Chapter Six

Chasing Time

My head throbs painfully as I open my eyes to an unfamiliar room. My vision is blurry as I try to make out certain memorable objects around me. 

The lights are harshly white, making it even more difficult for my eyes to focus. The room is spinning and I feel like I need to throw up. My body feels heavy and slow, just like the first time. 

Where was I last? In my room? Who was I with? Jungkook? 

My body feels as if it's sprawled out awkwardly: my arms bound up, resting above me, and my legs tied apart. Am I dreaming? My vision is beginning to clear up, and I'm starting to recognize the room. It isnt mine, but we're back in Jin's apartment. 

There is some restraint, binding my wrists together. It must be a ziptie because it feels too tight and thin to be rope. I try and lift my legs, but they feel heavy, as if something is weighing them down. 

This is Taehyung's room, I saw it breifly when I used the bathroom the last time I was here. The heaviness is starting to wear off and I begin to panic. Why would he have me bound? Tied up? 

I don't understand, he never came off as the type to do something like this. I bring my wrists to my mouth, trying to gnaw off the restraint. The plastic won't budge, thankfully I know how to escape these. It's going to take a lot of force, and I need to sit up first. 

As I tighten my core to try and sit up, I notice something lying at the foot of the bed. Its a body: hunched over in the fetal position, on it's side, unconscious. 

A blindfold wraps around the head of the body, its black hair matted and twisted into different angles. My stomach drops as I recognize the person; it's Jungkook. 

I struggle to sit up all the way and raise my arms completely above my head. I slam them down, swinging them to my sides as I hear the ziptie snap open. 

My legs are tied by rope, just as I had suspected. My hands shake from fear and adrenaline as I attempt to untie my restraints. The knots are so tight, and I dont have any way to pull them apart. Looking around the room, I try to find another solution. 

Where are my keys? I fell asleep with them in my pocket earlier. I feel around and come to notice that I am wearing different clothing. A long T-shirt and some basketball shorts. 

The dresser next to me has my clothes, neatly folded on top of it. My keys and phone on top of the pile. Trying to stretch to grab the clothes, I reach for the phone and keys. 

I get a hold of my shirt and yank the pile towards me, my phone falling in the process. It's fallen behind the dresser, out of reach.  Now you've done it, Alex. I'm rushing and nervously trying to escape. This really isn't going to work if I don't calm down. 

I grab the keys and start sawing at the restraint on my left ankle with my car key. Surprisingly enough, it doesn't take much to cut through the rope. 

When Im finally free, I rush over to Jungkook. Lifting his head, I shake his shoulder lightly. 

"Jungkook... Jungkook wake up." I'm starting to panic, seeing as he's not going to wake up any time soon. He's warm so I know he isn't dead, but I can't just leave him unconscious. 

A low groan errupts from him, his voice is scratchy. "Alex, is that you? Where--Where am I?" I reach behind his head and untie the blindfold; he blinks a few times to adjust to the harsh light. 

"My head is killing me. Why are we in Taehyung's room?" He asks, trying to stand while gripping onto the dresser next to him. 

I can't answer him, something isn't right here. Taehyung can't be trusted anymore, not with the way I was tied up just now. I walk over to the dresser and start to push it out of the way. 

I see my phone, but there's something else there. An air vent. The cover is missing two bolts in the bottom, making it easily accessible. Something is telling me to look inside this vent. Maybe it's the strangely convenient placement of the airvent, or the fact that it was hidden behind something. 

Either way, I want to see what it behind that cover. I pick up my phone and try to turn it on. Unsurprisingly, it's dead. I tuck it into the pocket of the basketball shorts that I can only assume belong to Taehyung. 

I bend down and start prying at the air vent. 

"What are you doing? Shouldn't we get out of here?" Jungkook asks, bending down next to me. "Something is wrong here." 

"I know, but I need you to help me with this right now." I say, moving over to give him room. With both of us pulling at it, the cover finally opens. 

I reach in and feel a plastic bag, taped to the top of the vent. I pull it out and examine it. 

Inside there are vials of clear liquid, syringes, and capsuls. Drugs. Jungkook reaches his arm back in there as far as he can. 

"There's something else." He says, pulling out an acoordian file. 

Suddenly, footsteps interrupt our moment of calm. I stand and try to quickly make my way towards the door. Leaning up against the wall, I wave Jungkook over and he follows. 

The footsteps grow louder before they suddenly stop, then fade away as if they were turning around and going back. I take a deep  breath and move back to the vent, closing it and starting to move the dresser back. 

