be enough. As always, comment, subscribe, and upvote! Thanks!!

Also, I apologize for any errors that might have occured while I was writing. It was pretty late :P

Your feedback is really important to me, so please continue to express your opinions!

Well, until next time!









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I know its been like a year and some time since I wrote anything, but I think I'm going to pick this up again.


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quality content
yuriftw #2
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back. I hope everything is going well with you. Also I just realized the connection with Life is Strange which is one of my fave games as well. I'm excited for what's to come in this story. <3
Chapter 6: Now I'm even more curious about what's going on. It seems like Jin was up to something from the start but now I don't know. I'm so excited for the next chapter. <3 <3
Ihershie #5
I FORGOT TO MENTION YESTERDAY! I watched an anime that Taehyung, Junkook and Jin had watched and I'm not sure if you've watched it but it's called the girl who leapt through time. Your story reminds me of that hehe
Ihershie #6
I love discovering gems in the world of aff
Chapter 3: I love it! I wanna know what's going to happen next *~* Please update soon <3