Chapter Seven

Chasing Time

A/N: Feel free to listen to any of the songs mentioned within the story for a more immersive story!


Jungook tucks the evidence back into the folder, he can't bear to look at it any longer. 

"I swear, the moment we get to my house, we're calling the police and giving this evidence to them." He says, laying the folder down onto the floor of my truck. 

I'm curious now, what could he have possibly seen to freak him out so much? When we reach the destination, I stop in front of a set of gates. 

Sitting behind the large perimeter is a massive house that seems to swallow up everything around it. I always knew that Jungkook was weathly, but not this wealthy. 

Jungkook pulls his keychain out from his pocket and points a clicker at the gate. It slides open, and I drive beyond the opening. 

"Follow the driveway and it should lead you to the garage." He says, taking his seat belt off. We reach the garage and he uses another clicker to open the door. 

As it slides up I inch into the garage, quickly noticing the other expensive looking cars. Was he this wealthy when we were kids? He certainly never acted that way. 

I turn off the car and step out, looking around the wide garage. Even with so many other cars, it still looks kind of... empty. 

"Alex?" He says, clutching the file against his chest. He motions for me to follow him, turning his back to me and opening another door that leads into his house. 

He's walking pretty fast; he must really want to show me the contents of the folder. What was in there to freak him out so bad? I mean, the knife was bad enough, but what else could there possibly be? 

We walk into a room about the size of my entire house; a game room. He has everything: a pool table, ping pong table, dart board, and every gaming console imaginable. 

"Wow..." I can't help but let the words escape my mouth. I've never seen a house like this. Jungkook snaps his head around, "This isn't the time for that! We need to get to my room and call the police!" 

Tears are b at the corners of his eyes; he's genuinely scared. I place my hand on his shoulder automatically, it just feels right. Its like we've gone back in time, my natural instinct is to protect him. 

"Okay, just relax, we'll get through this together." I say, squeezing his shoulder gently. He nods and takes a deep breath before taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. 

When we reach a hall he turns into the first door to the right and opens it. All of the furniture is modern and everything looks very tidy. 

He has an upright piano, black and white, like the rest of his room. 

Jungkook pulls me over to his desk and dumps out the contents of the folder.

The knife slides out and clangs loudly against the surface of the desk, followed by stacks of paper clipped together, and a small silver charm bracelet. 

As Jungkook starts to spread out the paper, I stare in horror at the photographs of the young girl in the black and white photos. 

Her hands are bound and her eyes are glossed over. In half of the photos, her limbs are splayed out in different, unnatural directions. 

I would say that she was once beautiful, with long black hair, and soft eyes. She and Jin would have gone well together. 

In the other photos, she looks more awake with a terrified expression. I could almost see her trembling through the photo. 

Suddenly, it is as if a song begins to play and my stomach starts to turn as I see a scene unfold within these photos. It's as if the photos are becoming moving memories as I see a tear slide down the girl's cheek.

She looks defeated, and... long gone. 

I recognize the sliver charm bracelet on her wrist that is bound to the other. The charm is a double eighth note. 

I feel my own eyes start to well up as her story continues on in the next few photos. Maybe I can't go back as far, and I can only view her past. 

A syringe is injected into her neck and the light fades from her eyes. I watch as her limp body is placed on a table and the scene begins to fade into a still. 

The song fades away, but it's memorable. There was music playing in that room... a piano. Moonlight Sonata? 

I wipe the tears from my eyes and flip over the pictures. I don't want to be a spectator to her death anymore. 

Jungkook takes the pictures and slides them back into the folder, dropping the knife in there as well. He opens a drawer and shoves the evidence into his dresser. 

"We can't go to the police." He says suddenly. "There's more to this than we know and if the police get involved, they won't suspect the people in the staccato club. They have perfect records." He has a serious look on his face. 

Suddenly I feel my face flush in a fit of anger. "Are you ing kidding me? Jungkook, this is the missing girl! You don't even know the justice she deserves! She was in so much pain, and her pride was stolen!" I'm now almost screaming at the top of my lungs.

His eyes are wide, "D-Did... um... did you know her?" He asks, obiously looking surprised. I sigh and shake my head, "No... it's just... there's something I have to tell you."

I realize now that my emotional outburst can't be easily explained. I sigh and pull him over to his bed, patting the spot next to me. 

"So, I... this is going to sound crazy, but hear me out." I say, trying to avoid eye contact. 

Suddenly his face is next to mine and the closeness is making me even more nervous. I shift my weight away from him a little and shake my head.