Jungkook helps and it appears to be untouched. I look at my pile of clothes on the bed. Why would he change me? He didn't do any thing... right? 

I shiver and shake my head, trying to shake out the thoughts. Is there anyway I can go back? No, that wouldn't help now. I can't possibly go back to a time where I was unconscious. It will just start all over again. 

What about Jin? He couldn't be involved in this, right? How could he not? There's no way Taehyung could have carried us both here on his own. And there's no way Jin could have missed us being dragged in. 

Feelings of anger and disgust compress my chest. Tears of frustration begin to well up in my eyes, I trusted him. I might have even liked him. Just like every other girl here. I thought I was better than that; I thought I was a little more clearsighted than this. 

I quickly gather my clothes, tucking away the file and ziplock in between them. 

An arm wraps around me gently, "Come on, let's get out of here." Jungkook says softly, moving me towards the door. He puts his hand on the knob and looks back at me. 

"This is the only way, stick to me. I'll protect you." He says, looking at me seriously. Our roles have flipped since we were kids, he says he's going to protect me now. 

What he doesn't know, is that I am even more brave now than when I was a kid. I know that in any situation, I can reverse time and fix it. 

I clutch the clothes and evidence and nod. 

He opens the door and looks around, stepping into the hallway. We walk past Jin's room to find it empty, the whole apartment appears to be empty. 

Where did Taehyung go? Why would he just leave us there? What did he want with us? 

Jungkook grabs my hand and begins to sprint towards the door, dragging me out towards the exit of the building all together. When we're outside, I can't help but notice how dark it is. I wonder what time it is. 

"We can't stay here, Alex. We can stay at my family home." He says, running towards the parking lot. "You have your keys, right?" 

I nod and continue running with him, holding onto my stuff for dear life. We slow down when we reach the parking complex. 

"My car is on the third floor..." I say, slightly out of breath. I haven't done any real physical activity since my sophmore year of highschool. 

We start to climb up the stairs, and I can feel my heartbeat drumming in my ears. It feels like it takes forever to get to the third level. 

When we reach my car, Jungkook catches my wrist. "This is your car?" He says, a skeptical look playing across his face.

I look at my black pickup truck and nod. "Why?" The horn beeps loudly as I unlock the doors. 

He shakes his head and walks around to the front passenger's seat. I get in just as he is buckling his seatbelt. I fasten mine and start up the truck. 

Making my way down the complex, Jungkook begins to examine the stuff that we took from Taehyung's room. 

"This is what he drugged your drinks with." He says, looking at the ziplock bag. How would he know that Taehyung did it? I got the coffee from Jin, but... he wouldn't, right? 

"I thought it was Jin at first. He ordered you the coffee after all... but... I saw Taehyung almost spill your drink in class. I think he might have slipped something in it at that time." He says, pulling out a capsule. 

I sigh and pull out of the complex, "Let's talk about this when we get to your house." I say, pushing the destination button on my navigation. "Type in your address." 

He punches it in and leans back in the seat. I can hear him fussing with the file that we found in the vent. I try my best to focus on the road but he isn't saying anything. 

"What's in there, Jungkook?" I ask, continuing to look at the road. He still doesn't answer, and after a few minutes I look at him when we reach a red light. 

His face is sheet white as he stares down at the glistening knife in his hand. I swallow a lump in my throat, its the same knife that he was attacked with. 

"Is that--" 

"Yeah. It's the same." He says, putting it back in the file before pulling out some papers. The light turns green and I start to drive again. 

"Alex... this... You have to see this." He says slowly, his voice shaking a bit. "We need to go to the police." 


Hello! Sorry this took too long guys! Well as always comment, subscribe, and upvote. I promise I will update soon! Your feedback is extremely important to me, so please give me some! Thanks!

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I know its been like a year and some time since I wrote anything, but I think I'm going to pick this up again.


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quality content
yuriftw #2
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back. I hope everything is going well with you. Also I just realized the connection with Life is Strange which is one of my fave games as well. I'm excited for what's to come in this story. <3
Chapter 6: Now I'm even more curious about what's going on. It seems like Jin was up to something from the start but now I don't know. I'm so excited for the next chapter. <3 <3
Ihershie #5
I FORGOT TO MENTION YESTERDAY! I watched an anime that Taehyung, Junkook and Jin had watched and I'm not sure if you've watched it but it's called the girl who leapt through time. Your story reminds me of that hehe
Ihershie #6
I love discovering gems in the world of aff
Chapter 3: I love it! I wanna know what's going to happen next *~* Please update soon <3