"Well..." I start, "I can kind mess with things, in ways that others can't." I say, balling my fists on my thighs.

He nods and moves closer to me again, "Explain?"

I sigh and stand up, "To put it simply... I can mess with time." I say, facing away from him. I wait for a laugh or a cocky chuckle, but neither resonate.

I turn around and peer over at him. He looks terribly concentrated, something that doesn't suit his more gentler facial features. His eyebrows are pulled in and it creates a tight wrinkle in the skin between them.

"What is on your mind?" I finally ask, moving back over to him.

"I'm trying to think of ways you can prove it to me."

I laugh a bit, feeling less nervous, "You aren't going to call me crazy? I just told you that I can manipulate time."

He sighs out and his face looks a little more relaxed, "With all the crazy going on lately, yeah, I'd believe anything at this point."

Relieved at his response, I look around the room for some inspiration. How can I prove to him that I can mess with time?

When I rewind time, everything goes back, except for any objects I hold onto.

"Give me your wallet." I say, holding my hand out towards him. He looks at me skeptically and places it into the palm of my hand.

I tuck the wallet into the back pocket of my jeans and take a deep breath. Hopefully I won't get a migraine from going back this far.

I close my eyes and try to flip the time switch but nothing happens right away. Instead of a button, or switch, it feels like a mental crank with many gears that all come together to recreate the scene.

I realize now that when I used my power before it was like second nature to me. I didn't have to think very hard because my mind was clear. I knew exacty at which point in time I wanted to be because the instances were always short.

I think about when Jungkook's eyebrows were pulled tightly together, and his expression didn't match his features. Suddenly the firgurative gears move faster and the crank becomes automatic.

I open my eyes and watch everything move backwards until it ubruptly stops and Jungkook has that expression again.

"Trying to think of ways I can prove it to you?" I ask, moving back over to him. He looks up questioningly.

"I already did it." I say, pulling his wallet out of my back pocket and flashing it in front of him.

He looks perplexed for a bit then holds his hand out. "Good try, but a slight of hand trick won't fool me. I need something better than that."

Ugh. Of course he has to be skeptical. I look around his room and start rummaging through his things. Memorizing everything within every drawer. 

Top right is is underwear drawer, the one beneath is his sock drawer, and he separates his t-shirts by color. Was he always this neat? I chuckle a little, now that I think about it, his backpack and lunchbox were always perfectly packed. 

"Why are you going through my things?" He says a bit nervously, and continues, "It's personal you know." 

I ignore him and go over to his closet, looking for things to memorize. A shoebox is pushed to the back of the closet, somewhere that a simple hand trick wouldn't be able to get into. 

I lift the lid and see some familiar things. My heart beat resonates in my ears as I see the shards of the porcelain flute that I gave him when we were younger. 

Older sheet music from when we'd sit at the piano and practice our scores. I can hear the melody, and see a smaller Jungkook at the piano. 

I can feel my head on his shoulder, and the sun peeking in through the practice room window. And suddenly, it fades and I'm back in the his bedroom, years later. 

What was that? It wasn't like the vision of the pictures before, there, I was only a spectator. Here, I could smell the old music room, and feel the sun, and I could sense Jungkook's presence. 

I was there. Maybe these powers are more than I've experienced. 

I place everything back in the closet and take a deep breath. I've wasted a lot of time going through his things. Going back this far might be difficult.

The pain in my temples start at a dull hum. I close my eyes and let everything reset, while I wait in darkness.

"Trying to think of ways you can prove it to me." 

I open my eyes and I'm sitting in front of him again. 

I point at his dresser, "That one has underwear, that one has socks. All of your shirts are sorted by color. In your closet there's a shoebox, pushed all the way to the back. Inside the shoebox, are memories. The porcelain flute, the sheet music, pictures of us that you used to take with your instant camera, notes we'd pass back and forth in class. It's all there." 

He looks at me dumbfoundeded, "But how did you--?"

"The first time I tried, I took your wallet and rewound. Your said it was easy for someone to slip that out of your back pocket. So, I went through your stuff, hit rewind, and now we're here." I say, shrugging and laying back onto his bed. 

He lays down on his back and stares at the ceiling in silence for a moment. He takes a deep breath and turns his head towards mine. 

"You really have it, the ability to turn back time. " He says, smiling at me. "You're being praised for your strength and character. You've always been this way."

Maybe he's right, maybe there is a reason. Maybe Its to help this girl by getting her the justice she deserves. 

He sits up and starts again, "Wait, can't you just turn back time and save the girl in those pictures?" 

I sit up as well and shake my head, "It doesn't work like that. I think I can only go back to a place that I've been before. I did it again when I saw the contents of that shoe box. I was really there. You were playing Chopin's Nocturnes, Op. 27. And I was falling asleep on your shoulder, and it was warm." By this time, my eyes are closed, as I'm remembering it again.

When I open them his eyes are closed too. He's smiling and leaning back on his palms. "I remember that day. Some girls were picking on you again." 

Whenever I got picked on, Jungkook would play me classical music in one of the practice rooms. Some days I would cry, others I would sleep, and some I'd just sit and listen. 

He protected me with music, and I protected him with my sharp tongue. 

In many ways, we worked as a single unit, we were much more than friends then. I wouldn't say we knew what love was back then... or even if it was a love that would lead to something more. 

At the time, it felt like an inseperable partnership. Now that I know what loss is like, I don't know if I could do it again.

I feel a hand on mine, and I notice his eyes are open again. 

"We can protect each other again. With you, I feel like we can solve anything." He says, almost as if he's reading my thoughts.

Everything feels at ease, and I feel comfortable with him again. There's still one thing I can't understand. Why would he treat me like such crap before? 

"I'm going to leave the stacatto club after we figure all of this out." He says, a familiar smile playing at his lips. 

I smile back and nod, "Good." 

I stand and go back to the evidence in his desk. 

"I want to know how Jin and Tae are involved in this, I refuse to believe they're behind this. And if they are, we have to put them in their place." I say, picking up the file and tucking it under my arm. 

"No, we stay here for now. We're safe. My parents won't be home so it's safe for you to be here with me. We have security guards and maids that are always on duty. Please. Just for tonight." He says, frantically. I can tell he's had and seen enough excitement for one day. 

He's the same person inside, although he's changed now. His frame is much larger, and he's much stronger than me. His face is more mature, and isn't as round as it once was. But, he's still the same person. 

He stands up to rummage through his closet and pulls out a sleeping bag. 

I laugh a bit and watch him as he lays it down next to his bed, "Oh, we aren't going to make a fort and sleep under it, like we would at my house?" I question, making his face turn red. 

"We... We're adults now. We can't sleep together like we used to." He says, a bit embarrased, smoothing out his sleeping bag. 

Does he see me as a woman now? As someone he could have interest in? 

Jungkook is perplexing. 


It takes him a bit to settle down, but when he finally does, he's laying in the sleeping bag and im in his bed. 

It's soft, and smells like him, clean linens, and pomade from his hair. 

He clicks the lights off with a remote from his dresser. 

It's quiet and a bit difficult for me to drift off to sleep. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling he starts to speak again. 

"I don't think Taehyung is purposefully involved in this. We used to be friends before I joined the staccato club. He'd never drug anyone or hurt anyone without being forced to. I don't understand his motive. Why would he have Kai's knife? And those weird pictures of the missing girl?" He says.

Now that I think about it, it was too easy for us to escape. Why would he leave such evidence easily exposed in the same room? 

I turn my head in his direction, "Do you think he made it easy for us to escape on purpose? And left the evidence easily accessible for us as well? Maybe he's in danger." 

I hear a grunt of approval from Jungkook, "Is it Jin then? He was last seen with her before she went missing." 

For some reason, I refuse to believe its him. Maybe it's my foolish heart speaking to me, making me believe that he isn't a suspect. How could someone so sweet, do something so evil?

After a long amount of silence, I hear Junkgooks breathing even out. It appears he's fallen asleep in my contemplation. 

I shut my eyes and let my mind slip into the darkness. 



Hello once again! I'm sorry I took such a long hiatus from this story! I started college and things just went from there!

Again your comments are always appreciated, and feedback as well.

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I know its been like a year and some time since I wrote anything, but I think I'm going to pick this up again.


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quality content
yuriftw #2
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back. I hope everything is going well with you. Also I just realized the connection with Life is Strange which is one of my fave games as well. I'm excited for what's to come in this story. <3
Chapter 6: Now I'm even more curious about what's going on. It seems like Jin was up to something from the start but now I don't know. I'm so excited for the next chapter. <3 <3
Ihershie #5
I FORGOT TO MENTION YESTERDAY! I watched an anime that Taehyung, Junkook and Jin had watched and I'm not sure if you've watched it but it's called the girl who leapt through time. Your story reminds me of that hehe
Ihershie #6
I love discovering gems in the world of aff
Chapter 3: I love it! I wanna know what's going to happen next *~* Please update soon <3